F I F T Y - O N E

Sid's nerves rise from a low hum to a fast buzz. Chante met her eyes again and waited for Sid's go-ahead to open the door. Sid wasn't sure if she wanted her to but looking at Nixon in front of her, then at Chante, she knew that people were putting a lot on the line to stand with her. To stand behind her in whatever death wish she wanted to play out. She was confronting things. Putting a stop to narratives that continued to play out year after year. From one generation to the next.

She nodded at Chante who quickly crossed over to the door and opened it. The person on the other side wrapped their arms low around Chante's waist, lightly grazing her behind before releasing her. But all pleasantries vanished as their foot crossed the threshold and took in who was there.

"Ahhhhh, hell Nah." Frenchie threw her hands up in the air before raking them down over her face, like a participant on a show who just found out they'd been pranked. She turned and gave Chante a look that said Really? And the next second her hand was reaching for the doorknob.

"Frenchie, please." Sid pleaded.

"Look baby girl, I don't know how you got tied up in this shit and my condolences for your Pops and all but no...hell no." Frenchie turned the knob and yanked the door open but didn't leave because Sid ran over and threw her body against the door forcing it shut again. "Yo, you wildin!" Frenchie released a nervous chuckle and began to pace the room. Keys and loose change jingled together in the pocket of her deep purple sweatpants which sagged low off her ass. Her matching sweatshirt was fitted to her with a small smiling Mickey Mouse over the breast pocket. Frenchie's face glared angrily above that smiling Mickey. She continued to pace while fishing a cigarette out of her pocket.

"You can't smoke in here, French."

"Let me the fuck out then! She blocking the door like Terminator and shit... y'all trippin!" Frenchie was fully worked up and antsy. She was all over the place.

"Yo, just sit and listen for a second French." Nixon piped up. Frenchie didn't respond to him but she also didn't make another break for the door. Sid took her opportunity.

"I know you don't know me that well, but I'm not usually like this. I spend most of my time hiding...everywhere. Anywhere. I'm anxious and scared about most things. But since...since I met Phil....Since I let Chante drag me out of the house. It reminded me that these streets used to be home. Safe. Until they weren't because of Kru. But that fear that I've felt for years is gone. Now, I'm someone that I don't even know. But I do know she's not scared and she's not hiding anymore." Sid moved away from the door toward Frenchie.

"We all grew up around here and for one reason or another are still here. I don't know what your reason is but I know that mine is Kru. I think we all deserve to experience a life that hasn't been tainted by Kru. One where he hasn't taken something from each and every one of us and so many more people out there." Sid pointed behind her to the door where their neighborhood stretched for miles on the other side. Her eyes tracked back to Frenchie.

"What has he taken from you?" She asked her. Frenchie took a long deep drag on her cigarette and scratched at the thin line of scalp between her neat cornrows.

"He ain't take nothing. He held me out of a bind when I was younger. Probably would be dead if it wasn't for him." Frenchie turned and looked Sid dead in her eyes as she. Sid felt all the adrenaline she'd been pumped up on a moment ago sink into the bottom of her stomach and dissipate. In all her planning she didn't expect Frenchie to be so loyal to Kru. She thought she saw a flicker of something in Frenchie. Something that hinted at a heart, a desire to be out of the circumstances that being born in the hood pushed her into. Sid kicked herself for overplaying her hand. Telling Frenchie everything upfront. She should have gone in slower, felt her out before putting everything out on the table.

"I chose to be here. I know what I'm in." Frenchie addressed all of them in the room as they surrounded her. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Her funny comments and crotch tugging were gone. Frenchie was serious. Sid was terrified.

"I've been a fuck up for a long while. It's my choice. But I know everybody don't choose this. You ain't choose what happened to your Pops. Phil, he ain't made for this shit and didn't choose it. I suppose ya'll didn't either." She threw her hand that was holding the cigarette out at Nixon and Chante who both averted their eyes. Sid knew what they were feeling. Like children that had somehow fallen into the lion's den after leaning too far over the rail. Now there was no way out but through the lion.

"How is he? Phil." Frenchie asked quietly.

"Had to have surgery but he's recovering." The reversal of roles wasn't lost on Sid. She remembered stalking Frenchie and begging her to put her in touch with Phil but here she was. His emergency contact of some sort. He'd been exiled from his 'family'. Things had changed so drastically so quickly. The quickness of it all made her head spin. She suddenly felt the need to take a moment. To halt this train that was barreling through the station on its own steam.

But instead, she thought about what Kru might be doing right at this moment. While she was here plotting his demise was he destroying another life? Or doing something mundane like napping or taking a piss? Sid could hardly picture him doing something so banal, so human. She looked at Frenchie who wore a pained expression across her caramel skin.

"He shouldn't have done that shit to Phil, man. That hurt me. Went too far with that. That's family regardless, you know?" Frenchie seemed to be convincing herself more than everyone in the room. Weighing whatever collateral she'd given Kru against the sheer devastation that he causes anyone who crosses him.

"I know you said he helped you...but people who use their help to control others are not helping. They're vultures. Kru is great at knowing when someone is at the edge of desperation..." She thought of her father wanting to run his own restaurant more than anything in the world. Of her, wanting to rescue Phil from Kru's grips and how he laughed. Smiled and enjoyed it. Made her do his bidding to get what she wanted. "He dangles exactly what they need. But he dangles it off the edge of a cliff. So as soon as you reach for it, you slip. And only he can reach out and save you."

Only the whir of the air conditioner could be heard in the room. Sid's own breath had leveled out, her head had stopped swirling as she spoke. Nixon and Chante were both statues on opposite sides of the room. Neither moving a muscle but everyone's eyes were trained on Frenchie. They watched as she pulled on the cigarette until her chest caved with the effort. The stream of smoke she released seemed to go on forever, curling around the room, touching each of them.

"I can't help you." She said as she took another drag. Sid felt herself deflate as the mountain in front of her suddenly seemed immovable. She was still in fighting mode though, determined to get this done by any means. She started to speak but Frenchie held up a hand to quiet her.

"I won't help you. But I'll make sure no one gets in your way." Sid couldn't help but smile at Frenchie. She went over to her and threw her arms around Frenchie's neck.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Aight now, baby girl. Don't get something started you can't finish." Frenchie pulled Sid away from her and visibly checked out Sid's thighs in her jeans before shaking her head in satisfaction. Nixon started laughing and soon their whole hodgepodge crew was erupting in laughter. The sound seemed so foreign. Everything about them was mismatched, in this daycare surrounded by toys plotting to take down the neighborhood kingpin. But if Sid learned anything about the world, it's that you can only expect the unexpected to happen. 

ONLY 4 PARTS LEFT! We are in the final stretch good people. This story is connecting me with such great people on here in these Wattpad streets. The love is real and I'm so grateful ya'll love Sid and her messed up ass lmao! I'll have another part up on Sunday. ❤❤❤ALSOSALE SALE SALE! My novel "Say When" is available for just $0.99 today (11/27/2020) through Cyber Monday (11/30/2020) ! If you have been enjoying "All She Can Take" you'll probably like my other joint too so go give it a peek. Just search "Say When by Athena Hernandez" on Amazon and you'll see it POW right on your screen, lol. You can even read the first few chapters for FREE right here on Wattpad!You know you spend more than that on taquitos at 7-Eleven! Stop playing, lol! Love you guys and check it out if you can.
