eighteen - trouble up ahead


"She's been.. sleeping with him? What about your ex-bestfriend?"

My eyes widened. "What about the baby?!" I said through a gasp. 

Rick looked at me as if to say, 'you didn't know?'

I nodded. "I just didn't think that she would actually.. Well.." 

"It makes me wonder if I was the only one that she was with when we'd first gotten together. It actually makes me sick," he shook his head, "and it doesn't help that she's actually trying to get custody of Carl and the baby.. I hope it isn't Shane's. Neither of them are fit to raise a baby. And I know that they're both aware of that."

I sighed. "Maybe it is yours. And we can raise it instead of them." 

He smiled. 

"I love that idea," he said, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"I miss my son," I whined. He chuckled. 

"One of them will be home soon."

I smiled at the thought. I was finally happy. Andre was finally happy. And sooner or later, I'm gonna battle Mike for full custody again, as soon as I get the money for a legit attorney. And I'm gonna win. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of a car approaching the house. I hopped up and dashed downstairs, excited to see Carl. But when I got downstairs and opened the door, I was disgusted to see Lori. Not because I'm Rick's girlfriend, but because the woman is sick. She sleeps with Rick's best friend and then her lawyer, too? In such similar timeframes at that. I just find it disgusting. I don't know anyone that wouldn't.

I rushed to shut the door, but before I could get it closed she was already too close to turn back. 

"Rick?" I called out, "You have a visitor!"

He darted down the stairs with a smile on his face, but had an extremely similar reaction to mine when Lori was revealed to him. 

"Why are you here?" He gently pushed me behind him.

"To talk about our son and potential daughter.. Yes, I'm having a girl. I came to talk about the lawsuit and about this DNA test. I need a swab of your DNA, no later than Saturday." 

He nodded. 

"Just take it now.. Or who do I have to give it to?" 

She pulled out a Q-tip from a ziploc bag in her purse. "It would be fine if you gave it to me."

He nodded again, and put the Q-tip in his mouth and brushed it around. 

"What now?" 

She smiled awkwardly. "That's all. Where's Carl?"

Rick chuckled. "He wouldn't wanna see you anyways, dear. I wouldn't try that if I were you,"

She shook her head.

"Now, you know that is not what my question was Rick. Answer. my. question."


I couldn't help but notice Michonne's change of facial expression.

"Uh, Lori, there's no reason for that. Carl is at school, but he won't be coming home tonight anyways. We'll let him know when he gets back that you were looking for him."

Lori approached Michonne, and now, they were no more than an inch away from each other.

"Listen here, bitch. Carl is my son with Rick. I don't know how many times a week you two screw each other, but it does not mean an you've replaced me! It doesn't!"

"Lori," Michonne replied calmly, "I advise you to get out of my face, right now. And then, get out of our house. Right. Now." Michonne growled lowly at Lori, who now looked taken aback.

Lori backed up and brushed herself off.

"I'll be back later, Rick."

She stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her. I chuckled as I locked it.

"Michonne," I started, "I thought you were gonna smack her right then and there."

"She isn't worth it." she shook her head as she spoke. She went and sat on the couch, and I sat next to her, laying on her lap to look up at her.

"I know, and I'm happy that you know that nothing can come in between us."

She leaned down to kids my lips. When she pulled away, I smiled.

"I really do love you," I said, looking her into her eyes.

"I love you, too, Rick." She smiled.

"I never knew it could take just a few months to fall in love with someone.."

"You didn't fall in love with Lori in three months?"

Her eyes were soft and she was clearly vulnerable.

"It wasn't consistent...Sometimes I loved her, and sometimes I didn't. But with you," I started, "I always love you, 'Chonne. It's always an ongoing feeling."

She smiled. "Ditto."

* *

"Lose a turn!" Andre yelled at Carl.

We decided that it would be a great bonding experience to play a game or something as a family.

When the game was finally finished, Michonne put Andre to bed and told Carl goodnight. She came into our room and laid down.

"I'm beat," she said through a sigh.

"Come here."

She scooted closer to me and laid her head on my chest. I played with her ear, something she'd told me she enjoyed in the past.

I sighed.

"Michonne, when are you and Andre gonna actually move in with Carl and I?"

She shifted her body so she could looked up at me comfortably.

"I didn't know we could.." She started. I spoke again before she could.

"Come on, 'Chonne. I love you and Andre. Of course you two are welcomed here."

She hesitated a bit before finally speaking.

"You don't think it's too soon? I mean it's only been almost three months since we actually got together.."

"I don't, personally, but if you do and you don't feel comfortable going through with it yet, we won't. It's all on your mark."

"Thank you, Rick.. I think I want to, but I just wanna be sure. I'll let you know."

I kissed her forehead.

"Alright, sounds good.. Goodnight, love."


hopefully this is enjoyable..i won't lie i've been on a stronggggg law & order: svu kick lately.. might write a Bensler fanfic, or a Mariska x Christopher fanfic. not sure yet.. if you guys could comment if you'd be interested in either, that'd be great. just so i can get some insight. thanks guys. i love you guys. 💓

