Chapter Nine "The War Pack?"

^Ocean (you'll see)^
1,047 Words
Paris's Pov-

I look at all the humans walking through the busy city, their bodies molding into camouflage, everyone looking the same but my eyes search for one person. King Gray of the Vampires mate, Ocean Reynolds. I look around for her, her scent fresh as I move towards her.

I know he'll be watching from a distance, an maybe he's spotted me already but I couldn't care less as I see the back of her long curly, brown hair. "Ocean!" I yell, and she turns around, looking right at me, her dark ocean blue eyes sending shock through me. How can someone's eyes be that beautiful, and so dark?

"You're the Alpha.. which one.. I remember seeing you talking to Gray." She makes a ticking noise with her tongue, looking like she's in deep thought. I smile as I remember how mad I was that day, until I seem his love for her. That was the day before I rejected Xavier.

"Alpha Paris of the Rogue Pack." I hold my hand out for her to shake but she grins and shakes her head, making me pull it back with confusion.

"Why shake hands? It's so formal!" She squeals, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me tightly. I stand there shocked, my arms at my sides and from a distance I can see King Gray looking at me with a smirk, his black eyes watching my every move. I carefully put my arms around her and hug her back.

"Oh my gosh, darling! Why don't we go get some coffee? Or we can go get some food and talk! Or shop! Which one? I would totally love to get to know a werewolf, Gray talks about how they smell but you smell like vanilla and honey! Did you know I love honey? Honey comes from-" I cut the innocent talking girl.

"I'd love to talk, but I'm not much of a shopper." I smile gently and she grabs my hand, pulling me in a direction that she must take often.

"Oh my gosh, love! I'm going to take you shopping when we get done talking. I don't care if you don't like shopping because I will totally make you into a shopper! It'll be just girl time! My friend Bella goes with me but she leaves me so she can make out with a guy," she giggles, making kissing faces at the air.

"That's horrible of her." I'm not much of a talker, and I don't know how to really act around such an innocent human, yet she acts more wise and hyper than what I am used to, in all honestly, usually humans are idiots.

"Yeah but I'm all good. Do you want coffee? Or food? We can get both, if you want?" She looks at me uncertainly, and I can tell she's trying to make me more welcome into the human world, which I'm very thankful for.

"How about both? I haven't ate since yesterday," I say honestly and she smiles, looping our arms together as we walk into McDonald's.

"No wonder you're so skinny! Gray tells me I'm too skinny all the time but I wave him off, honestly I eat like a pig." She giggles, walking up and ordering for me and her.

"How did you get out of the kingdom?" I ask loudly, and without remembering I'm in the human world, every human looks towards us and Ocean giggles, waving at them as they look at us weirdly, wanting an explanation from us.

"We're practicing for a play at college!" She exclaims and they all nod, relief flooding through their faces. Ocean giggles, moving towards my ear to whisper. "Aren't humans strange? We sure don't know that your type exists!" She giggles pulling away and I start to feel a headache forming from her giggling, but a good headache because she's adding happiness to my life that I haven't been used to. Especially when I'm hanging out with a girl, I'm not used to have a friend that's a girl.

"Oh and to answer your question, I asked to go shopping and for dance practice. You give Gray the pouty face and he'll fall for it quickly," she winks at me before whispering. "I know he's following me though." I laugh, grabbing the trays of food and moving towards a table by the window.

"Who knew Gray had a soft heart?" I ask, laughing hard but her eyebrows furrow as I laugh and looks confused.

"What do you mean, did he never have a soft heart before me?" She asks and I make the bad mistake of telling her what Gray was like before and by the time I finish, her body is tense and she looks faraway, she's definitely not the girl I was talking to earlier.

"Uh, Ocean?" She snaps her eyes to me and gives me a big grin. "We need to talk about the war," she nods her head and looks out the window. But I know she doesn't see the black eyes that are glaring into my soul, like I do.

"So what happened before I walked into the throne room?" She asks and I tell her all about it. She tenses as she stays, her eyes on the window and I look down, waiting for her to speak. I actually want her to talk because I like being around Ocean.

"Well, I guess the war will be happening much sooner than what we thought." She leans into my ear, and I look at the table as she begins to speak. "All I know is I overheard Gray saying that he was going to attack the War Pack next week on Wednesday, their using wolfsbane on the arrows," she whispers quietly into my ear and I look at her with shock, as she leans back and nods her head quickly.

"The War Pack?" I ask and she nods, a serious expression on her face.

"Yup, so how about we go shopping?" She asks excitedly as she stands up, me following as we both hold our coffees, and I know that she can feel Gray's glaring black eyes on us, especially me.

I know he'll be speaking to me sooner than what I thought.
