The Party

Chapter 2

Nyrah has been working with Arcadia Architects as a architect designer. She was sitting in her office, sifting through some files, when her phone rang. It was her senior. She picked up quickly, answering with a formal, "Good morning."

"Nyrah, we need you in the meeting. Be here in five minutes," he said abruptly before hanging up.

Meetings were always scheduled in advance, so this sudden call left her puzzled. It must be something urgent. She quickly gathered her necessary materials and hurried to the meeting room.

The heads of various departments and other high-ranking individuals were already assembled. Nyrah took her place as the representative of the design and development team. The head of the company began the announcement,

"Dear all, it gives me immense pleasure to announce that we have the opportunity to work with Hammer Corporation on our upcoming project. We have partnered with them for the estate's construction, and I am proud to say it will benefit the company greatly..."

As the announcement dragged on, Nyrah felt her attention wane. Joint ventures had never worked in her favor; they always seemed like bad omens. She couldn't help but wonder what challenges this one would bring.

The meeting concluded after an hour of routine discussions. It was time for lunch, and her colleague Liya joined her. Nyrah internally groaned; Liya was the office gossip, always full of information about everyone and everything.

As they reached the cafeteria and took a seat in a quiet corner, Nyrah started reading the news on her phone, while Liya kept chattering. Suddenly, Liya asked, "Nyrah, do you know anything about the owner of Hammer Corporation?"

Nyrah took a sip of her coffee and replied casually, "No, not at all, nor do I care."

Liya, ever curious, said, "Well, I heard he's very handsome. And the best part? He's unmarried."

Nyrah sighed. But then Liya mentioned something that brought back old memories, "I didn't catch his name, but I heard he has beautiful hazel eyes."

Nyrah's mind drifted back to a pair of hazel eyes she once knew.


The elegant ballroom buzzed with chatter and laughter as business elites mingled, their glasses clinking in celebration of successful deals and partnerships. Soft jazz melodies floated through the air, setting the perfect ambiance for networking. Waiters moved gracefully, offering trays of exquisite hors d'oeuvres and champagne.

In one corner, Nyrah was engrossed in her phone, indifferent to the lavish surroundings. A waiter approached her table, offering a tray of colorful cocktails. She chose a classic martini, perfectly chilled and garnished with a twist of lemon and olives. Taking a sip, she found it wasn't to her taste and decided to discard it.

Amid the bustling party, two figures collided unexpectedly. The martini glass shattered on the floor, and for a moment, time stood still as they locked eyes in surprise.

The martini had spilled all over his expensive suit, tailored to perfection but now marred by the stain. His hazel eyes met hers—gray like storm clouds on a winter's day. In his eyes, she saw warmth and sincerity, a depth that drew her in. In hers, he saw strength and resilience, tempered by a hint of vulnerability.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry, Aston!" she exclaimed, her hands instinctively moving to his stained clothes. He caught her wrist firmly and led her out of the hall to a secluded corner. She struggled to keep up, her black off-shoulder gown not helping.

Once outside, he gently cupped her chin, lifting her face to meet his gaze. Their eyes locked in an intimate stare. He pulled her close, his arms enveloping her in a tender embrace, their bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. The world around them faded as they stood there, lost in the moment.

"Looks like you have a bad habit of bumping into people, don't you?" he teased, admiring her smoky makeup that highlighted her smoldering gray eyes. He couldn't deny she was the most beautiful girl in the entire college, and her gaze could drive him to distraction.

"You keep getting in my way," she replied with a hint of irritation. "Now you brought me here, let me go," she insisted, noticing the minimal moonlight illuminating the dark corner.

"What if I won't?" he asked playfully, finding her presence a welcome distraction in the dull party.

"Aston, please," she pleaded sweetly, making his heart flutter and his body react involuntarily, as the blood rushed southwards the certain area of his body got alive unknowingly.She tried to free herself from his grip by moving herself more, colliding with his now awaken part adding more fuel to the fire.

He released her abruptly, the force almost making her fall if not for the wall behind her. With a sudden wrath, he said, "Stay . Away . From . Me . Nyrah." He left her standing there, confused and hurt.

She thought to herself, He's really a monster, a bipolar monster, cringing internally at his previous statement as if she was desperate to be in his arms.
