~Chapter 1~

Katalin's P.O.V

Hi my name is Katalin but everyone calls me Kat and am 17 years old and i live with my nan because my nan said she would look after me why she gets better and she has but she said that she has a husband now he she lives with him and his son and there friends in his house and she has asked me to move in with her and i told her i would have to ask my nan i really want to be with my mum because i really miss her and i have found out my boyfriend for 2 years has been cheat on me with the school slut from the cheerleaders and i have been upset and i have not trusted a guy seen i found out we have been together seen i was 12 and i found out at 13 he was cheat on me but i think its a good time to go because 1 i will not see him or her 2 because i don't have any friends and 3 because i miss my mum and my nan said yes so i leave today i can not wait.

 End of P.O.V

Pagie: Ready sweetie heart.

Katalin: Yeah mum.*Turns to her nan* Thanks for everything nan and i will come back and visit i promies.*Hugs her*

Anna:*Hugs her back* Make sure you do sweetie.*Pulls away* Now go.

Katalin:*Walks to the car and opens the door and see Jake*

Jake: Katalin places don't go i need you.

Katalin: No i want you to stay away from me and my family for good Jake and never call or text me you chocie her over your girlfriend and you use me.

Jake: I know and am sorry.

Katalin: I have to go bye Jake.*Gets in the car*

Pagie: You ready honey.

Katalin: Yeah just go.*Lets a tear go down her face*

Pagie:*Climbs in the back and hugs her* Its ok sweetie am sure you will find someone better then him.

Katalin:*Hugs her*

We got there a few hours later

Katalin:*Unpacks her things and sits down*

Alexander: Dude where are you going.

Edward: Some where no one can find me.

Alexander: Where is that under your bed.

Katalin:*See her phone go off and asnwer it* Hello

Jake: Katalin places before you hang up.

Katalin:*Hangs up and throws her phone at the wall and starts crying on her pillow*

Alexander's P.O.V

I was talking with Edward and we hear something hide the wall from the next room and then hear crying and Sam run down to get Pagie and my dad because it come from Pagie's daighter's room and i went in and i saw she had break her phone and when i looked at her i know her i saw her around school with Jake he was the biggest jerk out of the football team anyway she was crying her heart out on her pillow like she dose know what to do.

End of P.O.V

Alexander: Hey you ok.

Katalin:*Sits up* Yeah am fine.*Wipes her eyes*

Pagie:*Runs in with Samuel and hugs Katalin rocks her* Come on now honey he is not to cry over it was his lost he lost the most beatiful and smarts person he could ever have.

Katalin: But i have to see him at school.

Samuel:*Mind links Alexander Alex you take Logan and Jack and find this Jake guy and tell him to stay away from Katalin and he is a werewolf to*

They walk out and do what they have been told.

The next day.

Jasmine: Hey Katalin i hear about you and Jake am so sorry but i had to because am not going to let you be happy.

Katalin: Jasmine you can have him do you know why because i can find someone much better then him even if you are in my way i will still be happy because i have a family and my mum loves me and so dose my nan and you can not make me un happy.

Jasmine:*Walks away*

Jake: Nice.

Katalin: What do you want Jake.

Jake: I know your still mad but places give us a second chance.

Katalin: Read my lips N o spells no so get over it.*Close her locker and see her friends and walks off*

Alexander:*Stops him from follow them* What did we tell you to what.

Jake: Stay away from her.

Alexander: Then do it or we will give you so much pain like you did to her.*Walks away with the boys*

At lunch time.

Jasmine:*Walks over to Alexander* Hey babe.

Alexander: I don't think so Jasmine.

Jasmine: Why not you know you want to.

Alexander: No i don't even if i did it would not be with you.

Jasmine:*See all of his friends laughs and walks off mad*
