30. The Long Awaited Surprise

Today is the day I've been waiting for.

The day when I can finally stand next to Anthony and feel like we are equal. To take the revenge that we have been planning for years against him and his family. His family that has done nothing but look down on me.

I hope they like sweet, because this revenge will be.

Today is Anthony's 28th birthday. I will go there uninvited and crash the party. Only then will I be able to introduce myself, not as the Emily Cavanaugh who loved him with everything that I am, but as Emi Bauman, who will take everything his family has ever taken from me.

I have Curtis, Mateo, the rest of my friends and the others who holds grudge for the Mortensons to support me.

I specifically chose a strapless satin dress with the color that Anthony dislikes.

Am I that petty? Yes. Yes I am.

I will give him the worst gift he will ever receive.

No stones will be left unturned.

"Are you ready for this?" Mateo asked as he assist get out of the car. I stare at the concern look he has on his face. I smiled and nodded.

"I believe I'm more than ready. I know there's no turning back after this." I answered as I continued walking heading to the venue.

Once we were inside, majority of the invited guests has been scattered around. Some are surrounding Ali and James, Anthony's parents. Others are chatting with each other, while some are picking food and drinks on the side.

The party has already started.

I purposely went a bit late. I guess I wanted to be extra. Anthony has already been introduced. I was waiting for them to give a speech for him or for him to say something to the guests.

That opportunity came harder to take when Elizabeth entered with Anthony.

I felt a pang of pain in my chest.

It this has happened before, I would have just simply assume that it was because I was seeing Anthony again. But this time I'm sure, this is from seeing Elizabeth with him.

I want to be the one standing next to her.

The staff put a big cake at the center. Anthony and the others all went to gather around it. An orchestra started playing first, then they sang him a birthday song. He looked so happy making a wish. He blew the candles and everyone was cheering happily for him.

I couldn't help but scoff, seeing how happy they are.

Am I this pathetic? I guess.

Then I find my cue. Anthony made a speech thanking everyone from coming. I stand on the side watching him from afar. Everyone was silent listening. I started clapping mid speech to interrupt him.

Everyone was confused and shocked. They all turned their gaze to me.

"Well said. Happy birthday dear Anthony. Miss me?" I said as a take a glass of champagne from one of the waiters near me. I then walk towards Anthony.

"Emily..?" Anthony said in confusion.

"Aww c'mon don't be like that. It's not like we have no history. I'm no stranger." I said. It painted even more confusion on Anthony's face. I could tell he has so many questions in his head. I moved closer, grabbed his face and gave him a kiss on the lips. Anthony was startled and his body completely tensed up.

"How...?" Anthony wasn't able to complete his sentence when his mother, Ali, stepped in.

I immediately threw the champagne on Anthony's face. Leaving him soaking wet.

"What the hell??? Who invited you here? Security! Security! Take her out!"

The security present who were guarding the place immediately went inside and grabbed me by my arm to drag me out.

I slapped both of their arms to free myself.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I yelled.

"I don't know who you think you are. But I've dealt with you in the past. Don't you dare bring up anything now just because you look fancy and all. You don't know the things I can do." She said as she grabbed my face and spoke quietly to me with her threatening tone.

I removed her hand from my face and I started laughing loudly.

The police entered the scene rendering everyone speechless with the drama unfolding in front of them.

"I want you to capture every single person here. The reason? FOR TRESPASSING! If not, I WILL SUE ALL OF YOU!" I firmly said.

"What?! What the fuck! You can't do this to me! My family has owned this property for so long!" Ali said confidently.

"Well, you're not wrong. Except you shouldn't really be trusting of the people you call 'family'. I learned that from you Ali. To never trust anyone. This property is now mine. So technically, you are all trespassing!" I said loudly.

"Take them away!" I commanded.

"This is not possible! You will see my lawyer!" Ali said.

I laughed and said "With what money?"

"You have embezzled and laundered all of it. And your family is someone you can't trust either. They spoke out about your scams and how you exploited other people. You ruined people's lives. Don't get me started about you commanding to murder a certain wealthy family...the Bren's. Sounds familiar to you?" I said. Ali and James' eyes widened in disbelief. They were both taken by the police.

The police also told everyone to leave the venue. If they hesitate, they will be dragged outside.

I approached Anthony who stood still in his location.

"Honey, I hope you like my birthday present. Trust me, this has been my long awaited surprise." I teasingly said.

I left before Anthony could even say another word. And from there I saw Elizabeth looking at me coldly.

I smiled and reached my hand out, hoping I could say something and explain to Elizabeth. Instead, she walked passed me and headed towards Anthony.

I looked at my hand that I used to reached out for her. I stood there trying to stop the tears from falling. I couldn't dare to look back to see the scene happening behind my back. I walked forward and when I was about to leave the venue I took a quick glance. And that's when I had my realization.

Maybe, it is true.

I have fallen for Elizabeth.

It was the kind of love that grew with time.

It only came to me after seeing her concern as she dries Anthony's face with her handkerchief.

I hated it. I hated seeing them together. And it looks like, whatever I did, just brought them closer together.

What do I expect? It's done. I'm done with my revenge. Does it mean the friendship and love I have with Elizabeth is going to end as well?

This revenge is what kept me going. No matter how shitty and bitter it sounded, it was my truth. For the longest time that's who I thought I was. I've finally done my revenge. For my grandparents, the Brens, for Curtis, for Milko and Alyssa, for Mateo, Nicolas, and for myself.

But why does it hurt no less?

I thought it would feel like a thorn stuck through my fingers for so long, finally being removed.

But why am I unhappy?

I thought by hurting him, I would feel better. By showing him I can do it. But it only made me feel worse.

I guess in the end, this long awaited surprise, ended up surprising me instead...

