Chapter 8


"Mimey? Could you fetch the butter please?" Delia asked her psychic type Pokemon.

The barrier Pokemon nodded and walked off to grab the butter.

It had been an odd last two weeks for Delia.

She had thought back to the attack every single day.

She just wanted the best for her son. She didn't want him to be hurt by the fact he came so close in Kalos.

She sighed now knowing that he's gone...

"Mime!" Mimey cried out as he placed the butter in the trolley.

Delia smiled

"At least I still have you, Mimey..." she muttered.

She and her pokemon had been staying at a hotel in viridian city due to her house being burnt down in the chaos when that monster appeared.

The attack on Pallet town...

Then the attack on that base in the Orrean desert...

Something wasn't right.

"(Sigh), this world is turning to the worst. All doom and gloom." She moaned to herself as she walked to the checkout to buy the food.

The teenager working at the checkout gave a good hard look at Delia.

"Hey? Aren't you Ash Ketchum's mother?" he asked with caution.

Delia stiffened at this as more people turned to her.

"Y-Yeah. I mean, yes I'm his mother..." she nervously, not liking the attention.

"I'm sorry about his passing. I was a huge fan of his. I've been watching his matches in the league all the way back to when he was in the Sinnoh league! Crazy to think that if he hadn't of faced that guy with the Darkrai, a kid from Pallet town could have won! Then there was Kalos league! SO CLOSE!" the teenager chanted.

Delia blinked.

Her son had fans?

"Yeah! Then there was that big scary monster in Kalos. But Ash and his awesome Greninja saved the day!" a little girl said next to her own mother.

"Then that Green and black Pokemon came and stopped it!" the checkout boy continued, referring to Squishy and Z2 when they were together as Zygardes complete form. "Right! That comes to 240 dollars and 24 cents!"

Delia paid for the food and quickly rushed out of the super market.

A tear fell down her face.

Had she made a mistake?

She just wanted her son home and safe, knowing he SOME how always gets caught up with legendary Pokemon.

She shook it off and left for her car.

"TELL ME WHERE HE IS!" a brown haired teenager roared in Professor Oak's face as he pinned him against the wall.

"Gary! I told you, he is gone! DEAD!" Oak yelled back as Gary let go of him.

Gary proceeded to kick and punch things around the lab.

"Gary stop! You might hurt yourself!" Oak said with concern.

"OH! Go to hell old man! You tried to force him to stop being a trainer!? Even after he made it to the final of the Kalos league!" Gary hissed at this Grandfather as all of his assistants watched including Tracy. "Even after he saved us all multiple times from legendaries going on a rampage huh?!"

Oak gave a cross look.

"That is no way to speak to me young man! I am the one that started you on your journey and the reason why you are a trainee professor in Sinnoh!"

"Yeah. You're also the one that started Ash on his journey! Look, I may have been a dickhead to Ash over the last 10 odd years! But I would never tell him to give up and try something else!" Gary continued to argue.

"You are selfish. You just wanted another pawn to work for you in here!" Gary said as Oak finally lost it.

"Get out of my lab! And don't come back till you are ready to apologise!"

"Gimme his Kalos Pokemon." Gary demanded as he brought his Umbreon out. "Or I'll take them myself!"

Oak hesitated.

"Fine! Going to be that way huh? Umbreon." Gary smirked as he nodded at the dark type eeveelution.

Umbreon let loose a powerful dark pulse on a machine which eventually caught on fire. A few of the assistants panicked before a Poliwhirl came along and put out the fire with a water gun.

Oak looked at his pissed grandson.

"Tracey. Get those stupid flying types." Oak commanded.

"But Professor..." Tracey questioned.

"I SAID! Get Ketchum's darn kalos Pokemon!" Oak yelled as Umbreon sat down next to his trainer.

Tracey left the room and returned with three Pokeballs. Gary snatched them out of his hands and walked to the door, giving his Grandfather the middle finger before leaving.

Oak just stood there.

"Clean this mess up. NOW!" he yelled.

Gary got away and found the local park to release a weakened Talonflame, Hawlucha and Noivern. It looked like they hadn't been given food for ages or been let loose out of there Pokeballs in forever!

Gary quickly pulled a bowl out and filled it up with food and offered it to the three Kalos Pokemon whom all devoured the food in an instant. Gary filled it up more before explaining what had happened.

"So... I'm Gary. Um, I'm an old friend of Ash." Gary started only to be given glares. He assumed that they knew what had happened obviously and didn't know who to trust.

"Bre! Umb!" Umbreon howled a little as the flying types calmed down slightly.

"Thanks Umbreon. Anywho, I was in Sinnoh at the time when the whole issue happened and I'm just in as much shock as you three. I heard from one of the girls that was there that they had captured three pokemon of Ash's from Kalos that were resisting and I knew I had to get you out of that old scumbags hands." Gary explained, referring to Dawn who couldn't keep her little mouth shut.

Noivern looked like crying before Hawlucha condoled him.

"I know I'm not Ash and you only just meet me, but I can offer you a home and food." Gary offered.

"Ta! Flam!" Talonflame screeched at Umbreon who nodded.

Talonflame turned to Hawlucha and Noivern who both nodded.


"So that is a yes? Whew, that was a lot easier than I thought. We are going to leave back for Sinnoh soon. So till we get to the airport, you can flying around and do what you want." Gary said as he packed up the food.

"I might be completely wrong! But I know that numskull is somewhere out there! A little fire or some monster could not knock him down!" Gary said to Ash's pokemon, who took flight.

Meanwhile, Oak watched as he saw Noivern and Talonflame fly high in the sky.

He grunted and walked back into his lab.


"Ladies and Gentleman! Give a big round of applause to our finalists in this year's world festive held in our very own Hoenn!" a man with a microphone said as the crowd responded with a roar.

The crowd started to clap extremely loudly as May and Dawn appeared out of the two tunnels facing each other.

Meanwhile in the stands was Drew, Paul and Trip.

"So you and May are a thing now huh Drew?" Trip asked.

"You could say that." Drew said smirking as he watched May wave to the crowd.

"The next world festive will be held in 2020 in the Unova region! After 202 competitors, we are down to just two! May Maple of Petalberg city! And Dawn Berlitz of Twinleaf town!" the announcer explained.

May and Dawn shook hands and gave each other a hug before the winner was announced.

"And the winner of the world festival 2016 is!" the announcer said with a dramatic pause.




"Dawn Berlitz!"

Dawn placed her hands on her mouth in shock as her Piplup and Buneary jumped up into her arms in celebration. May was disappointed, but she was happy for her friend.

Trip and Drew looked at the smile on Paul's face.

"5 bucks they hook up at the celebration parties." Trip said to Drew.

"You're on."

Dawn walked over to May and gave her another hug.

"Congratulations Dawn." May said to the dark blue haired girl.

"May. I'm sorry." Dawn condoled.

"No. No. It's fine! It is fine! Just means I have to work harder for next time!" May said flustered slightly.

"Ladies and Gentleman! This marks the first time in history of the world Festival that a winner is the child of a past winner! Johanna Berlitz won back in the early 1990's and now her daughter has joined the elite group of winners!" the man announced.

Dawn and her pokemon stood on the higher platform and received the trophy. She looked down on it and smiled at her achievement.

But at what did this come at the price of...

...The life of her 'mentor'?

Dawn probably out of all everyone that was at Pallet town the day of the attack, was the one feeling the guiltiest about the whole Ash issue. She came along without being told at first and then got convinced on the whole situation.

If she never had of met Ash, would she of ever ended up here?

Was she the only one feeling this guilt?

She shook it off and lifted the trophy up as fireworks were shot off.

Piplup and Buneary jumped up and down as Togekiss danced in the air.

After about half an hour out on the stage, Dawn returned to her dressing room where she was congratulated more.

"Dawn." A male voice called out to her.

She turned around to see her childhood 'friend', Kenny.

"Oh. Kenny. Um, Hi." She said awkwardly, knowing that she had defeated him to gain this title. Oh and the obvious crush he had on her.

"So, Good job on winning. Hard to believe when we were kids, we joked and pretended that we had won. And now it's a reality for you haha." He said to her nervously.

"Yeah. It is still kicking in." Dawn laughed.

"Sorry about Ketchum by the way. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but you kind of seemed to like him when he was traveling in Sinnoh together." Kenny said bluntly.

"Oh. It's fine. I can't believe he is gone..." Dawn lied, knowing that she participated in driving Ash to his limit of breaking.

"I've heard in the NEWS that it was some sort of monster. People reporting that whatever attacked Pallet town was like faceless and stood at 10 or 11 feet tall! Spewing out electricity!" Kenny went on.

Dawn felt like throwing up. Sure, she had been in the situation of death multiple times with the Creation trio on rampage, Darkrai, Arceus nearly destroying the world, Team galactic! But never before had she felt fear like that before when she saw that Pokemon or whatever it was, just appear out of the sky just like that.

"Who knows what it is... "She said shakily to the boy.

"Well. I've got to go." Kenny said to her as he turned to the door.

"Go?" Dawn asked curiously.

"Yeah. Um, I'm seeing this really nice girl. We met in Johto. Catch up some time ok?" Kenny said before leaving.

Dawn sighed before packing up her things and meeting up with her friends.


Cilan was cleaning up the tables in his and his brother's restaurant as it was closing time.

There was a knock at the door.

He sighed, knowing that it was time to shut for the night.

Cilan turned around and saw that it was Iris at the door, now slamming at it.

He opened it up and let her in, out of the cold.

"Iris, what is up?" he asked the purple haired girl who was bouncing up and down.

"Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!" she said repeatedly.

"What?" Cilan responded, knowing that if he didn't, the girl would not stop pestering him.

"So you know how I went to Johto to train with Clair? Well, her cousin, LANCE! Yeah, Lance the dragon master! Lance, the champion of both Johto and Kanto with his awesome dragons!" Iris rambled on.

"What about him?"

"Oh right! He is staying here in Unova for a month or till at the Dragon's Village for a holiday and also to learn more about Unova's dragons. Claire is managed to convince Lance to let me train with him!" she squealed.

Cilan eyes widened.

"Wow. Nice job." He said amazed that the fact the girl was training under a dragon master.

"I'm training under a true Pokemon master! Unlike that little kid!" Iris said smugly.

Cilan shrugged his shoulders.

At first he enjoyed his travels with Ash, but then it just turned for the worst after he lost miserably in the league. The duo saw how weak he was during their time with Keldeo and helping it against Kyurem. And then when it came to the war against the Genesect army, it was all Mewtwo. Ash tried to help, but ended being a bystander in both of the battles.

"So does that mean Axew has to evolve?" Cilan asked.

"Probably. But if it means training under the guidance of Lance, then so be it! I'll put Ash's Gible to full use and make stronger than Cynthia's Garchomp!" Iris gloated.

"Don't you already have a Gible? The one you caught in Johto?" Cilan asked.

"Two Garchomps. I'm not complaining. Once we are strong enough! We'll go and battle Kyurem!" Iris declared.

"And get yourself and your Pokemon most likely killed... Just saying." Cilan muttered.

Iris smirked.

"Just wait and see!"


"Come on Clemont! Bonnie!" Serena called out as the two blondes followed the honey haired trainer.

Bonnie caught up to Serena's side as Clemont jogged slowly over.

"Do we have to run?" Clemont puffed.

"I just can't wait for you to meet him!" Serena said with a smile.

Clemont sighed, knowing those two, it meant running.

It was 10 minutes later and Serena had led the siblings to the outside of the royal family of Kalos's palace.

"Serena? What are we doing here?" Bonnie asked innocently, not understanding.

Clemont on the other hand...

"You've got to be kidding me..." he muttered as the gates opened.

On the other side of the gates was the Prince of Kalos, Marco LaBlanc II.

"Oh, Serena. Is these the friends you were telling me about?" the teenager said to the trio.

He was 17 years old, so only two years older than Serena. Seeming he wasn't on official business, he just wore regular clothing. He had brown hair that swayed to the side, bright blue eyes and a relative pale tan.

"Pr-Prince of Kalos is your bo-boyfriend?" Clemont asked shakily.

"SERENA! Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Bonnie whined slightly, but in the positive way.

"Um, I just kind of wanted to wait and see how it worked out before telling anyone..." Serena admitted while scratching the back of her head.

A notable trait to a certain trainer they all travelled with...

"Oh! Clemont isn't it? You are the gym leader aren't you?" The Prince asked the scientist.

"Y-y-yes! Yes I am." He responded still nervous being in the presence of royalty.

"Oh brother..." Bonnie sighed.

"Hmm. Some time I might come challenge you to a battle once I have free time!" Marco declared.

"I look forward to it!' Clemont said slightly calmer.

"Would you like to come in for something to eat? A friend of Serena's is a friend of mine." The young Prince said as he took Serena's hand.

Clemont and Bonnie followed the couple in to the palace and were blown away by everything inside.

"Woah! Look at this place Dedenne!" Bonnie said rather loud.

"De! Denne!" her pokemon responded.

Marco led them to a room filled with biscuits, fruit and tea located on a table.

They all took a plate each and sat down at the table.

"So you three travelled around Kalos together for the last year if I'm not mistaken?" Marco asked.

"Yeah. We had a fourth member but." Clemont started only to stop.

Marco gave a sad look.

"Yes. Serena explained about the passing of Ash Ketchum. I'm incredibly sorry for the loss. I was at the final of the league. He battled to the limit and was unfortunate to lose." Marco said with sympathy. "However, his Greninja was easily the strongest Pokemon in the league. Maybe he was tired after all the battling he had already done to get to the final?"

"Um, if I can ask? Has there been any update on the base attack?" Clemont asked.

Marco shook his head.

"No. Not that I know of... I do know something though..." Marco admitted.

"Huh?" Serena said to her boyfriend.

"I overheard my father and the President of Kalos talk about some message left behind. I didn't hear the message though..." Marco said as Serena rubbed his back.

"Well hopefully they get caught soon." Serena said she kissed the side of his neck, making Clemont and Bonnie awkward to be there.

"Now before I depart to Unova for two months, the pokemon league has an announcement. Due to the recent retirement of Agatha of the elite four and the resignation of Lorelai, we have two vacant spots open on the elite four. Naturally Gym leaders are given priority, however if we feel we need to look somewhere else for other options, we will do so." Lance announced to the gym leaders of both Kanto and Johto.

Despite resigning and giving gym leader status, Brock was invited along with his brother Foster.

He was next to Misty and her sisters.

"So are you going to go for the position?" Brock asked the redheaded girl.

She shook her head.

"As much as I would I'd like too, I doubt I'd get it. We all know that Lance has the hots for that Karen girl. Don't get me wrong, she is a good trainer and all, but she'll be a personal preference for Lance." Misty rambled. "You?"

"Nah. I got my hands full at Pewters Pokecenter and making sure Foster keeps the gym in line." Brock explained. "Do you think... We could get in trouble with the league if they find out we had something to do with Ash's death..." Brock whispered.

Misty stiffened.

"I don't know. The stubborn bastard should have just listened to us and just tried something else!" Misty said through her teeth. "His Pokemon look a lot more happier being with different trainers."

Misty took priority on all of Ash's water types.

Max took his strongest Pokemon such as Sceptile, Infernape, Krookodile, and Pikachu.

He tried to gain Charizard as well but the fire flying type rejected him, claiming Max wasn't worthy enough. So Charizard returned to the Charicific Valley to train and be with Charla.

Dawn and May took all his cute and young Pokemon that have the chance to perform.

Iris instantly snapped up Gible despite already having one.

Paul, Trip and Sawyer divided his others like Glalie, Snorlax and Heracross between themselves.

But there was one Pokemon that none of them got their hands on...

And possibly Ash's strongest ever Pokemon...

Serena and Clemont told the everyone about it as Paul, Trip, Max, and Sawyer argued over it on who would own it. But the Kalos natives told them one thing.

Good luck finding him...
