Chapter 7

I walked down the small, cobbled path, allowing the harsh winter breeze to nip at my skin as I paid it no thought, the birds were singing, well, more like screaming, in the trees as they shook from the strong gale of wind.

I had been left to my own devices promptly after our breakfast, Alisha stating she had a date with some friends up in the nearest human village and Weylyn being summoned into his office by his beta. Leaving me to entertain myself. 

I had aimlessly wandered around the hallways for an hour or so finding little to my interest, apart from a huge library with a few blank canvases set up, waiting to be filled. However, I didn't want to start painting only to find out it belonged to someone else, leading to where I was now.

Half freezing my ass off in a rose garden.

I had always admired roses, how beautiful they were, innocent enough to anyone who didn't truly know what a rose was capable of. Pricking you, drawing blood, if you weren't careful enough with it. My mother had always called me her little rose and I never truly understood why until I saw one for the first time.

Up in the angel realm, we don't have earthy flowers, I mean, we could if we wanted too but my mother always liked the idea of keeping the mortal and the divine separate, no one caused much of a fuss as if they truly wanted something from earth they could always come down themselves. I was the only one who ever saw that realm as a prison. I was caged, unable to go to the one place I always wanted. 

Until now.

I continued my journey down the path, watching as the rose bushes grew higher on either side of me, joining overhead to create an arch, entirely enveloping me in their delightful scent, the colours ranging from the palest whites to the deepest purples, all blended together in a beautify harmony- a sunset of sorts- and I wished to never have to leave the beautiful place I had found.However, the weather was not on my side as no sooner had that thought passed my mind did the heavens open and rain started beating down harshly on the ground. I squeaked like a disturbed animal of sorts and began frantically running back in the direction of the pack house. Apart from I'm pretty sure now I've seen that stature twice already and I think I turned left instead of right on the way here...

After ten minutes of aimlessly running around with no progress, I accepted I was somehow lost in this huge garden. I looked to my right, wiping my sodden hair away from my eyes as a shelter of some sort caught my attention. A tree house! I dashed across the lawn to the rickety structure, hoping it wasn't rotten and would shelter me until the rain died down a little bit.I reached the bottom of the tree, glancing wearily at the small wooden ladder before climbing up it as fast as I could.The less time I spend on it the smaller the chance of it breaking, right?


Just as I was halfway through the trap door, the ladder splintered, causing me to cry as it fell away under my feet, leaving me hanging fifteen meters in the air, halfway out the floor of a tree house.Using all my force, I dragged myself through the hole, flopping ungracefully on the ground of the small structure, slowly regaining my breath as the loud sound of rain pounding against the roof filled the air. After a few minutes, I felt the cold beginning to seep in, along with the pain. I noticed an extensive blood stain on my shirt and lifted it up to see a pink cut, already healing, but painful none the less. I groaned loudly, allowing my head to fall back against the wall harshly.

oh Weylyn, where are you now that I need you?

I decided I should try and find out where I was, it must be possible to see the house from this height, right?I scrambled over to the small hole of a window and looked out, trying to search through the rain and wind for the house, seriously, how can a house disappear?Having no luck from the first window, I went to the second one, directly opposite it and sighed in relief, there was the packhouse, no more than two hundred meters away directly in front of me. How hadn't I seen it before? id be able to run there in a minute or two. I crawled awkwardly back over to the trap door before freezing, the ladder.It was crumpled at the bottom of the shelter and there was no way I'd get out of a jump this high without harming myself. I had to decide, jump and get hurt, or risk dying in this small little shack.

The decision was pretty easy.

Taking a deep breath, I shuffled to the edge of the door, hanging my legs over it before slipping over the rim. A shocked gasp bubbled from my lips as I fell towards the ground, bracing myself for the tough impact and a lot of pain, only for it to never come. Two strong arms enveloped me, seconds before I was to hit the floor, making a shriek of sorts burst from my lips, my eyes shot open to see Weylyns' worried face looking down at me, his eyes wide as mine stared back at him with my own shock and joy combined.

"You found me"I mumbled, bearly audible over the rain."Yea, guess so," he grunted roughly before he began walking back to the packed house at his own slow, leisurely pace.Asshole.

About halfway back I began shivering violently as the cold finally got through my last layer. I huddled further into Weylyns' chest, desperately trying to find any possible warmth. I felt him slightly quicken his pace causing me to get jostled somewhat and hit the cut on my side making me whimper. Within seconds, I felt the warmth of the packhouse surround me as the door slammed shut behind us.

I heard multiple gasps and murmurs of shock from the pack members at the sight of their Alpha carrying a half-drowned girl in his arms.

"Weylyn! Oh, goddess, take her to your room and I'll run a bath, poor thing's frozen half to death," his mother exclaimed, appearing from the kitchen as the pushed past the group of pack members and began hurrying up the staircase. I felt Weylyn following behind her, silently obeying her commands, almost robotically.Does he not want to do this? I'm confused.

I heard a door open as the familiar, comforting fragrance of my mate surrounded me as we entered his quarters, I could hear his mother bustling around in the bathroom as Weylyn set me in the large armchair, not too gently. I growled weakly at him, letting my exasperation show as he simply went and sat on his bed, pulling out his phone, leaving me to shiver on my own.What the hell?

A few minutes passed in silence before a clear voice broke the trance of coldness I had sunk into. "Weylyn? what are you doing! She's going to die at this rate! Poor girl is freezing- or have you forgotten- your mate is a human you stupid boy!" at his mothers scolding something seemed to click in Weylyns' mind as his eyes shot up to meet mine and they widened, him suddenly rising to his feet, carelessly tossing his phone somewhere on the bed as he now looked uncertain of what to do."Go make her some hot cocoa, her bath is ready, bring it up when you do, we need to warm her up quickly."

Weylyn hurridly exited the room as his mother guided me into his luxurious bathroom and began stripping me of the cold layers. honestly, at this point, I was too cold to care about my own nudity. shes a woman too and it's not like I have anything to be ashamed of, I was designed to be perfect and without impurities.As she removed my final layers, she helped me into the bath, I cried out softly as the warm water burned my skin, yet she kept encouraging me to get in, her kind eyes full of worry and anxiety, just as I fully submerged myself to my shoulders, the door slammed open and I came Weylyn with a steaming cup in his hands.Now, I screamed, slipping fully into the bath as I tried to cover my body with the bubbles, I spluttered as I wiped the suds from my nose, mouth and eyes before peeling my once again soggy hair from my face. I know I just said I didn't have anything to worry about, but,A) weylyn is a male,andB), he is my mate!He is the only person alive who can tell me I have a horrific body and I would believe him without a second thought.It's weird how vulnerable love can make you, isn't it?Wait, love? Whoa, Pandia, slow down girlI sunk further into the bubbled as he neared, placing the mug on the counter before leaving, and I could have sworn I heard him whisper an apology but I guess I'll never know, he would never admit it.Stupid male ego.

"You clean yourself up a bit dear, there are some clothes for you to change into after, in the hamper there." She pointed to a white wicker basket under the window, "I should have a few words with a certain son of mine, regarding his recent behaviour."

She gave me a gentle smile, before standing from her seat and leaving the bathroom. Leaving me alone, with nothing but my thoughts about the confusing events from the last few hours. 


ahh, ye im sorry forbeing mia for like four months,hehe.. sorry? i probaby have like three people reading this now anyway so sucks for me. i tried making this one a bit longer for whoevers out there as a sort of sorry ? plz love me. jk maybe
