Chapter 2- Surprises

After the two girls packed their trunks and said goodbye to the Weasleys, well all but him, they each took one of Blaise's hands, and he apparated them to the Manor. It was stunning (Picture Above)

"This is your house?" Ginny asked.

"Sì," Blaise responded.

"What language is that?" Ginny asked.

"Italian," Blaise answered, "Everyone in our family speaks it. Draco and I find it funny to talk in Italian in the middle of classes. Teachers have no idea what we say."

"Alcuni studenti, però, (Some students do though,)" Hermione said.

"You speak Italian?" Ginny asked.

"Yep," Hermione said, "I speak lots of languages."

"Which ones?" Blaise questioned.

"Well obvoisly Italian. But also Spanish, Greek, German, Norwegian, French-"

"You speak French?" Ginny exclaimed.

"Pourquoi bien sûr, Ginny chérie (Why of course, Ginny dear)" Hermione responded.

"Maintenant, nous avons notre propre langage secret! (Now we have our own secret language!)" Blaise said in French.

Hermione gave a laugh while Ginny just stared bewildered, "What did he say?"

"That now we have our own secret language. Most people don't know French at Hogwarts." Hermione answered.

"Right," Ginny said.

"Come on, I'll show you each your rooms," Blaise said, levitating the trunks and walking inside.

The went up the stairs in the center of the room when you enter the house, and turned left down the corridor.

"Your room, dear sister," Blaise said signalling to a door on the right.

Hermione opened it and gasped.

Hermione's room:

Hermione wandered into the bathroom through the door on the side.

"This is beautiful!" She exclaimed.

Blaise smiled warmly from the doorway, loving how his sisters face would light up when she discovered something new.

"Glad you like it! Ready to see Ginny's room?" Blaise asked.

The two girls nodded and followed Blaise out of the room to the on across the hall. The room wasn't as sophisticated as Hermione's but it had its own beauty.

Ginny's room:

Ginny's bathroom:

"Oh my god! This is gorgeous," Ginny exclaimed.

Blaise loved how his sister's face had lit up, but it was nothing compared to Ginny. Blaise loved how her eyebrows would shoot up every time she got excited again, and how her eyes widened at the view from the window.

"Hey Blaise!" A voice called from downstairs, "Change of plans! I had to come a week early."

"Is that?" Hermione asked her brother who nodded.

"Follow me girls, this will take some explaining." Blaise said as he motioned for the two girls to follow him.

"Draco!" Blaise said as he walked down the stairs and engulfed his friend into a hug.

The girls couldn't help but share a look as they watch Draco Malfoy actually accept a hug from another human being.

"Blaise," Draco said, "Sorry for the surprise. Mum told me to leave early while she deals with the ministry. They're questioning mum about all dads weird dark objects."

"Of course. Its no problem. We have some company actually. They'll be staying here until school in two weeks," Blaise said pointing to the girls.

"Granger? Weaslette?" Draco asked turning his attention to them.

"They have names you know? This is Hermione and Ginny," Blaise said.

"What are they doing here?" Draco asked, not taking his eyes off them.

"Well, its a long story. I found my sister and invited her here. She brought Ginny with her to help adjust and stuff," Blaise explained.

"Wait then," Draco said as his eyes traveled between Hermione and Blaise, "Wait, Grangers your sister?"

"Its Zabini now, Malfoy," Hermione said cooly.

"Right. Yeah," Draco said still in a state of shock, "Of course. Sorry."

"You all right there?" Blaise asked.

"Yep. I will be fine," Draco said pulling out a potion and drinking it quickly. His face immediately calmed and he returned to normal, "Fine. Although now I'm out of these."

"What is it?" Ginny asked as she took the bottle and examined the few drops of liquid.

"Its an antidepressant potion," Hermione said as she looked.

"How do you know?" Blaise asked turning towards her.

"Oh, uh," Hermione said shooting Ginny a 'Help me now' look.

"Deep breaths. Your fine," Ginny told her sternly.

"Right." Hermione said and took a deep breath and thought of happier things, "I'm fine."

Blaise eyed her suspiciously so Ginny acted, "Hermione. Why don't you go take a shower? The boys hogged it last night."

Hermione nodded faintly and walked up the stairs. As soon as they heard the door shut Ginny grabbed the boys by their collars and pulled them into the sitting room, casting a silencing charm behind them.

"Alright, a few rules around Hermione," she said, "One, try not to get her to upset. We just barely got her to stop cutting herself."

"Wait why was she cutting herself?" Malfoy asked.

"Im getting to that. Two, if you notice she stops eating at all, tell me right away. And three, never under any circumstance whatsoever, Ever. Mention. Ron." Ginny finished through gritted teeth.

"What'd weaslebee do?" Blaise asked.

Ginny glanced up the stairs before speaking, "During the war there was a time that Hermione and that lying son of a gun kissed. After the war, he changed. He played Hermione. Got her to believe he was madly in love with her."

"That doesn't sound that bad," Malfoy said.

"Oh not yet," Ginny said with a dark look in her eyes, "While they were 'together' Ron would get drunk. A lot. He'd abuse her horribly. It was physical and mental. He'd beat her and tell her she worthless. One night Harry had left to go help McGonagall with some things so Ron had his room to himself."

"I don't like where this is going," Blaise said.

"You shouldn't." Ginny growled dangerously, "We all have George to thank. He heard something outside his door and peeked out. It was about three in the morning or so, and George was up cause he couldn't sleep. He said he heard a female begging for someone to stop. He crept up the stairs and found the noise coming from Ron's room. He opened the door and found...."

"Found?" Blaise gently prodded her.

"He found Ron in the process of hurting her. Rape." Ginny said.

The boys eyes bulged out of there skulls and Ginny thought their eyes might've landed on the floor.

"George threw him off and took Hermione down to his room. He healed all her cuts and bruises, and forced Hermione to stay in his room that night so Ron couldn't harm her. The next day when George went to confront Ron about what had happened, he found Ron in bed with another girl. Turns out Ron was constantly bringing home one-night stands as well as Hermione." Ginny finished, "He told the whole family, but Hermione hasn't been the same since really. She recognized your antideppresant potion because she has to take them. Well we have to force her to."

"That bastard," Blaise said shaking with fury.

"Who the hell thinks its okay to abuse someone," Malfoy growled thinking of how his mother was constantly abused by his fathrler.

"Its not okay," Ginny said shaking her head, "We didn't know this had been happening. Hermione was to scared to tell us. Its a miracle George walked in when he did or it could still be happening now."

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asked as she entered wearing black leggings, converse, and a light blue cropped hoodie.

"School. I was just telling them that we're the Head Girls," Ginny smoothly lied and the boys shared an impressed look.

"Oh cool," Hermione smiled sitting on the couch, "Any idea who the Head Boys are?"

"Yep," Blaise and Malfoy said at the same time.

"Who?" Ginny questioned.

"Us," Malfoy said.

"Yeah. Draco's the Head and I'm the Deputy," Blaise said proudly.

Hermione laughed and was soon joined by the rest of the people, her laughter being quite contagious.

"So, I have a question," Blaise said looking at his three friends, "Anyone know how to cook?"

Ginny and Malfoy shook her head while Hermione's jaw dropped, "You siriusly can't cook?"

"Nope," the three responded.

"Do you? Because if you don't we don't have anything to eat," Blaise said.

Hermione threw her hands in the air as she stood, "Unbelievable!" She said and walked away, her friends following, "You know what? I'm teaching you." She declared.

"Is that a smart idea?" Ginny asked.

"Yes. I'm not cooking every meal," Hermione said as they entered the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" She asked them.

"What can you make?" Malfoy asked.

"Everything. Choose something," Hermione said as she sat at one of the bar stools and waited for their answer.

"Oh! What about that muggle thing you forced us to eat?" Ginny asked, "It was really good."

"Ginny. I made you all eat about twenty different muggle foods. You'll have to be more specific." Hermione smiled.

"I don't remember what it was called," Ginny groaned, "It had the bread, melted tomato's and cheese. And then all those little things on them."

"A pizza?"

"Yes! That's it! Its sooo good. You boys will love it," Ginny said.

Blaise and Malfoy shared a look before shrugging, "Worth a try," Blaise said and Hermione smiled.

"Great," she then went around the kitchen and grabbed everything they'd need.

"Everyone grab a bowl," Hermione said as she pre-heated the oven.

The three listened to her, and followed along as she showed them how to knead the crust they had just made.

"No, Malfoy!" Hermione said standing next to him as he attempted to knead the dough, "Like this."

Hermione places her hands on his, and when he didn't flinch or pull away, she guided his hands to knead the dough. Malfoy had given up and just let Hermione move his hands in the correct way to knead the dough, but not watching. Instead of seeing what she was doing, he was just watching Hermione face as she guided his hands, smiling.

"Hey, Malfoy!" Blaise said breaking Malfoy out of his trance and looking over at Blaise, "Stop staring at my sister,"  he smirked.

"I wasn't," Malfoy argued.

"Sure, and I'm a pro at this," Blaise said as he held up his dough that was falling apart.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Alright, Malfoy's yours is finished."

She pulled her hands away from his and Malfoy was a little sad to see them go before he realized what he was thinking and menatlly slapped himself.

Almost an hour later, they had somewhat successfully made pizzas. Each had there own, and had retired to the sitting room where Hermione was putting on a movie for them to watch.

"So what's a moo-ey again?" Ginny asked.

"Its a movie, Gin and it's basically a story through pictures and people talking instead of words." Hermione explained as she pressed play.

She put on Beauty a the Beast. It was one if her favorites and she knew Ginny would love it. The boys, not so much, but who cares what they think.

By the end of the movie, Ginny was smiling from ear to ear, Malfoy looked bored, and Blaise was crying his eyes out.

"Blaise, mate, are you okay?" Malfoy finally asked as he shifted away from his friend and closer to Hermione.

"I-I-I'm f-fine. Its j-j-just so sa-ad. H-H-He a-almost d-died b-but she broke t-the s-s-s-spell!" Blaise choked out.

"Did you put something in his butterbeer?" Malfoy whispered into Hermione's ear causing her to laugh and Ginny to raise an eyebrow at Malfoy from the other side of Blaise.

"Alright, Blaise, let's get you to bed," Ginny said as she helped him to his feet and directed him up the stairs.

"Is he always so emotional?" Hermione asked looking up at Malfoy.

"Sorta," Malfoy sighed, "The last time he cried was when his father died."

Hermione simply nodded and stared into the fire.

"Hey, uh, I'm sorry," Malfoy said and Hermione turned to look at him, "For all those years and stuff."

"Its fine," Hermione smiled, "Forgive and Forget."

Malfoy looked at her and smiled, his breath hitching in his throat as he stared at her.

"Uh, Malfoy?" Hermione asked with a faint blush, "Is there something on my face?"

"Oh, uh no, just um, lost in thought," Malfoy quickly covered and looked back to the fire.

"Oh okay," Hermione said and she curled her legs up and leaned her head on Malfoy, "This year is going to be so different."

"It is," Malfoy sighed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "We'll pull through though."

Hermione smiled and closed her eyes, "Your right," she sighed, "Goodnight, Draco."

Malfoy froze and looked down at the sleeping figure of Hermione, "Goodnight, Hermione." He said loving how her name just rolled of his tongue.
