Chapter tw0. Ribbit. 00ps.

OH MY GOD! I HAVE 55 READS!! I know it's not much compared to some others, but I put lots of thought into this and it makes me really happy when people read my hard work! Thank you!!
Dave's pov:
  "Dang what do you think this weird thing is?" I say and bend down a bit.  John pushed up his glasses and hmmed. Like he went "hmm". "It looks like a portal or something" John said after he hmmed. "Ridiculous", said rose and crossed her arms,"you know portals don't exist." "They sorta do in my house!", Jade pipes in and rose decided not to argue.  (Name) bent down too to get a closer look, "we should test it." It's probably just some cool light thingy some street artist put there. It looks so real though. I shrug," can't hurt". (Name) tears a piece of paper out from somewhere on her backpack. She crumples it up and holds it for us all to see. "Perfect", she says, "John you suggested that it's a portal so would you do the honors of possibly sending this dear piece of paper off to another dimension?" "I'd love to" he responded and plucked it out of her hand. "Just think about (name) naked." "STOP IT ALREADY DAVE" he whined and dropped the piece of paper.

Rose's pov
It disappeared. (Name) just dropped it onto the green thing and it left no trace of that crisp paper ball. "This is a fake!" I blurt which turns six eyes on me. "I mean, there's no way this is a portal it's just a hoax some people put here to fool idiots, hopefully unlike you. Someone's probably hiding behind a bush with a video camera and will burst out once we try shoving ourselves into it." "Oh come on rose!" Says jade with with frustration and pleasing in her voice. "Even if it's not a real portal, it's still fun to pretend!" "Ya rose" Dave chimes in, "there's nothing wrong with pretending some shit, but if you say so, it's still something pretty fucking clever." John stands up and dramatically waves his hands, " A-HEM, watch and behold as I disappear into this magical portal forever! Oooooo spooky." (Name) laughs and goes, "oooh ahh" until jade joins in. "But this trick is dangerous" "ooooh aahhhh" "so dangerous in fact you must all help me out and make a chain to pull me out!" "Oooh aahhhh" "I, the great Egbert, will hold onto the amazing Strider, who will hold onto the indestructible Harley, Who will hold onto the invincible Lalonde, who will hold onto last but not least the mighty (L/n)" we all jokingly followed along with John and linked arms with each other.

(Name)'s pov:
I linked arms with Rose andJohn took a step. His foot disappeared and shock went up his face. "Guys, I think I'm actually stuck, I'm being pulled under" oh John. He's such a prankster. "Oh no!" Dave says sarcastically, "I'm being pulled too!". "Guys I'm serious!" John said, "help!" We laughed but John fell forwards in pulling us with him before we could think. John was gone and Dave was half in, "HELP ME, PLEASE. PLEASE" he yelled so loud he almost was crying. Jade was just screaming and Rose and I were frozen. "HELP M-" he was gone then Jade, then rose and- I let go right as rose went under. I start to hyperventilate and cry.its gonna be ok. Don't worry, they're not dead. More tears, ah. I peer over the edge to see is I can see them but can't. I feel a pull on me. I reach for my phone to call 911. Yea that's it, they can help. I turn around but trip over my damn shoelaces, the green thing draws nearer and I'm just falling... Falling....
