Filler chapter ~

At 6 in the morning y/n went for her usual run plus a bit extra as she didn't have practise because it's the weekend, after her run she was still tired so she thought that going back to sleep was the better option.

It was around 10am in the l/n household when y/n awoke again but this time to the sound of faint talking and the smell of breakfast.

Slowly stretching with a groan y/n say up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes to wake her up more.

Shuffling out of her duvet, sliding on her slippers and walking down stairs she was greeted by the sight of Papa T coming with a classic 'kiss the chef apron' while Papa H watched from their table in admiration.

Slotting herself in the chair next to papa h's is when they both finally notice she's down in the kitchen.

"Hello baby, how was your sleep?" Papa H inquired curiously.
"It was good papa, although I could swear I'm not having any dreams, it's horrible." Y/n answers honestly.
"You probably have dreams, you're just not remembering them!" Papa T said in return.

Breakfast was prepared and given to all members of their family, they are and chatted about their week since they hadn't had time to with the adults working and y/n being at practice it was hard as they were all tired after their days.

"What are we doing today?" Y/n asked finishing her last bite of food, "anything on today's agenda?"

The two father's looked at eachother before saying about a movie marathon, Disney cartoon preferably, and just chill as today want such great weather to go out in.
Y/n agreed because who doesn't like atleast some Disney cartoon movies - I mean she's only watched a few because of her childhood but today was a chance to get to watch some that she misses out on like the Encanto, Lion king, Frozen and Big hero six.


The movie marathon was a success: popcorn, sweets and all sorts of chocolates were eaten during the movies, tissues sat by y/n as she kinda got sad and cried at the Mufasa scene and when Baymax told Hiro to go forward without him.(they're emotional moments, don't judge!!)

A good hour or two nap was needed by the family who was spooning and cuddling on the sofa snoring lightly while basking in each others presents.

Once awoken y/n decided she was going to cook her and her Papa's a nice meal for the amazing day they had planned.
She opted to make some soba as it was easy and they had all the ingredients needed to make it.


Shaking her parents awake not before taking a few pictures for blackmail, she presented them with the soba. To say they loved it was an understatement, they always loved the food she cooked them but her soba was something else, a kick that they didn't know what it was.
Another movie was played while they were eating, sharing theories and other wacky ideas they could.

Washing up, her Papa's tried to figure out what movie to watch, by the end they had chosen their favourite movie which was Tangled!!

Settling down once more the film started and even before it ended y/n was asleep, her Papa's looked at Y/n with such adoration that the movie had just become background noises.

A frown overcame y/n features and the adults both semi-knew what she was dreaming of.
Papa T tightened his arms round her while Papa H rubbed y/n's arms comfortly.

"I'm worried Haru, she seems more troubled and quiet since the accident at school" Tyson informed as he gazes at Y/n.

"So am I Tyson, but if she wants to talk then we can't force her, it will make us seem like we're pressuring her or something." Haru responded.

"So we should wait for her."

"Yep, just wait for her."
