
"Listen, you've got to take me to wherever he is. No, this is not me accepting the whole deal you made up, but you will take me there," John tried to bargain.
"Fine, then. As long as you haven't made any...decisions yet," Billy agreed hesitantly.
"We're using my car, then. I'm driving."
John slid into the driver's seat, still tense.
"What are you thinking? Get in the back!" John ordered, pointing his thumb backwards. He rolled his eyes.

Billy instructed John as to where to go. Surprisingly, the directions were accurate.
"So, are you sure that this is correct? No tricks?" John asked.
"No tricks," Billy affirmed.
He hurried into the house, not wanting to waste a second.
"Where's Paul?" John inquired.
"The basement."
Billy led the way downstairs. John spotted Paul immediately. He rushed over to him.
Paul was slumped against a wall, barely conscious. John kneeled beside him, placing his hand on top of Paul's.
"Are you awake? Do you know what happened?" John asked gently. Paul gave a small groan, slightly shifting away from John.
"Paul, you've got to wake up somehow," John tapped his arm urgently.
"John?" Paul muttered, his eyes opening a bit.
"Yeah, that's me."
"Where am I?" he somewhat slurred.
"You're—" John was cut off when a small rag was forced onto his mouth. It was Billy, of course. John struggled in his grasp, but was stuck kneeling due to Billy's grip. He blindly kicked out, but the movement only failed. He couldn't do anything.
Billy was actually more powerful.
After a few minutes, John unwillingly relaxed, his vision fading as he fell to the floor in a nearly limp way.
