
Michellexxx_345 said that if I updated today she would make me a whole Fp and Betty one shots book..... sooo I obviously agreed. I hope you all enjoy this extra chapter and make sure to follow her! ❤️

Betty POV:

Reggie: well well well Betty. He said with a smirk.

My jaw dropped as I realised who it was. He probably saw Mr. Joseph leaving. Great.

Betty: oh my god. I said as I covered my face with embarrassment.

I was thankfully fully under the covers as I was completely naked.

Reggie: you've got some explaining to do. He said with a laugh. I let out a sigh.

Reggie is one of my best friends, one of Caleb's as well. He's also Archie's step brother.

Reggie: you know you usually greet me with a hug, I'm waiting. He said with a wink.
Betty: shut up. I said making him laugh.
Betty: can you please give me your jumper? I asked him.
Reggie: now, why ever would you need that? He asked. I rolled my eyes. He let out a laugh and handed me his jumper.

Reggie: so you and Mr. Joseph? He said with a wink. I let out a laugh as I picked up my leggings off the floor and put them on.

We walked downstairs and took a seat in the lounge.

Reggie: looks like you've had a wild night. He said making me blush. He let out a deep laugh.
Reggie: I'm really hoping Josh isn't upstairs in his room. He said as he tried to hold back laughter. My jaw dropped.
Betty: I wouldn't do that to him. I said back.
Reggie: well I never would have thought that you'd fuck your teacher, but look at where we're at. He said with a grin.
Betty: I hate you. I said making him chuckle.

For the rest of the night and into the very early hours of the morning we spent it talking and catching up.

Reggie lives in New York with his mum. Archie and Reggie are related by Fred Andrews.

When Archie was born Fred and his Mum Mary had a divorce. At the time of the divorce, Fred had met Reggie's mum Melinda and gotten her pregnant.

It had reached about five am and I was exhausted. Reggie was fine since the time difference isn't effecting him.

Betty: I'm so tired and hungry. I said as I closed my eyes and rested my head on Reggie's neck. He wrapped me in his arms and kissed my head.

When Reggie and I were about 10 we'd always mess around with each other and act a little flirty although we didn't mean it at the time. Caleb hated the thought of me dating him, or me dating anyone in general.

I remember one day where Caleb had pulled me aside. He made me promise him that I'd never date Reggie. Reggie had always obviously been a friend to me so I obviously agreed never to date him. It's fun to flirt and mess around with him but we'll never have feelings for each other. It's just a little bit of fun.

Reggie: why won't we go to Pops and I'll buy you as many hot chocolates as you want. He said with a soft smile.

He would offer me coffee but I hate the taste.

Betty: deal. I said as he took my hand and pulled me up.

We walked out to my car and I let him drive, even though it's a Tesla that can drive it's self.

I got into the passengers seat and slept until we arrived at Pops.

I was soon awaken to the gentle taps of Reggie. I got out of the car and closed the door.

As we walked up to the door Reggie wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kept me close to him. I rested my head on his shoulder.

He opened the door for me and I gave him a thank you.

We walked up to the register and we were greeted by Pop, he's such a lovely man.

Reggie ordered me a hot chocolate and fruit salad since that's what I always get when I have breakfast. He then got himself a coffee and egg and back roll. Pop said it would be ready soon so we both took a seat next to each other.

Betty: I'm freezing. I said.
Reggie: that's what happens when you fuck someone. You're only warm whilst doing it. He said with a chuckle.
Reggie: come closer. He said.

I did as he said and he wrapped me up into his arms. I cuddled into him as I embraced the warmth he was providing me.

Reggie: you're literally in my jumper, you should be hot by now. He said with a chuckle.
Betty: yeah but I literally have no shirt on underneath it and I'm wearing leggings which don't help with anything. I said.

Our food soon arrived and I wrapped my hands around my hot chocolate to try and warm me up.

We slowly ate breakfast as we continued to chat about everything going on with ourselves.

Reggie: so, have you got a boyfriend yet or just occasional sex with your teachers? He asked with a straight face as he took a sip of his coffee. I rolled my eyes playfully and lightly hit him.
Betty: I'm single, and I usually don't sleep with my teachers. I said back.

As I said that I wished I could have said I was in a relationship with one of my teachers. I need Sweet Pea, he never leaves my mind. At this point I have enough love for the both of us.

Betty: well how about you, are you in a relationship? I asked.
Reggie: single. I haven't found anyone as perfect as me, it'll probably take a while. He said cockily as I rolled my eyes.
Betty: so in other words, you haven't found a girl that will tolerate you. I said with a giggle.
Reggie: well isn't that rude? He said with a grin as he began tickling me.

I was squirming all around in his tight grip.

Betty: R-Reg I'm s-s-sorry. Once I had stuttered out that sentence he finally stopped ticking me and wrapped his arms back around me.
Betty: you're so mean to me. I said as I pretended to be angry at him.
Reggie: we both know you can't stay angry at me gorgeous. He said knowingly as he kissed my head. I rolled my eyes.

We stayed at Pops until it reached 10 am. We had spent a lot of time there and I needed to go home so I was there when Josh arrived. Dee was dropping him off at my place.

We soon arrived home and we flopped onto the couch. By this point we were both exhausted and we both closed our eyes.

Sleep took over us for about an hour and a half until we heard the doorbell ring.

I got up and answered the door as Reggie went back to sleep.

I opened the door and saw Josh standing their with the biggest smile on his face. On the side of the road I saw Dee and I gave her a smile. She smiled back and drove off.

Betty: how was your night? I asked as I kneeled down so he could embrace me in a tight hug I knew he wanted.

As I had suspected, he immediately ran into my arms and embraced me in the biggest hug he could. Gosh I love him so much.

No matter what, whenever I see his big smile or I feel his arms wrapped around as much of my body as he can. It just always makes me happy and instantly makes me forget about all the other problems I'm facing.

Josh: it was really fun! He said excitedly as I exited the embrace and took his hand in mine.

As we walked into the lounge he saw Reggie and got excited. They've formed a friendship which I'm more then happy about.

Josh: Reggie! He said loudly and excitedly.

I looked to Reggie and it thankfully didn't wake him up.

Betty: Josh, me and Reggie are both extremely exhausted. Is it okay if you watch a movie and we sleep? I asked and he nodded his head.

I put on his favourite movie and took a seat on the couch. Josh moved closer to me and wrapped one of my arms around him. A small smile formed on my face.

Betty: I love you. I said with closed eyes.
Josh: I love you too. He whispered back.

I woke up a few hours later, I'm assuming due to the smell of pizza filling my nostrils. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the boys sitting on the floor as they ate pizza.

Betty: how long was I asleep for? I asked as I rubbed my eyes.
Reggie: well, lets just say it's 7 pm now. He said making my eyes widened. Josh saw and let out a giggle.

I looked down to Josh and smiled.

Josh: come sit here. He said as he patted the floor beside him. I nodded my head and took a seat next to him.

Betty: so much happened while I was asleep. I said making the boys laughs.
Reggie: you hungry, I think I got a bit to carried away with the food. He said making me laugh.

I took a slice of pizza as we began to watch some movie the boys had chosen out.

We had mean lazing around for about another hour when I realised Archie probably doesn't know that his step brother is in town.

Betty: Reg? Have you told Archie that you're here? I asked him and he shook his head.

I let out a laugh as I got my phone and texted Archie, telling him to come over. Within a minute he replied back saying he'd be there in a second, that the best thing about him being my best friend, he's also my neighbor.

I soon heard a knock on the door and Josh went up to get it. I usually wouldn't let him answer but since I knew it was Archie it's fine.

Archie soon walked in and had a shocked expression on his face once he saw Reggie.

Reggie: your favourite brother is in town. He said with a smirk.
Archie: my step brother, and definitely not my favourite brother in town. He said making me laugh.
Betty: do you have another brother we don't know about? I asked while raising an eyebrow.

Archie picked up josh who was standing beside him and looked to Reggie and I.

Archie: Josh is my brother. He said with a smirk.
Betty: of course, how couldn't we tell? The red hair and blonde hair should have given it away. I said making us all laugh and Josh giggle.

Archie soon put Josh down and Josh ran into my arms and embraced me in a hug.

Betty: you're my brother. I said as I hugged him tightly. He hugged me tightly back as he placed a kiss on my cheek.

Josh sat in my lap as Archie joined us. We all sat in the lounge with the lights off as we watched some comedy movie.

It started to get late and I saw that Josh was slowly starting to fall asleep in my lap. I ran my hand through his hair and he relaxed more into my lap.

Betty: you tired baby? I asked and he shook his head no.

I knew he was lying because he wanted to stay up with us.

Betty: well I'm feeling tired so I'm going to kick them out. I said with a smirk. He let out a giggle.

Betty: as much as I love you both, leave. I said making Josh laugh.
Reggie: I'm too amazing to be kicked out. He said cockily.
Archie: you've been kicked out of so many night clubs for being way too drunk. Not to mention that you got kicked out of a- He started before Reggie cut him off.
Reggie: okay, that's enough. How the hell do you even know that stuff? He asked.
Archie: I'm your big brother, I know everything. He said back with a smirk as Reggie rolled his eyes.
Reggie: you're only a couple months older asshole- He said but I cut him off.
Betty: language! I yelled at him, making Josh giggle.

Betty: what are you giggling about? I asked with a grin as I began tickling him.

His small little body began squirming in my grip. He tried to wiggle away from me but each time I just pulled him back.

After a minute of his giggly pleads for me to stop tickling him, I finally stopped. He rested in my lap as he tried to catch his breath.

Josh: you're mean. He said as he crossed his arms over his chest and put on a fake angry face. I knew he really wasn't angry at me but I decided to play along.
Betty: I'm sorry. I said as I placed a kiss on the side of his face.
Betty: forgive me? I asked and he nodded his head with a smile. He wrapped his arms around me and cuddled into my chest.

The love I have for this kid is indescribable.

Reggie: see, why don't you ever treat me like that? He asked as he looked up to Archie.
Archie: do you want me to tickle you, then when you get fake angry I kiss you and then we cuddle? He asked.
Reggie: it couldn't hurt. He said under his breath.

Archie grew a smirk on his face and Reggie knew he was in for it now.

Reggie immediately jumped up and began running all around the living room so he could avoid Archie.

Instead of tickles, Archie will tackle Reggie, instead of a kiss, Archie will try and lick Reggie. And lastly, instead of cuddles, Archie and Reggie will just yell at each other, coming up with whatever insults they can think of in the moment.

We watched in amusement as the boys ran all around the living room. I pulled out my phone and began videoing the boys on Snapchat.

Once I had finished videoing them, I wrote 'my boys' and posted it.

They were still running around and I could see how exhausted Josh was.

Betty: come on, I'll take you to bed. I said as he let out a yawn.

I picked him up and carried him on my side. He wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulder.

I walked up the stairs and into his room. I carefully put him under the covers and tucked him in. His eyes were barely open at this point.

Betty: good night darling. I said as I placed a kiss on his head.
Josh: night. He mumbled as sleep had completely taken over him.

A small smile had formed on my face, but not for long as I heard the sound of Archie and Reggie yelling at each other. I rolled my eyes and walked back downstairs.

I walked into the lounge and saw Reggie on the floor as he was being pinned down by Archie.

Betty: okay guys, you really need to leave, Josh is asleep. I said and they nodded their heads.
Archie: we're continuing this at home. He said as they both got up.

I let out a chuckle as I knew they were definitely going to resume this play fight.

Once the boys had left I locked everything up and noticed a yawn of my own escape my lips.

I decided to call it a night and headed up to bed. I quickly changed into a pair of booty shorts and a tight tank top that revealed everything since I had taken my bra off.

I walked to my bed and buried myself under the covers. I took one of the spare pillows on my bed and began cuddling into it as I slowly drifted off to sleep, one beautiful man on my mind; Sweet Pea Connor.

Sweet Pea POV:

I woke up bright and early as I felt the sun glaring into my eyes. I rolled over and had a look at the time. My clock read 7:25 am. I let out a groan but got myself out of bed.

I had nothing but sweatpants on as I made my way to the kitchen.

I decided I'd make myself a protein shake and start my morning off at the gym.

I began putting a whole load of healthy things into a blender and soon had my protein shake ready to go.

I left it on the counter as I walked into my room. I changed into a pair of shorts and a shirt that showed and defined each of my muscles.

I found a gym bag and put in a few things that I'll need. I also decided that after my workout I'll get some breakfast at Pops and start planning my lessons for the week.

I've been to the small diner a few times, the food there is great.

I got everything and picked up my protein shake as I headed to the local gym. I haven't been there yet so I guess I'll take a look around and see if it's good.

I arrived at the gym and as soon as I walked in I was amazed. For a pretty drab town, the equipment in here was some of the best I've ever seen.

Maybe Riverdale isn't to bad after all.

I walked up to the desk and after buying myself a member ship here I began my workout.

I usually do a five kilometer run as a warm up and then I move onto whatever area of my body I'm working on, on that particular day. Today was leg day which is the worst, but it had to be done.

I started doing leg presses and did 21 sets.

I continued to do some other exercises for the next hour and a half, by then I was completely exhausted. I wrapped up my last set and called it a day.

I got back into my car and went to Pops. I ordered some breakfast and took a seat in the old fashioned booths as I began planning out my lessons and what I'm going to do with Betty for our study session.

It was impossible for me to think about the study session without thinking about our last conversations. She hates me, I wonder if she'll even show up?

There's not much more that I can say but I'm her teacher. It's so inappropriate the thoughts I have about her.

I don't know what to do. I want her so, so, so badly but it's extremely risky if we get together. But then again every moment I'm away from her, knowing that I've hurt her, it's tearing me apart. I want to hold her in my arms and cuddle her tightly as I press soft kisses onto her forehead and temple. I want to tell her how sorry I am and most of all I want her to forgive me.

I want her to want to have me in her life because I need her. I need those sweet lips against mine like we need air to breath.

We've only kissed once and majority of the time she's known me, she's probably hated me. But she has this power over me. If she asked me one more time for us to get together, I don't think I'd be able to resist.

I think I just need to ask her out, it's affecting us both now. It's so awkward between us during class and every time my eyes drag over her body, I can't help but feel guilty for the hurt I've caused her.

We use to give each other cute and longing looks. Now when ever we make eye contact we quickly look in another direction.

We can't even look at each other anymore. That's how bad things have gotten.

I was distracted from my computer when I heard the sound of the bell ring. My eyes flashed onto the door and what I saw made my heart drop, drop further then it already was.

Betty and some guy walked in together. She had her arms wrapped around his waist and her head resting on his shoulder. The guy had his arm wrapped around her shoulder, keeping my- Betty close to him.

Anger and jealousy rose up within me. Why was she with this guy? She's supposed to be mine, not some horny kid who won't look after her.

For the rest of the morning I wasn't able to take my eyes off them. Betty kept cuddling him and I was ready to go over there and pull her out of his arms.

That should be me that's cuddling her. I should be with her, peppering soft kisses on her head and making her giggle. She should be wearing my jumper as I tell her how much she means to me.

He shouldn't be the one touching her, I should.

I kept my eyes on them until they had left. I looked down to my computer and realized I got absolutely no work done today. I let out an angry sigh as I packed my stuff up and headed home.

As soon as I got home all I did was mope around over the fact that she could have been mine, twice, but I rejected her.

The right thing to do is put all this awkward tension behind us and forget that the kiss ever happened. What my heart wants though, it's completely different. My heart says get her to forgive me and take her as mine.

I've never felt this strongly for a girl, what is happening to me?

A boring chapter, ugh.
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