"You're not going anywhere," he repeats.

My hands fist, and I glare at the alpha.

"Because we were just attacked, and it's safer if we stay together."

I take a moment to process his words. His logic is reasonable. He's not being controlling, only careful. My nature wants me to keep barking back at him, because submission would mean losing, but I'm not a complete idiot. Kaden is alpha, after all. I won't deny his reasoning.

Still upset by our argument, I walk to the window and stare at the treeline in search of intruders. Something to distract me from the fact that Kaden and I are fire and ice.

He's done with the conversation, too. He goes into the bathroom, and that's the end of that. I lay in bed and close my eyes, hoping the moon goddess takes me out of my misery.

The next morning, I wake alone. I didn't even feel him come to bed last night.

I go downstairs and find the kitchen cabinets open. There's a single bottle on the counter; a pack of pills. It's empty, and I'm not sure if that's because Kaden took the last few.

I check the label. This particular set isn't good for his chemistry. Kaden pumps more hormones than the average werewolf male. His system is unique, and he'll require stronger pain meds than this.

Why would he need these, anyway? His healing system takes care of the smallest scratches to the deepest gash.

I toss the empty bottle in the trash, grab an apple for breakfast, and head to work. The pack is emptier today, like everyone is indoors, hiding from the threat.

I reach the clinic. I have to ensure all the equipment that I ordered is here to prepare for an attack, but I can't get Kaden out of my head.

With a sigh, I grab a plastic bag and add the right dosage of medication he needs. Since I'm expecting a patient, I can't leave the clinic. I request the technician to find Kaden and hand him the bag.

"Wait," I say when she takes the bag and turns to leave.

I rush into my office and take a handful of candies I keep in a glass jar for the children. I stuff them in the bag and hand it to the technician.

"Wait," I blurt again when she turns to leave. I instantly cringe. "Just one last thing." I rush to the staff room and open the fridge. I take the ham and cheese sandwich I had packed for lunch and add it to the bag.

Now, it's ready.

I watch her go, an uncomfortable feeling remaining in the pit of my stomach. Kaden and I shouldn't be fighting, especially over such trivial concerns. There are greater things in the works. War is among us. The pack won't fare well if its leaders are being petty.

After I check the inventory, I prepare to meet my first patient. Work provides a distraction for some time until a nurse comes and informs me that an urgent patient is coming in. I jump off my desk and dash outside to accept the critically injured person.

I nearly fall on my ass when I open the door and find Kaden standing there. He's wearing shorts, a black t-shirt, and a frown on his face.

"Kaden," I breathe.

"Hi, mate." He takes a step closer.

For a guy I just argued with, he looks pretty calm.

"Hey," I reply. "Did you, uh, get the pills I sent? Who needed them, by the way?"

"I did," he responds and reaches up to scratch his shoulder. "Goddamn bullet won't leave me the fuck alone."

"Goddamn what?!"

He frowns. "The bullet."

"What bullet? When the fuck did you get shot?" I ask, teetering into panic.

He shrugs. "Yesterday in the helicopter. It's fine, just annoying. The blood loss won't let me think straight, either. Can you get it out?"

I gape. The man is talking like this is a minor inconvenience, not a threat to his existence. He must be insane. The bullet must have induced an infection that's cooking his brain.

How the fuck didn't I notice this yesterday? Sure, losing Chaney had been traumatic, but I relaxed once I found out she was safe. I never saw Kaden bleed, and although his genetics ensure that he clots insanely fast, there's no way I could have overlooked something so crucial.

"This isn't a splinter, it's a bullet. Why didn't you tell me earlier? Yesterday!" I demand, already taking his hand to lead him to the operating room.

I call for a nurse, asking her to prepare what we need to put him down.

"You can't put me under," Kaden intercepts.

My hands are already shaky as I wash them and pull gloves on. My heart races as if I've the one that has been shot.

"Please be reasonable. You need to be put down. The pain will be incredible."

"I don't like losing my senses," he replies.

"For me? Please? I won't focus if you're awake. Please let me do this."

He grunts, but nods reluctantly. "For you."

It's those two words that make me realize that no matter how many petty arguments we have, we will make it. Kaden is a fair man– thick skulled just like me, but a good man.

The operation goes without complications. I remove the bullet, fighting trembling the whole time. I don't think that I've ever been this emotional when operating on a patient.

I stitch him up and watch him sleep. I touch his face gently, relieved that he'll be alright, but in disbelief that he thought he could shrug a bullet off. He'll be down for a while now, but we'll have a lot to talk about once he's well.

I stay beside him for the next hour until he stirs awake. My hand rests on his chest to ensure he doesn't jump up.

"Fuck," he groans. "I hate feeling like a woozy idiot."

"They will wear off. Take it easy."

"I'm as weak as a toddler," he groans. "A weak fool. Who will protect you if we're attacked?"

"I can take care of myself."

"You're right." He grins lazily. "I should worry about the other guy, because if an alpha can barely handle you, the poor bastard won't stand a chance."

I smirk, and just like that, we're alright.

"Does anything hurt? I'll need to check you over–"

"No more tests. I have shit to do."

"Kaden, if you get off this bed, a bullet will be the least of your worries. You need to rest."

He shakes his head. "The pack–"

"The pack will be fine for a few hours. I promise I'll let you know if I hear commotion."

He groans. "One hour. Just one, and I'm up. Keep talking to me so I don't fall asleep."

"Can you tell me why you didn't ask me to take care of this yesterday?"

"Had shit to do," he repeats.

"Like what? Die?"

He laughs at this. "A little hole in my back won't kill me."

"How did you even sleep last night?"

"Didn't. I went outside to patrol the house. Probably was a bad call, since the lack of sleep slowed my healing."

I've never felt so much horror.

"So you were dealing with this while I..." I bite my lip. "I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have gotten hostile."

"Come here." He tugs at my hand until I'm bent at the waist and laying my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry," I repeat.

"It's alright, my luna." He kisses the top of my head. "We're alright."
