Chapter 39

After me and Brandon came inside it was getting dark already. I went in my room and then a knock came to my door.
"Come in." I said. Then Scott came in.
"What do you want now?" I asked him.
"Nothing. Just want to say congratulations. But tomorrow you're marrying Brandon and you haven't told him yet. The truth about whose is the father of your baby." He said and I looked away.
"I am going to tell him, I just don't know how to." I said.
"Aria this isn't a joke! You need to tell him before it's too late!" Scott said.
"So what the hell do you want to me say Scott?! That Brandon! Your younger brother is the father of my baby?! How'd you think that'll work out for the three of us?!" I asked him. Then the door burst open and Brandon walked in. He then closed the door and locked it.
"Bran?" I said and he raised his hand to stop me from talking. He then looked at me and Scott angrily and shocked. He overheard us.
"You both had an affair?" He asked.
"What?! No! We didn't! It wasn't like that!" I said.
"You're carrying my brother's daughter!" He said angrily.
"Brandon, it was a one night stand. We were both drunk." Scott said.
"Oh, so you've both been lieing to me since. Nice." Brandon said. I can tell he was hurt. Tears was falling from my eyes.
"Brandon it was a mistake! He left me when I told him about it!" I said.
"Is that why you came to work for me? Maybe your love for is even a lie as well." Brandon said and I my eyes watered more.
"That's not true! I didn't know you was his brother until the day I met him here!" I said.
"How could you not know?" He asked.
"I didn't know." I said.
"I'm supposed to be marrying you tomorrow." He said.
"Brandon I'm sorry. I was going to tell you but I didn't want to lose you." I said.
"Didn't want to lose me? I think you just did!" He said and stormed off the room.
"Brandon! Wait! Brandon!" I called after him.
"You are such an as#hole!" I yelled at him pointing to the door.
"Oh so you're blaming me?!" He asked.
"Get out!" I said and he left angrily slamming my door. I then sat on the end of my bed and cried.

Author's POV....

Brandon was outside his balcony staring at the sky. His hands on top the concrete banister. The sky was shining bright with all the stars.
"Why? Why does this keep happening to me? Am I destined to be alone for the rest of my life? Or is there no love made in my path." He asked as a tear drop fell from his eyes.


Aria walked outside to her balcony and stared up at the sky. She was still crying.
"Why? Why can't anything go right for me?! What did I do to deserve this kind of punishment?! Am I destined to raise my baby on my own? Is there no love in my path?!" She asked crying as she slammed her hands on the banister. She leaned forward a little but just cried more.


Scott was also outside in his balcony sitting, leaning his back against the post as he stared into the sky.
"Am I to live alone? Is there no love in my path?" He said. A couple tear drops fell from his eyes.


All three of them, Aria, Brandon and Scott closed their eyes tightly at same time and took a deep breath in and then exhaled slowly at the same time. They opened their eyes to see a shooting star.
"I wish this marriage happen tomorrow and I will meet my love." Scott said.

"I wish Brandon forgives me even if he doesn't want to marry me anymore." Aria said.

"I wish to the strength to forgive Aria and that this marriage happens."

The Next Day....
Aria's POV....

The wedding is starting at four in the evening, if there still is a wedding. It is now ten in the morning. I was sitting in my room when Brittany knock and came in.
"There you are!" She said coming and sitting next to me.
"What's wrong?" She asked me.
"Just, a little....scared." I said lieing.
"Oh. I understand. On my wedding day I was alone. My mother died when I was ten. My dad raised me. Until I met Shane. The day of our wedding, Shane's mother give me the little girl talk." She said.
"Oh." I said.
"See, women always dream of their wedding day since their teenage years. And when the time comes for their marriage they're a little nervous but they get all excited during the planning and everything. On the day of their wedding is when they get scared. But believe me. There isn't anything to be afraid of. Everything is gonna be fine." She said and I hugged her.
"Thank you." I said.
"Of course." She said. Then I let go.
"Now get cheer up. And do you want to invite your parents?" She asked.
"I want to." I said. But I can't what if there isn't a wedding?
"Well why don't you go and personally invite them?" She asked.
"Maybe. I'll go now." I said getting up.


"Here give them this invitation." Brittany said handing me an envelope. It's been so long since I've seen this place.
"Thanks." I said.
"Want me to come with you?" She asked.
"'s okay." I said as she nodded. I then got out the car and walked up to the porch and by the door. I then knocked. The door then opened an my mom stood by the door. Her face went to shock.
"Ash who is it?!" I heard my father. He then came and opened the door wider. Now both my parents was shock looking at me.
"Hi mom, hi dad." I said.
"Aria?" My mother said.
"Mom. It's me." I said.
"What do you want? The rest of your belongings? It's been seven months since you left and never came back." My father said.
"I didn't leave on my own. You guys throw me out." I said.
"You didn't even call us." My mother said shocked her tears falling like a river.
"I wanted to. But you guys wouldn't have answered." I said.
"What do you want?" My dad asked again.
"To give this to you." I said handing him the envelope.
"If that's all. You can go now." He said and I turned around to leave when j heard my mother's voice.
"My little princess." I then turn back around to see her. She was crying easily while closing the door. I then sighed sadly and left.


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