Sumaira - (2.0)

It's been a while.
Goal for chapter:
1000 reads, 150 votes.
Tia, xx.

The smile on my face refused to disappear even though I had left Muzhir's place. The smile on his face when I said I'd send him a date and that i wanted to marry him soon was one that took my breath away.

I drive into the the compound and turn of the ignition. Somehow, I feel more proud of my flip flops, then I pick the folder I went to get from work and bounce on my heels like a little girl into the house.

The smell of sweets welcome me as soon as I open the door and that's all I need to know that Mama was cooking again. I run into the kitchen and hug her from behind.

"What's up with you, sis?" Zam-zam asks from the chair she was seated in behind the island. She has a sweet in her hand and she seemed to be munching on it as fast as she could.

"Nothing." I reply her, sticking out my tongue and moving to take a seat beside her. Mama turns around and smiles at me.
"That's a lie, you're very bubbly." Mama says too joining in on the conversation.

"Muzhir's family want to come over."
Cue the screams.

Mama and Zam-zam begin to scream so much, but this time I don't cover my ears because I liked what this screaming was about.

"Tell us all about it." Mama says, pulling a strand of hair out of her face and turning the heater to a lower level so the food doesn't burn.

And then I do, I tell them how I saw Muzhir and found out that he's my boss' nephew that she had been trying to set me up with and how Aunty Basma was his mum and how we spoke without making me feel bored at all. And how I embarrassed myself and everything.

"Oh my God!" Zam-zam gushes after I finished the story. She and mum have been making cute remarks and gushing about how cute the both of us are and all that.

Mama smiles and tells me to go take a shower and dress more beautifully, that's we'd discuss the date at lunch with Papa and Zayd.

"Muzhir's family want to know when to come over." I said, getting straight to the point. "Papa, I told you it was him." Zayd said, smiling mischievously.

"What are you talking about?" I ask my brother, feeling totally lost. "The glow on your face." He smirks. "Papa and I were trying to figure it out." He finishes still retaining the silly smirk on his face.

"Papa, I'm disappointed. Are you guys saying I was always sad before now?" I ask, looking Papa in the eyes, feigning hurt. "Of course not, Mai." Papa replies me. He always wanted me to be happy.

"There is just a different reason this time." Papa jokes, joining in on the teasing. "Papa!" I shout, childishly. Everyone breaks into laughter.

"Let them come on Wednesday." Papa says suddenly out of the blue. I almost choke on my food. That soon! "I just really want to meet this Muzhir guy." Papa says wiping his mouth and getting up from the table. I follow suit.

I run up to my room and pick up my phone to text Muzhir, but my nerver rush back. What if he thinks we're desperate and he feels overwhelmed by us?

I push all those nerves aside and open my message application. I realize then that Muzhir had sent me a message asking if I got home safe. I smile at the sweet gesture and I realize that, the little message swept away what ever was left of the nerves.

"Yes, I got home already. Thanks for today."
"Say my regards to the family."
"I just spoke to my parents and they want your people to come in four days, that's on Wednesday."
"Would it be okay with you guys?"
"It feels like we're rushing things right?"
"Maybe you should just come when you're comfortable, I mean."
"Oh my God! I'm scaring you right?"
"Or maybe you're just busy and not seeing them."
"Just text me when you get my message or messages."
"I'll just go now, bye."

Ten messages later, I was full on panic mode. Now I'm certain I've scared him away, I mean how many people ask to meet a potential in law family in barely a week.

"Mai, can I borrow your black salwar, I'm going to the amusement park with Aliya." Zam-zam asks, coming into my room unannounced like she always did. I've stopped lecturing about it because there's really no point.

It had been over fourty minutes since I sent the messages to Muzhir, and still no reply. My mood had gone from good to bad in those minutes. I felt all sulky. I really didn't want to talk so I simply nodded at Zam's request, hugging my pillow closer to my chest and laying on the bed.

"Woah, you okay?" She asks, taking a seat beside me on the bed. "No, honestly." I reply her turning to face her. I sit up and fold my legs into each other Indian style. "What's up with you?" she asks, looking worried.

"It's Muzhir, I've been texting and he's not replying." I whine. Zam simply smiles at this. "Don't smile, it's not funny." I cry out, not finding her gesture funny at all. "Then call him, his phone might be on silent." Zam said.

I thought of that option before Zam's arrival but I didn't know if I'd be able to deal with it well if he didn't pick up the phone, so I didn't. But, hearing it from my younger sister was all I needed.

"You're right, I should call him."

I pick up the phone and dial his number, Zam still seated at the edge of my bed looking curious and hopeful.

"Muzhir Ilyas, Annur Electronics." His thick voice answers from the other side. I can't help but find it amusing. "Is that how you answer to every call?" I ask him, chuckling slightly after.

Zam simply gets up, gives me two thumbs up, and steals my Salwar of the hook, running out of the room with a smile on her face.

"Oh, Maira." He says. I smile at the nickname that still warms my heart. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I needed to tell you somethings and you wouldn't reply your messages." I say, lowering my voice, my cheeks beginning to the feel warm.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." He says, sounding almost relieved. I really want to ask but we really are not talking on the right terms. "It's totally okay. I just got worried for a minute." I say feeling like a stalker, if I were a little patient.

"I'm sorry for making you worry. I just went to the masjid and then I got carried away talking to the other brothers." He apologized. Men and their talkative nature, especially around other men. I guess it's a general thing.

"Are you okay?" he asks sounding worried.

"Yes, I am. I just need you to read your messages and get back to me." I reply, shyly. "Sure, I'll do that now and get back to you immediately." He replies almost immediately.

"Okay, Salamualaykum."

"Walaykumussalaam, take care." He replies, as I remove the phone from my ear. I scream out of excitement. "Oh, my God! That wasn't easy." I say to no one in particular. Then I throw my phone on the bed and notice the call screen is on.

"And holy biscuits! I didn't hang up." She shout, alarmed. I need to work on that habit of mine. I quickly jump to it, and hang up. Talk about embarrassing.

I jump off my bed and stuff my phone in my pockets. I run off into the kitchen to assist mum with the plates, but I see her and Zayd doing to so I slowly back away and go to sit in front of the TV.

The beep from my phone distracts me. Muzhir replied each of my messages and told me how Wednesday was totally okay with him too. I sent back a text telling him that was great and even joked about wearing my make-up from now.

But seriously, I hate make-up. So, I added it so that there won't be a conflict in ideas. He simply sent an emoji with tears in its eye from laughing. Aww, he finds my jokes funny.

I go back to watching my shows and get up to pray 'Asr as time went by, it was time for dinner. Mama and Zayd cooked. When we took a seat on the table, Mama told us how Zam won't be coming home tonight because she'd be at Aliya's.

We made small talk on the table and before I could blink, the topic had changed to my wedding and me getting married. It felt like that's what everything was about these days.

"By the way, what did Muzhir say?" Zayd asks me, dropping his fork on the edge of his plate. " Who says I spoke to him?" I reply him, trying to avert the discussion from topic 'me'.

"Oh please, we all know you rushed off from the dining after lunch to do so and the screams from your room weren't silent." Mama said. "Papa, they're picking on me." I whine Papa simply smiles and stretches out his hand to stroke my hair.

Mama taps his hand in reply , scolding him about hair and food. Mums!

"They'll be here on Wednesday." I say, grinning fully.

. Salwar: A large trouser, that has so much space, it can't be discrimated from a skirt.
. 'Asr: Evening prayers.

Well, hello from wherever I am.
It's been a few weeks since we last spoke. I've been very busy. I finished high school and I've been trying to work my admission, while working and taking classes.
So you understand?

I also wanted to thank you for all the reads and comments. We're at almost 830 reads. I literally cried when I saw it. You don't know how much it means to me.

Thank you, once again.

Remember to vote and drop your comments too.

Much love,
sasmoiname, xx.
