Chapter 2: Don't Step On My Toes

Colourful frilly dresses and well ironed suits filled the dance floor as people had begun assembling. The people taking to the dance floor mainly consisted of Marleyn nobles and a select few foreigners who were well versed in different Marelyan dancing styles.

Most of the couples had assembled into small groups and were ready to dance. They would dance the different styles throughout the ages of Marley to celebrate the multiple generations of Marley's power. Then a few more speeches would be given before the party would end as the band played a melody into the night.

First up would be the waltz.

(Y/n) dusted her dress lightly before taking the cold hand of Willy Tybur. Mr. Tybur wore a simple black suit which covered a white dress shirt and was completed with a black tie. His long blonde hair had been left to flow, hanging over his shoulders as he gave the younger woman a smile.

"So, how are you enjoying the party, Miss (L/n)?" Asked Mr. Tybur.

"It has been very pleasant." (Y/n) gave a practiced smile, "how has your experience been so far?"

Mr. Tybur eyed the girl before smirking, "it's been utterly boring."

"That's very unfortunate to hear. I hope Mrs. Tybur's time here has been more enjoyable at least."

"Highly unlikely, considering she disappeared with two of my sons earlier. I can only assume that she isn't in the best mood. Those children drive each other and their mother up the wall."

(Y/n) looked as if she wanted to say something rude but bit back the response. Anything she would've said about parenting was thrown out the window, especially after her own experiences. Besides, this wasn't the place for her to get into a debate about parenting anyways.

"You know, I hate to ask-"

(Y/n) cut him off, "but you'll ask anyway."

"Yes, but I'll ask anyway. Aren't you a rather cheeky one Miss. (L/n)."

"My apologies." said (Y/n)'s words, but her eyes said something else. "Words tend to spill out before I can stop them sometimes. I'm sure you understand though, it is a rather unfortunate side effect of being a shifter."

"Yes!" Quickly answered Mr. Tybur. The pair danced in silence for a moment before Mr. Tybur cleared his throat.

(Y/n) let out a single chuckle, "so what was it that you wanted to ask me, Mr. Tybur."

"Well," Mr. Tybur tried his best to put on a brave face, "I was curious about your opinion of the country's current candidates."

(Y/n) raised a brow at his question but kept a level gaze as she replied.

Willy Tybur had conversed with the other Titan Shifters plenty of times. He had managed his way through the awkward jokes that the Cart Shifter would throw his way; the harsh looks from the current Jaw Shifter; and the single word responses from the Armored Titan. He had even managed his fair share of conversations with the analytical Beast Shifter, but none of it had prepared him for the Crystal Shifter.

Her heteromatic eyes left Willy feeling uneasy as she kept a hard gaze on him. While her practiced smiles weren't as good as the Cart Titan's she was still able to keep up appearances. She spoke formally though there were messages in between almost everything she said.

Speaking with her was just like speaking to the Beast Titan. Willy had to focus on everything he said in fear that he might let a secret or two slip. To make matters worse, it seemed as if she were always waiting for him to say something wrong.

They shared meaningless words before Willy finally managed to ask the question he had been meant to ask in the beginning.

"Ah, what a curious thing." (Y/n) let out a sly grin, different from the smiles she had been presenting before, "I was wondering when you'd finally begin asking about the devils on Paradis."

"How did you know that was going to be a topic of discussion?" Willy asked.

The Crystal Titan laughed, "it's what everyone wants to know. I don't know a single person who isn't curious about the Titan infested island."

"Well, you're not wrong there."

"So, what would you like to know, Mr. Tybur?" (Y/n)'s eyes gleamed with an emotion Willy couldn't pin down, "it's something I usually talk about but I'll make an exception because I'm in such a good mood."

Willy cleared his throat, "what are the people there like?"

"They're human."


"Oh, silly me." she giggled, but there was no smile on her face, "sometimes I forget myself. What I meant was, is that they're kind-"

Year 846: A Year After the Fall of Wall Maria

Location: Paradis, Inside Wall Rose, the Carolinas' Home

"Good morning Mrs. Carolina!" (Y/n) greeted, a bright smile on her face as she entered the small kitchen that belonged to the Carolinas.

The small kitchen was lined with cupboards and cabinets. A tiny island, which separated the dining room from the kitchen, and two special places for the oven and sink. The oven was on the left side of the kitchen and the sink on the right. There would be just enough room for four people if they each stood facing a different direction of the room.

Their entire house was what could be described as cozy. With two floors and just enough space for the four of them. The ground floor contained a small living room which co-existed as a dining room and was connected with the small kitchen. A washroom was pushed into the corner of the downstairs and beneath the stairs that led upwards.

The upstairs had only three rooms, one which led to Mr. and Mrs. Carolina's room, one which led to the room their kids slept in and a small bathroom where the family would shower.

Mrs. Carolina was a dark haired woman who had her hair pulled back into a bun. Her skin was naturally pale though held a warm tan from all the time she had spent in the sun. She let out a soft laugh as she watched the (h/c) haired girl take a seat, "darling! How many times have I told you to just call me mom?"

(Y/n) smiled sheepishly, "sorry, Mrs- Mom! It just feels weird after calling you Mrs. Carolina for a while! Honestly, it's surreal that the adoption papers actually went through!"

Mrs. Carolina gave (Y/n) a gentle smile, "it's alright darling. You just call me whatever you like if it's too hard."

"Mom! What's for breakfast?" Asked a young raven haired girl as she plopped herself at the table opposite of (Y/n). Her raven hair was pulled back into pigtails which helped to highlight her cute features and round face.

"I decided on bread and eggs this morning." replied Mrs. Carolina.

A look of pain fell onto the ravenette's, Mina's, face but she bit her tongue before saying anything. The young girl was well aware of how fortunate she had been and knew not to complain about everything she had been blessed with.

At least she had something to eat for breakfast.

There was a gentle tapping on Mina's hand that caught her attention. Her (h/c) haired sister sat across with a playful smile on her face as she let out a teasing, "I didn't think you'd ever get out of bed, Mina!"

"Hey!" Mina pouted, "you act like you got out of bed way before me!"

"I did. I only came back in to wake you up!"


"Girls!" Mrs. Carolina's voice served as a warning to her two daughters. The two girls immediately stopped as Mrs. Carolina continued, "can one of you help to spread butter over the toast?"

"I can do that... mom." said (Y/n), jumping out of her seat and getting up to complete the task asked of her.

"Then Mina, could you go and set the table?" Asked Mrs. Carolina.

Mina grumbled something about not wanting to set the table that morning but not loud enough for her mother to hear. (Y/n) let out a giggle at her sister's words but didn't say anything that would get her in trouble. Despite the calm and gentle demeanour Mrs. Carolina displayed it didn't mean that she didn't also have a mean side.

Mina and (Y/n) knew better than to upset their mother, especially while she was in the kitchen.

Mrs. Carolina didn't exactly excel in cooking, despite all the time she spent in the kitchen. The girls would often find egg shells in their food but would quickly pick it out instead of complaining. In this house, when someone complained about another's cooking, they would have to be the ones to cook next.

"That smells wonderful, sweetheart~" said Mr. Carolina, his voice wafting in from the front door.

Mr. Carolina was a tall man who once had a full head of brown hair. He was currently wearing a receding hairline and slightly grown out beard. His eyes were big and round like Mina's but his jawline was much more defined.

He gave his wife a kiss on the cheek before taking a seat at the head of the table. Mrs. Carolina let out a small blush at her husband's display of affection.

(Y/n) thought it was sweet how despite all the years they spent together Mr. and Mrs. Carolina still managed to make each other feel like a couple that had just started dating. Sure, they had their ups and downs like any other couple, but it was obvious that they really did love each other when the small things they did still managed to fluster the other.

"-and loving."

"I see," said Willy.

"But they're also cruel and selfish."

Year 846: A Year After the Fall of Wall Maria

Location: Paradis, Inside Wall Rose, Mr. Carolina's Workplace

"(Y/n), you stand right here, alright?" Informed Mr. Carolina.

(Y/n) nodded.

Mr. Carolina had offered to take (Y/n) to work that day to show her what he did for a living after she asked him. The day had been rather boring and (Y/n) was ready to head back home. They had just about gone when Mr. Carolina had been called back into the office to sign a few papers.

Night was quickly descending upon Paradis and its people and soon enough they would begin to head off to bed.

It hadn't been very long that Mr. Carolina had gone into the office when (Y/n) had heard people from outside. She could see them through the window and was quick to notice a petite woman who was followed by two men in uniforms. She wasn't all too familiar with the different military branches and even if she was she wouldn't have been able to tell from where she stood.

There were muffled whispers as one of the men walked with a hand on the small of her back.

"You better not try anything again." murmured the other man, quickly peering left and right to make sure that no one else was there.

(Y/n) ducked to the side in hope that they wouldn't see her.

"Please, you don't have to do this. I promise I won't tell anyone!" Whispered the woman. She was on the verge of crying.

"Shut up you harlot!" Exclaimed one of the men, "you already had your chance and you blew it!"

"Please don't... I-I really tried my best!"

"If you were trying your best, he wouldn't be so unhappy now would he!?" Shouted one of the men, his voice echoing through the halls.

There was a sound of a scuffle before (Y/n) heard screaming. The woman must have managed to break away as she started shouting, "please! Someone help!"

"Damn slag." a man cursed.

There was a single click and then everything suddenly seemed to slow.

(Y/n) found herself counting seconds. She hoped that the woman would get away. She hoped that the men wouldn't be there when she and her father exited the building. She hoped that it was all in her imagination and that nothing like that was happening. She hoped that if she closed her eyes long enough nothing would happen.

For a moment (Y/n)'s world seemed to stop.

A memory of yellow lighting filled her vision.

A loud BANG pulled her back into reality.

"Shit! You killed her!"

"Damn it. Let's just get out of here!"

"The boss is gonna be so pissed. That was his favourite one too."

"Shut up! Don't talk about it or else you'll be the next one."

"Alright, alright."

At the age of eleven, (Y/n) had been aware of what happened but she didn't understand the severity of the situation.

What she did understand though, was the look of fear on her father, Mr. Carolina's face as he pulled himself out of the office after the sun had long gone. She understood that he was scared for his own life. She understood that he wasn't sure what to do and she understood that in that moment he was more scared for his own life than he was for hers.

Sure, she knew he loved her as much as any person could love their adopted child, but he also valued his own life as well.

It was why neither of them had been rushing to jump out when they heard the scuffle in the first place.

"You seemed to have a rather skewed view of them," said Mr. Tybur.

(Y/n) gave Mr. Tybur a confused look. As if she wasn't just the one to say something absurd.

"I just mean that, I'm not sure how they can be simultaneously good and bad?"

"I didn't think you were so naive, Mr. Tybur."

"And why is that?"

"Because everyone is simultaneously good and bad. It just depends on who you're talking to." smiled (Y/n). It wasn't one of those practiced smiles she had been giving all night. No. This smile was a real one and it was reminiscent of Mr. Tybur's sister.

Mr. Tybur looked as if he wanted to say something but had ended up swallowing his words as the Vice-Chief approached the pair.

"Would it be okay if I had the next dance with Miss (L/n)?" Asked Reiner.

Mr. Tybur gave a silent nod before turning to look at (Y/n). He gave the (h/c) haired girl a quick bow before disappearing into the crowd.

As soon as Mr. Tyber was out of sight (Y/n) gave the Vice-Chief a thankful smile, "I thought you would've been out of here by now."

"Well..." Reiner rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "there were still some things that I wanted to see through."

"Oh? And what would one of those things happen to be?"

"Anyways," Reiner cleared his throat, "would you do me the honor of having me as your next partner?"

(Y/n) smiled playfully, "only if you promise not to step on my toes."

"I'll try my best." flushed the Vice-Chief.

The two of them had done a simple curtsy to the other before beginning the next dance. The band had picked a faster tune and many of the people on the dance floor had left in favour of watching this dance.

Only a handful of people actually knew the steps to this faster paced, more modern dance. While the moves didn't seem that difficult the dance was rather easy to mess up. Unfortunately for (Y/n), Reiner happened to be one of those people that consistently messed it up.

His hand was soft as it held her own and Reiner suddenly found himself unable to look her in the eyes. Though, unlike others, it wasn't because he was scared of her heterochromatic gaze.

"So, have you gotten anything to eat yet?" Asked Reiner, "I noticed that you and Galliard weren't there when people had started getting food so I wanted to know if you got anything to eat yet."

"Oh, I didn't think you noticed. It's very kind of you to ask about something so simple." (Y/n) smiled, "but I did get something to eat earlier. You should probably ask Porco though. Simple things like that tend to slip his mind often."

"I guess."

"So what do you think of the food?" Asked (Y/n).

Reiner's face showed slight traces of a smile as he said, "much better than what they used to serve us as cadets."

Times as a cadet seemed so much simpler. Reiner had become the person he had always wanted to be there. He wasn't just a scared boy who didn't know the right things to say. Paradis was the place where Reiner and his fellow Warriors had gone through many changes. Not just physical ones, but as people.

Year 849: The Midst of the 104th Training

Location: Paradis, Inside Wall Rose, The Southern Division

A young Reiner Braun yawned as he gave a quick glance over at the cafeteria. Many of the cadets had already arrived for breakfast and had taken their seats. Bertholdt Hoover, a tall lanky raven haired boy and Reiner's friend, was still in line waiting to be served.

There weren't many open seats right now and the ones that were open didn't have enough space for two.

Reiner debated on just waiting for Bertholdt to finish getting his food before the two of them could find a place to sit together. Ugh, it was much too early to be thinking this hard though.

Reiner's eyes had been moving between each person before finally settling on a certain (h/c)ette. She had her head propped on one arm while the other slowly fed her some soup. Every so often the girl sitting beside her, Mina Carolina, would poke her in the side startling her. The young Braun let out a little chuckle at the sight.

"What are you laughing at, Reiner?" Bertholdt asked, waving a hand in front of his friend's face.

"Oh!" Reiner quickly turned away, "nothing too important."

Bertholdt shrugged off his friend's strange behaviour. It wasn't something he wanted to get into an argument about anyways.

"So where do you wanna sit?" Asked Reiner, pushing the responsibility away.

"W-well..." Bertholdt looked around quickly, "we c-could sit with Annie?" Berholdt pointed to an icy eyed female, Annie Leonhart, who sat across from (Y/n). Most of the bench on the female's side was empty and she seemed rather lost in her own thoughts this morning.

Before Bertholdt could say anything Reiner had agreed, dragging his friend to the seats. "You don't mind if we sit here, do you Annie?"

She glared at the two boys.

"It's alright." apologised Bertholdt, his voice barely louder than a whisper, "w-we can just go sit somewhere else."

"Come on, Annie." sighed (Y/n), "it's just Reiner and Bertholdt. I don't think they have anything too malicious planned." (Y/n) turned to the two boys with a bright smile on her face, "it's alright for the two of you to sit beside Annie! She won't bite, I think."

Reiner knew for a fact that (Y/n)'s statement was false. Perhaps Annie didn't literally bite people but she certainly wasn't afraid to start something. Despite knowing that though, Reiner took a seat beside the icy eyed blonde.

Bertholdt was more hesitant as he took a seat beside Reiner.

"So how are you ladies feeling after the climb?" Reiner asked.

Mina gave an exasperated sigh, "terrible! Everything aches. I don't think I'll be able to make it another day."

"Come on Mina," lecutered (Y/n) with a smile, "we both know that it wasn't that hard on you."

"Ah! My poor insensitive sister!" Exclaimed Mina.

(Y/n) playfully rolled her eyes before turning to look at Reiner and Bertholdt, "it was nothing too difficult. How are you feeling though Reiner? You took quite the tumble the other day. I was surprised you didn't break anything!"

Reiner shrugged, "I guess you could say I just have super powers."

Bertholdt gave Reiner a harsh jab to the side and Annie's cold eyes met his own. Reiner never really was too good at keeping secrets. At least from her he wasn't.

"So what do you think of the food!?" Exclaimed Bertholdt. His attempt to steer the conversation away left the crowd of cadets in the cafeteria all staring at them to see what the commotion was all about. Bertholdt must not have meant to have said it that loud as he quickly fell into his seat, his cheeks flushed a bright red.

(Y/n)'s eyes sparkled with amusement, "it's alright. The food is not horrible, though I do wish they would stop feeding us stale bread."

"Tell me about it!" Exclaimed a brown haired girl as she took a seat beside (Y/n).

Her name was Sasha Blouse or, as the other cadets liked to call her, Potato Girl. The young girl had become famous within the first ten minutes of having entered the training grounds after stealing and eating a steamed potato.

While she may have been foolish, Reiner had to admit that she was gutsy.

"I mean, is it too hard to bring us bread that's a little fresher?!" Added Sasha as she aggressively took a bite out of her bread.

"Hey, Mina!" A blonde, Thomas Waganer, called out, "do you remember that thing?"

Mina pondered on what Thomas meant before jumping out of her seat. "Oh my goodness! That's today?!"

"Yes!" Exclaimed Thomas before running out the door.

Mina was quick to try and follow after him but (Y/n) was quicker in grabbing her wrist. "What's 'that thing,' Mina?"

"Don't worry," Mina smirked, "you'll see soon enough!"


Mina was quick to follow Thomas out of the building after that, disappearing off into the distance with shouts and laughter. The confused cadets could only give each other half hearted shrugs as they watched the empty door frame.

"What was that about, (Y/n)?" Asked a newcomer, taking the now empty seat beside her.

"I have no idea, Eren." answered (Y/n).

Eren Jaeger, a brunette whose height didn't match his dreams and ambitions. He seemed to have accepted (Y/n)'s answer without much question as he started prodding at the food he had placed in front of him.

"Say, do you think Mina would mind if I ate the rest of her food?" Sasha asked, eagerly eyeing the food that had been left behind.

"Knock yourself out." shrugged (Y/n). The (h/c)ette grabbed the tray of food and pushed it away from Eren and towards Sasha. The rest of breakfast was rather uneventful until (Y/n) had taken another bite of her stale bread.

"What this bread could really use is some jam!" Exclaimed (Y/n).

"What is jam?" Asked Sasha.

A strange look crossed (Y/n)'s face for a moment. As if she was trying to remember something that she couldn't quite grasp.

"Oh, it's sort of a gooey juice that people put on their bread." said Eren, "my dad brought home a jar after helping a sick mother from the interior. It's pretty good, if I remember correctly. Did you come from a rich family, (Y/n)?"

Sasha pushed (Y/n) to the side, "what is jam made of, Eren?"

"Umm, wild berries?"

"Wow! That sounds amazing! We should head out and make some in our spare time!" Exclaimed Sasha.

(Y/n) had been so much more carefree back in Paradis. All of them could forget about their worries there, if just for a moment. Back then she was a girl who wasn't afraid of being loved. A girl who wasn't afraid to care.

"Yeah..." (Y/n) trailed off.

Reiner guessed that (Y/n)'s own experience in Paradis was different though. Unlike the other Warriors, (Y/n) had forgotten about all the promises she had made. She had been able to forget about everything that she lost.

She was able to forget about Marcel, if just for a moment.

Guilt rose up like bile in Reiner's throat. He pushed it aside and instead tried his best to focus on the steps of the dance. He had already stepped on (Y/n)'s toes three times now. Luckily for the Vice Chief, (Y/n) was a rather forgiving person.

"You know, you dance like you have two left feet, Braun." teased (Y/n).

Unluckily for the Vice Chief, (Y/n) had a knack for teasing people.

"Not intentionally."

"Fair enough."

"What do you think Sasha would've eaten first?" Reiner asked, subconsciously switching the conversation back. "I mean, I personally think she would've gone for the meat, but you never know. She might've gone for the mashed potatoes."

"Reiner." (Y/n)'s voice rang like a bell, suddenly much clearer than it had been before, "you know we can't talk about them."

"I know... it's just..."



"It's hard for me too."
