Chapter 2

Lukes POV

Me,Chloe,Jess,Annie&Kirby are heading to the park to meet everyone, this is the first time the guys have met Chloe, i can't wait for them to meet her, she's so cute the way her eyes sparkle when she's excited about something and when she's confused about something she tilts her head to the side and widens her eye's she looks like a puppy

when we get to the park Ashton and kayleigh are the only ones there

"hi I'm kayleigh" kay said coming up and giving chloe a hug

"I'm chloe" she replied

"oh we know luke talks about you all the time" Chloe goes bright pink and giggles shyly hiding into my hoodie

"you must be Ashton" she says to Ash and give him a quick hug

"so when are the rest of us then?"

"well Michael texted me that they just got in the car--"


"MICHAEL!!" me and ash scream running into the car

"hah guys guys I have a girlfriend I'm sorry we're over" mikey joked

"hey can you let us out of the car please?" mikayla asked

me and ash looked at each other and wasked round and I opened the door as ash undo's her seat belt

"Me lady" I said with a bow and she giggles and gets out

"does anyone know if Dominique is coming?"

" AAAASSSHHH!" we all sigh

"just ask her out already" mia says

"or are you scared?" ariane finishs

ash is blushing, wait ASH! My Bro ash that doesn't blush the most feminine thing to do and he just blushed

"n-no I-I'm just wondering because we, we're mates" Ash stutters

"listen mate" I start

"you obviously like her" everyone seems to finish for me

Mia's POV

everyone laughs except ash who's blushing seriously, I mean he looks like a tomato

"Ash, Dominique's over there" Chloe giggles

Ashton turns around and starts sorting out his hair

everyone is doubled over laughing at Ashton

when we finally get out of the car we all go and sit on the blanket that Michael brought and just talk we all find out more about chloe

"Luke!" we all jump as cal calls over he's with his girlfriend remmi and kayleigh ann his bestfriend

Remmi's POV

we see them all jump as cal shouts over to them we see literally everyone there's loads of people,and someone I've never seen before she seems quite close to luke, maybe she's his girlfriend? well I don't know.

"Hey guys, so who's this then?" I say pointing at the mystery girl

"it's chloe, Lukes girlfriend" Ash replys

"hi chloe, im Remmi, this is callum and this is kayleigh ann"

"so guys long time no see we need to catch up"Annie says

"come on sit down we were just about to play truths" kirby says sweetly, she's so innocent,until you get to know her the when she goes crazy, in the nicest way possible, she's amazing though, her black hairs always styled in the most amazing way possible.

Ashtons POV

There's so many of us here now but i just want Dominique here, everyone teases me about her but I don't really mind it but

i just hope they don't do it around Dominique, that would be awkward

oh god! but her smile... and her eyes ahh I could just get lost in them and-

"ASHTON?" Luke snaps me out of it

"yeah I was thinking"

"so yeah or no?" ariane asks

everyone exchanges looks and giggle

"err maybe.."

"so you MIGHT date Dominique?" Chloe squeals luke giggles under his breath and luke just sits there watching her, not in a creepy way a really sweet way, when she finally catches him she shuffles up to him and lays her head on his chest, something I wish me and Dominique would be able to do but no way would she have feelings for me that way, she's way out of my league, im lucky to even talk to her...

Chloe's POV

Ash is daydreaming, about Dominique I guess he's been talking about her all day well I mean for the time we have been at the park, im sweating in Lukes hoodie it's massive, he didn't want to wear it and he didn't want to carry it so I put it on its pretty comfortable to be honest, I really need to take it off though I'm boiling

"isn't my hoodie good enough for you?" Luke jokes

"naah I'd prefer Ashtons any day, isn't that right ash?"

"yeah any day just take a look in my wardrobe" Ash laughs

the look on Lukes face was priceless

"I'm just joking lukey" I sit up to give him a kiss

"nope" he fake pouts"I'm not kissing you until you apologise"

"fine" I cross my arms over my chest "let's see who gives in first then"

Dominiques POV

"Fine mom" I say trudging upstairs truth be told I really can't be bothered, but I suppose it would get me out of the house and get ash of my mind

I put on my high waisted acid wash shorts and my '69' crop top, i throw my hair up into a sock bun with my daisy head band around my head

I run downstairs tripping over the last few steps I regain my balance and brush myself off, i put my converse on and I'm ready

"took your time dom"

"muuuuumm" I whine "can we just go?"

As we were walking down the street I realised I left my phone at home... great

when we finally got to the park I noticed ash and a lot and I mean A LOT of other people

Annies POV

it's been a while since chloe and luke had that 'argument' I can tell he's going to do something soon I just don't know what..

"ASHTONNNN!!!" I swear everyone flinched as Dominique came running over diving into ash's arms, they just can't stay off of each other

there was a reeeeaaalllyy loud shriek as i turned round I realised it had come from chloe as luke was tickling her, i couldn't stop laughing I grabbed my phone and started recording! luke must have been tickling her for about 5 minutes until she gave up

"okay okay I give up ill give you a kiss" Chloe manages to get out

"that's not what I want" Luke says stopping tickling her

"what do you want?" she asks

he simply carrys on tickling her with chloe squealing with laughter

"Stop please stop or luke I swear to god! stop tickling me, please?"

"fine"he says and leans down and kisses her nose

"hey where's cal?" Luke asks

"and remmi?" kirby giggles

"ooh naughty times" ash laughs

"just like what you want with dom so you can't say anything" kayleigh ann giggles

Ashtons face oh my gosh it was hilarious!

"hey what did we miss?" remmi asks

guys sorry it's a really crappy chapter but I'm sorry

I love you guys :)

~Chlo x~
