Chapter 131

Edited by - xiaoAnZheee


The first two rounds ended in a 1:1 tie. The third round was crucial - winning 2:1 would secure one victory and a net score of 1 point; losing 1:2 would mean zero victories and a net score of -1.

While all teams in Group S secured a spot in the playoffs, only the top four could make it to the winner bracket. Everyone aimed for the winner bracket due to its two lives, while a slight misstep in the loser bracket could lead to elimination.

These unspoken rules were well-known, yet Coach Lin didn't articulate them, so as not to add more pressure to the team.

He turned to Ye Shaoyang and said, "In the deciding round, let's play it safe and focus on details to secure a potential victory."

As the break ended, both sides entered the decisive round's Ban-Pick phase.

Tianhuan didn't ban the Bounty Hunter; surprising moves rarely secure two consecutive wins. In the third round, Jingzhe also didn't ban the Black/White Wolf Core system, maintaining focus on the banning support position.

Many teamfight-oriented supports, control-oriented and protective, were banned.

On the blue side, Tianhuan first picked the marksman, Wind Nymph.

The commentator explained, "Tianhuan picked an agile marksman to ensure the marksman isn't insta killed. Wind Nymph has good mobility and strong self-defense capabilities."

"Jingzhe chose Machine Gun Huntsman and Master Machinist, a tower pushing combination."

"Tianhuan, in the second and third picks, chose Frost Goddess and Black Dragon Knight for the mid and top lanes!"

"Jingzhe's third pick, Vampiric Duke for the top lane, tanky and versatile."

The Ban-Pick phase in the first stage was conventional. Compared to the previous two rounds where both sides brought out new strategies, in the third round, they opted for stability, choosing standard lineups.

In these situations, it came down to details and execution, as everyone was familiar with all the heroes.

In the second phase, Tianhuan banned two burst-heavy mid laners, and Jingzhe focused on the jungle position.

Coach Chen asked Captain Fang, "What do you think Chi Shuo will pick for the jungle?"

Fang Zhengqing replied, "He's likely to choose a jungle core."

Coach Chen thought, using reverse exclusion, Chi Shuo probably would pick a utility champion.

So, he banned champions like Brawler and Holy Knight, typical utility picks.

For the fourth pick, Jingzhe selected the jungler White Bear, leaving the last pick for the mid lane.

"I remember in a previous match, Qu Jiang played Frost Goddess in the support role, so it's unclear if Tianhuan picked Frost Goddess for mid or support."

"Yes, if Frost Goddess is in the support role, Tianhuan will pick another mid laner for the 4th or 5th pick."

Two heroes appeared in the selection box simultaneously: Stealth Rogue for the jungle and Space Time Traveler for support.

Coach Chen exclaimed, "Didn't you say he wouldn't pick a jungle core?"

Fang Zhengqing innocently replied, "I said he would pick a jungle core."

Coach Chen sighed, "The problem is, we did a reverse of everything you said."

Fang Zhengqing said, "Maybe they predicted my predictions. Double negatives make a positive?"

Unusually perceptive, Fang Zhengqing accurately guessed Chi Shuo's hero choice this game.

Stealth Rogue, one of Chi Shuo's signature heroes, a classic jungle core capable of stealthily kill marksman from behind.

Tianhuan's lineup was complete, with Frost Goddess in the mid lane and Space Time Traveler as support.

Fang Zhengqing thought for a moment and said, "I'll pick Illusionist to counter Frost Goddess. Bottom lane, Ah Yuan, be cautious, don't get flanked by the Stealth  Rogue."

Xie Yuan responded, "Understood."

Both lineups were locked in.

The commentators remarked, "In this game, both teams chose common lineups seen frequently in the League, with high stability. The outcome in teamfights remains uncertain. If Frost Goddess freezes several enemies, Tianhuan has a good chance; if the jungler stuns or the Illusionist bursts down the marksman, Jingzhe might take the win."

Jingzhe's bottom lane was a fast-pushing combination. If they quickly take down the outer tower in the early game, Tianhuan might face a slight disadvantage. This game seemed to revolve around the bottom lane."

As the two commentators analyzed the lineups, the match officially began.

Audiences noticed that Cheng Xing didn't bring Flash in this game, opting for Cleanse instead.

Because Fang Zhengqing picked Illusionist, a burst magic damage hero, if controlled, the squishy marksman could be instantly killed. During team training, he had been killed numerous times by Ye Shaoyang's Illusionist. Bringing Cleanse might save him from an instant death.

On the other hand, Ye Shaoyang boldly brought Flash, confident he wouldn't be insta-killed.

At the start, both sides contested for buffs.

After some back-and-forth, their blue buff was stolen by the opponents. Chi Shuo attempted to counter-steal their blue buff but found enemies defending the area, so he went home to take the red buff first.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the enemy's position and said, "Old Qin, come with me to take their red."

The two silently circled around the jungle, swiftly stealing the other side’s red buff.

In the end, their team secured two red buffs, while the Jingzhe got two blues.

Though it balanced out, Chi Shuo couldn't reach level 6 immediately. Remaining calm, he knew that picking a stealthy assassin like Stealth Rogue meant being prepared for invasions and limited development by the opponents.

In past games with this hero, he had experienced situations where the enemy stole three buffs while he only got one. Today, Ye Shaoyang promptly changed the strategy to steal one red buff, a timely damage control.

As Chi Shuo couldn't reach level 6 immediately, Xie Yuan in the bottom lane comfortably farmed.

In the 2v2 matchup, Cheng Xing, with the agile Wind Nymph, wasn't suppressed by Xie Yuan. Although the river crab was taken by the other side, it had minimal impact.

On the top lane, Old Qin, after securing the red buff, aggressively pressured the enemy's top laner back to the tower.

In the mid lane, Fang Zhengqing moved skillfully, and Ye Shaoyang couldn't freeze him. Likewise, Ye Shaoyang kept his distance from Fang Zhengqing, avoiding getting stunned.

The first dragon was left untouched.

Neither jungler reached level 6, and other lanes also hadn't hit level 6, making it risky to attack the dragon.

The game entered a stable development phase until Fang Zhengqing reached level 6 and gained his ult.

Ye Shaoyang immediately warned, "Mid lane is missing."

Almost simultaneously, the other side's support also reminded, "Stealth Rogue has reached level 6. I can't see where he is."

Both sides quickly retreated from the bottom lane.

Cheng Xing fell back to the tower, and Xie Yuan followed suit.

Ye Shaoyang quickly analyzed the situation, "The opponent's mid laner went to the top lane."

If Fang Zhengqing went to the bottom lane to support, Xie Yuan wouldn't directly retreat to the tower. His retreat indicated concerns about Chi Shuo potentially assassinating him. Therefore, Fang Zhengqing would undoubtedly go to the top lane.

At this moment, Chi Shuo was near the mid lane, while Ye Shaoyang marked the top lane. The two swiftly circled around from their jungle to the top lane. Just as they arrived, a summoned bear suddenly descended, stunning Old Qin!

Old Qin had been killed twice in the previous game and played cautiously this round. Now, facing another tower dive from the enemy, Old Qin, hit hard by Illusionist's burst, was left with low health. Just when it seemed he was about to be killed, he flashed-

The reverse flash directly took him away from Jingzhe's backline. The "Black Dragon Roar" ult instantly taunted the enemy's jungle and mid laner. Almost simultaneously, Ye Shaoyang used the freezing skill W, connecting with Old Qin's CC. Chi Shuo, flanking from behind, joined in, and the three coordinated to eliminate Fang Zhengqing!

The enemy's top lane, Vampiric Duke, activated lifesteal, securing the kill on the low-health Old Qin.

- [Tianhuan Shuoyue (Stealth Rogue) has killed I'm very Square (Illusionist).]

- [A-hill (Vampiric Duke) has killed Tianhuan Zhuhua (Black Dragon Knight).]

Two messages popped up simultaneously, resulting in a 1-for-1 trade. After using their skills, both sides retreated with unspoken understanding.

Fang Zhengqing frowned, "Their reinforcements are swift."

In the second game, Tianhuan faced a collapse in the top lane, so this time, they prioritized defending the top lane. Jingzhe's attempt to use the same tactic to insta kill Old Qin was unsuccessful.

Fang Zhengqing immediately adjusted, "Focus on the bottom lane."

After respawning, Fang Zhengqing cleared a wave of minions in the mid lane, waiting for his ult cool down before going to the bottom lane. Ye Shaoyang placed a warning ping in the bottom lane, "Be careful."

Chi Shuo hurriedly rushed there.

A 4v4 team fight broke out in the bottom lane!!

The two commentators looked at each other, "In this game,when Jingzhe focuses on the top, and Tianhuan goes top; Jingzhe focuses on the bottom, and Tianhuan also goes bottom. It seems... quite coordinated?"

"Aren't Captain Chi and Captain Fang known for their lack of coordination? Could it be Lieyang giving commands?"

The camera switched to the soundproof room, showing Ye Shaoyang with a serious expression, eyes focused on the computer screen, constantly talking but inaudible. Sitting next to him, Chi Shuo looked serious but remained silent.

It indeed appeared that Ye Shaoyang was giving commands?

In the 4v4 team fight in the bottom lane, both sides pulled and engaged. Chi Shuo flanked to assassinate Xie Yuan, who used Flash to escape. Ye Shaoyang tried to freeze Fang Zhengqing but was evaded due to Captain Fang's agile positioning. Fang Zhengqing aimed to kill Cheng Xing, but Xiao Xing instantly used Cleanse, and Qu Jiang immediately activated the speed buff, successfully protecting Cheng Xing.

The result was a large exchange of skills, but no one died.

The commentators remarked, "Ah, they exchanged a wave of skills, but no one died."

"Yeah, they traded Flash and Cleanse, and both marksmen barely escaped."

"However, Machine Gun Huntsman clears minions quickly, and with high tower-pushing efficiency, Tianhuan's bottom tower lost some health, while Jingzhe's tower remains full."

"This small difference might seem insignificant, but professional teams sometimes capitalize on such small details to snowball."

The commentators' speculation proved correct.

Even though Cheng Xing and Qu Jiang weren't pressured in this game and cleared each wave smoothly, the combination of Master Machinist and Machine Gun Huntsman could demolish towers without minions.

Master Machinist deployed mechanical minions to tank the tower, then used the Disturbance skill, making the tower ignore it. Machine Gun Huntsman, with a long range Q skill, rapidly shot at the tower, achieving high attack speed, gradually wearing down the tower's hp.

Even if Cheng Xing cleared the mechanical minions quickly, he couldn't instantly eliminate all of them.

Chi Shuo couldn't stay in the bottom lane indefinitely; he needed to jungle and collect buffs. Similarly, Ye Shaoyang couldn't support the bottom lane continuously; he had to clear mid-lane minions.

Jingzhe's support, Li Yunmo, had strong awareness. He took advantage of moments when Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang couldn't support the bottom lane, forcefully using mechanical minions to tank and push towers. After several waves, Tianhuan's bottom tower was ground down.

–- The tower has been destroyed.

The game progressed to the 10-minute mark.

Ye Shaoyang assessed the situation and said, "Xiao Xing, retreat to the second tower to prevent flanking."

With one tower down, Xie Yuan was liberated. He could push the minion wave out and then return to their jungle for farming or help in the mid lane.

Losing a tower and starting a snowball was a common strategy for strong teams.

Tianhuan found itself in a slight disadvantage, but Ye Shaoyang remained calm. Facing an opponent with a tower-pushing comp, it was normal for them to push towers faster. The recent team fight in the bottom lane not resulting in kills was within his expectations.

This was just a setback, as long as it didn't turn into an avalanche, there would always be opportunities for a comeback.

Ye Shaoyang said, "Be cautious in the top lane."

He had a premonition that after Jingzhe successfully pushed the outer tower in bottom lane, they might switch lanes quickly to take down the tower in top lane as well.

As expected, Master Machinist and Machine Gun Huntsman appeared in the top lane, while Vampiric Duke switched to the bottom lane for farming.

In the top lane, Old Qin faced a 1v2 situation. His Black Dragon Knight's clearing speed was relatively slow, and Xie Yuan quickly pushed the minion wave towards him. Li Yunmo immediately released mechanical minions, and Xie Yuan, instead of engaging in combat, relentlessly attacked the tower. The top lane tower was quickly worn down to half health.

Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang went to support the top lane. They intended to flank and eliminate Xie Yuan quickly. However, as soon as Chi Shuo appeared, a purple ball of light suddenly struck him - the Illusionist's hallucination stun!

Fang Zhengqing, hiding in the side bushes, was specifically protecting the marksman. With the jungler stunned, Xie Yuan immediately retreated.

The trade-off remained 1:1.

Jingzhe gradually rolled the snowball using the advantage in the bottom lane.

In the backstage viewing area, Coach Lin frowned, "Jingzhe's macro play is strong."

Xie Xiaotian was somewhat anxious, "They keep reducing the tower's health without directly engaging in team fights, pushing and retreating after each wave. If this continues, a small setback might turn into a big one."

Coach Lin said, "Well, let's see if Shaoyang can find an opportunity."

A disadvantageous situation? Ye Shaoyang had faced many of them.

Sometimes, when the outer towers were pushed down, leaving only the Nexus, there was still a chance for a turnaround.

For professional players -

As long as the Nexus wasn't destroyed, it's not considered a loss!

Truly powerful teams needed to handle both favorable and adverse situations.

In this game, Tianhuan's strategy wasn't wrong, and the support was timely. However, Jingzhe's marksman-support combination pushed towers too quickly, making it impossible to defend without minions.

Tianhuan needed to farm and find opportunities to turn the game around.

At the 14-minute mark, the top lane outer tower was destroyed.

Tianhuan lost one tower in both the top and bottom lanes, making the situation more unfavorable.

Tianhuan's fans started to feel anxious. Many fans in the arena raised their posters, seemingly using this method to encourage the team.

Everyone knew Jingzhe was a strong team, ranking in the top two of Group S, and their coordination was excellent. Tianhuan had undergone a major roster change, so losing was expected.

But the fans didn't want to see Tianhuan lose.

While rationalizing the situation, emotionally, they were reluctant to accept it!

What should be done?

Yang Yang had to find a solution; they couldn't continue like this!

Many fans placed their hopes on Ye Shaoyang's command in this game.

However, strong teams were strong because of their detailed planning, and this situation was favorable for Jingzhe. With two towers down on the enemy side, they just needed to stabilize their strategy and slowly snowball.

Rolling the snowball big, gaining an economic lead, and then team fighting would secure a victory.

So, at this point, Jingzhe wasn't in a hurry to engage in team fights. They managed the minion waves in top and bottom lanes, repeatedly moving them. After the top and bottom lanes were pushed, they would turn to the mid lane and group up for a push.

To simultaneously manage all three lanes, coordinate minion wave timings, and restrict the enemy's movements required a high-level strategic understanding. Undoubtedly, Fang Zhengqing was an excellent strategist, and Jingzhe played this game very well.

The fans were becoming desperate.

But in the camera shot, inside the soundproof room, Ye Shaoyang's expression remained calm.

As Jingzhe once again grouped up to push the mid lane, Ye Shaoyang suddenly said, "Captain Chi, go to the bottom lane to tower-push. The rest of us will defend mid lane, and you take down their bottom tower."

Chi Shuo: "Alright."

In this game, everyone had to follow Ye Shaoyang's commands during critical moments.

Chi Shuo stealthily went to the bottom lane.

At this point, Jingzhe had an overall economic lead of 3000 over Tianhuan. In a disadvantageous situation, how could Tianhuan dare to engage in a 4v5 in the mid lane?!

Jingzhe only needed to initiate a team fight under the tower, and Tianhuan might collapse!

Fans anxiously sat upright, fearing that Tianhuan's four players in the mid lane would be wiped out.


Things weren't as disastrous as everyone thought.

Jingzhe's White Bear initiated, the Master Machinist released mechanical minions to tank the tower, Xie Yuan positioned himself cautiously, and Fang Zhengqing attempted to take on Cheng Xing. However, at a crucial moment, Ye Shaoyang casted the protective shield of the Frost Goddess on Cheng Xing, saving his life. Jingzhe wanted to pursue, but Ye Shaoyang signaled, "Retreat!"

Simultaneously, he casted his ult, covering the area with a blizzard, blocking the enemy's movements.

The support, the Space Time Traveler, immediately activated "Time Reversal" to speed up the retreat. Jingzhe's top laner flashed in to chase the backline, but Tianhuan retreated quickly, reaching the inner tower without getting caught.

The mid lane outer tower fell, but Tianhuan didn't lose any members.

Meanwhile, stealthed Chi Shuo emerged in the bottom lane, silently leading a wave of minions and taking down Jingzhe's bottom tower.

"Not participating in the team fight and instead going for the tower is a wise decision. Because even with the jungler present, it might not deter Jingzhe's attack, and they would still force a tower dive. Losing the mid tower is inevitable!"

"Exactly, Jingzhe's support can use mechanical minions to tank the tower effectively. If Tianhuan stubbornly defends the tower 5v5, it's easy to collapse. Pretending to defend the tower, retreating in time, and sending the jungler to steal a lane is a timely loss prevention, isn't it?"

Coach Lin, watching this, smiled, "Shaoyang's decision is very clever. Forcing a tower defense is unnecessary."

Xie Xiaotian excitedly sat upright, "Captain Chi's jungle can remain stealthed, and as long as he doesn't appear, Jingzhe can't determine his location, right!"

Coach Lin nodded, "Exactly, this is also a form of psychological warfare. The stealthed jungle not revealing itself forces Jingzhe's marksman not to position too far forward, as they must guard against being flanked and killed by the jungler."

Psychological warfare was also a part of the game when both sides were in contention.

Xie Yuan indeed thought that Chi Shuo was squatting on the side, so he didn't chase aggressively. This was the potential threat created by a stealthed jungle in the enemy's mind.

This move didn't result in any kills, but taking the bottom tower back was a slight comeback. However, overall, Tianhuan was still at a disadvantage.

At this point, Tianhuan lost all three outer towers, while Jingzhe only lost one.

Jingzhe continued to steadily operate, and the economic difference between the two teams was approaching 5000.

Tianhuan's five players grouped up to clear minions and quickly retreated to defend the tower.

"This has turned into an imprisoned game! Tianhuan is in danger."

Everyone felt that Tianhuan had already lost this game.

But Jingzhe's first wave of minions failed to successfully take down the tower.

The Frost Goddess's tower defense was formidable. With a massive Blizzard skill unleashed in mid-lane, the opposition couldn't push forward aggressively. On the top lane, Old Qin's Roar Taunt disrupted Jingzhe's tower push rhythm, while Cheng Xing swiftly defended the bottom lane.

Coordinating their efforts to quickly clear minions from all three lanes, they demonstrated the finesse of defending the tower.

During routine team practices, Coach Lin would often give Team 2 a significant economic lead at the start, forcing the main team to play from behind. This training clearly paid off.

Tianhuan faced an uphill battle today, defending the tower in an orderly fashion without anyone panicking or making mistakes.

Even Cheng Xing, typically the first to be targeted, quickly maneuvered to clear a lane of minions in the tower defense battle, then barely escaped back to the Nexus with a sliver of health.

Fang Zhengqing's brow furrowed.

Tianhuan had always been a resilient team, making it difficult to push minions onto their tower. He glanced at the respawn timer of the great dragon and decided, "Retreat. Let's go for the great dragon."

Jingzhe quickly pulled back, plundering resources along their retreat.

Ye Shaoyang marked the dragon's location: "Check out the dragon."

Old Qin inquired, "Should we try to steal it?"

Ye Shaoyang replied, "Don't steal it. Just delay their attempt to take the dragon."

Old Qin confirmed, "Understood!"

Ye Shaoyang then said to Chi Shuo, "Captain Chi, sneak to the bottom lane."

Chi Shuo acknowledged, "Got it."

From the eagle eye view of the audience, it was evident that Chi Shuo had gone invisible again, following his own minions slowly towards the bottom lane. At this time, Jingzhe had already started to kill the dragon.

As they engaged the dragon, they were well-prepared defensively, with the support positioned in the bushes, the mid-laner lurking to the side, and the top laner, jungler, and marksman quickly taking down the dragon.

After all, they couldn't afford another unexpected dragon steal like in the first game!

Jingzhe's formation was impenetrable.


Ye Shaoyang had taken Flash in this game!

You think a support hiding in the bushes can stop us? We can Flash over.

Old Qin and Ye Shaoyang simultaneously used Flash, with Old Qin leading with his ult, "Black Dragon Roar," taunting those near the Dragon Pit. Ye Shaoyang also immediately followed with his ult, "Blizzard"!

In the confined space of the Dragon Pit, the Frost Goddess's teamfighting ability shined.

The ultimate skill covered a wide area!

Ye Shaoyang's economy was solid this game. He hadn't missed a single minion in mid-lane, and at this point, although his gear wasn't as advanced as Fang Zhengqing's, he still managed to do a significant damage.

Their coordinated control and Ye Shaoyang's ultimate forced Xie Yuan to back off.

Fighting the dragon while under the Frost Goddess's Blizzard ultimate? If the dragon didn't kill him, he'd die from the blizzard first!

Ye Shaoyang's ult enveloped the entire Dragon Pit. It was unwise for Jingzhe to continue challenging the dragon amidst the Blizzard, especially with Chi Shuo potentially lurking nearby, ready to swoop in for a kill if they were weakened.

Xie Yuan moved to the side of the Dragon Pit and counterattacked.

Fang Zhengqing refused to let Tianhuan disrupt their flow. He repositioned and launched an assault on the Frost Goddess. The Vampiric Duke activated his ult and slashed at Ye Shaoyang-

Just as the Frost Goddess seemed doomed, her health suddenly rebounded to 50%.

The commentator exclaimed excitedly, "The support has activated the Time Reversal skill, restoring the health to its state from 2 seconds ago!" 

"Exactly, that timely Time Reversal allowed the Frost Goddess to interfere with the enemy to take down the dragon without being instantly killed by a concentrated enemy attack. The enemy's barrage essentially missed."

The Time Reversal restored health back from 2 seconds prior.

Jingzhe failed to eliminate Ye Shaoyang immediately, allowing his health to recover. With no skills left, Fang Zhengqing saw Cheng Xing seize the opportunity to target him, prompting Fang Zhengqing to swiftly retreat.

Xie Yuan countered Ye Shaoyang beside the dragon pit. The two sides struggled around the pit until...

Old Qin let the dragon escape.

The dragon, previously reduced to about 30% health, was instantly rejuvenated to full health.

Jingzhe's team was left in dismay.

All that effort for nothing!

From the eagle eye view , it was revealed that Chi Shuo had already made his way invisibly to the river in the bottom lane. As the minions from both sides clashed in the river, waiting for the moment when they were at their weakest, Chi Shuo suddenly appeared, using a quick skill to eliminate the minion wave, and then continued to push forward with his own minions.

"Jungler is in the bottom lane!" Li Yunmao alerted his team.

They had anticipated Tianhuan might attempt to compete in taking down the great dragon. Since Chi Shuo hadn't shown up, they assumed he was lurking nearby, waiting for a chance to either steal the dragon or ambush them. For a jungle core, wouldn't you need to be there for the dragon?

But to their surprise, Chi Shuo was pushing the bottom lane instead!

Your jungle core, ditching a critical dragon fight to tower dive?

With the dragon spawning in the upper half of the map and Chi Shuo pushing bottom, the distance was too great.

By the time Jingzhe could address the bottom lane, it was already too late. Fang Zhengqing frowned and declared, "I'll go back to defend."

Ye Shaoyang coolly ordered, "Keep them from recalling."

Qu Jiang unleashed his ult, "Temporal Rift," blocking Jingzhe's retreat path, preventing them from recalling immediately. Ye Shaoyang followed up with a slowing skill. Unable to tolerate any further delay, the enemy's top laner decisively killed the Frost Goddess.

-[A Hill (Vampiric Duke) has killed Tianhuan Lieyang (Frost Goddess)]!

Ye Shaoyang said, "Let's retreat."

Qu Jiang activated his speed buff, leading his teammates to quickly pull back. In the bottom lane, Chi Shuo had pushed the minion wave to the tower.

-Our defense tower was destroyed.

By the time Fang Zhengqing and his team managed to recall back home, the bottom tower had already been taken.

Fang Zhengqing: "..."

He was really taken aback.

Chi Shuo choosing not to join the team fight, instead going invisible to sneakily take down tower. It was a tactic Fang Zhengqing hadn't anticipated from Tianhuan.

What surprised him even more was that after taking the tower, Chi Shuo didn't recall back to base. Instead, he quietly hid in the blue buff jungle area. Xie Yuan and the support were there, farming the jungle monsters, trying to gather enough gold for Xie Yuan's last gear, the Guardian Angel.

Suddenly, Chi Shuo emerged and executed a combination of moves that insta killed the marksman.

Xie Yuan: "...Doesn't he ever go back home?"

Fang Zhengqing, speechless, said, "His motion to recall in the bush was a feint. He was deceiving us."

At the scene, Tianhuan's fans cheered excitedly: "Captain Chi, awesome!"

Ye Shaoyang also praised, "Beautiful!"

Chi Shuo has always been a player skilled at seizing opportunities. Sneaking off to take the tower was Ye Shaoyang's strategy. However, hiding in the jungle to ambush and instantly kill the marksman was Chi Shuo's own initiative.

As a result, Jingzhe couldn't continue their push towards the tower. Their tower-pushing rhythm was forcefully interrupted, giving Tianhuan a moment to breathe. Cheng Xing quickly followed his support to farm the jungle and gather gold for gear.

Cheng Xing finally completed his third gear, and Ye Shaoyang finished his fourth core damage gear.

Tianhuan was ready for a team fight!

In the next wave, Jingzhe pushed with minion waves from all three lanes.

To prevent Chi Shuo from sneaking off to the bottom lane again, they decided to push that lane first.

Ye Shaoyang instructed, "Defend the bottom lane!"

During the tower standoff, Jingzhe's White Bear and Illusionist initiated a strong attack. The White Bear pounced on Cheng Xing, and Fang Zhengqing followed up with a combo. Cheng Xing quickly activated his cleanse and used his mobility skill to dodge!

The enemy's burst damage was too high, leaving Cheng Xing with just a sliver of health.

But the advantage of defending the tower was being only a few steps away from the spawn point, allowing for a quick return to full health.

Cheng Xing ran back to heal up and returned to the fight. Ye Shaoyang blocked the way with his ult, Blizzard.

Chi Shuo quickly flanked from behind.

At this point, the enemy's Illusionist, White Bear, and Vampiric Duke were all out of skills...

The marksman was frantically attacking the tower from a distance, with the defense tower close to being destroyed.

Chi Shuo emerged from invisibility.

A surprise attack, backstab then critical hit!

Xie Yuan's health bar was wiped out in an instant!

Using his gear Guardian Angel, he stood back up, but the moment he did, Chi Shuo targeted him again with another critical strike.

[Tianhuan Shuoyue (Stealth Rogue) has killed I'm Very Round (Machine Gun Huntsman)]!

After killing the marksman, Chi Shuo continued to pursue the mid-laner. Fang Zhengqing, having just used his skills, saw Chi Shuo approaching and quickly retreated. But how could a fragile mid-laner stand a chance against a high-burst jungle?

With two critical strikes, Chi Shuo eliminated Fang Zhengqing.

[Tianhuan Shuoyue (Stealth Rogue) has killed I'm Very Square (Illusionist)]!

Double kill!

Chi Shuo's stealthy flank and elimination of the enemy's double core were pivotal.

Meanwhile, Cheng Xing, fully healed, unleashed his ult, darting around to output insane damage. Leaping and shooting, the enemy's front line, already weakened by Ye Shaoyang's Blizzard, fell to Cheng Xing's consecutive shots, taking down the enemy top laner.

The enemy top laner managed to take Ye Shaoyang with him before succumbing to Cheng Xing's final blow.

"This tower pushing battle, a 1 for 3 exchange, Tianhuan has defended the tower!"

"That's right! Tianhuan only lost their mid-laner, but Jingzhe lost their marksman, mid-laner, and top-laner, leaving only their utility jungler and support, who lack the ability to defend towers!"

"With the bottom lane pushed up, Tianhuan can counter-push!"

"Could this be a comeback?!" The commentators exchanged looks of disbelief.

Lying at the base, Ye Shaoyang, watching his screen turn gray, finally smiled, "What a turn! Well done, everyone!"

Chi Shuo and his teammates quickly pushed forward.

With Jingzhe's dead team having respawn timers over 40 seconds, and Chi Shuo having already taken the bottom lane tower, they could directly push to the Nexus.

As the minion wave reached the Nexus, Xie Yuan had just respawned. He ran out to clear the minions, but Chi Shuo, activating his stealth ult, flanked him to prevent the counterattack.

Soon after, Fang Zhengqing respawned, and Old Qin sacrificed himself to block Fang Zhengqing's ult, dying in front of the enemy Nexus.

Together, they protected their minions.

Cheng Xing's palms were sweaty as he moved quickly, frantically attacking the tower.

Attack the tower, attack the tower!

At that moment, his eyes were fixed only on the enemy's Nexus!

With Cheng Xing dodging back and forth, the Nexus's health rapidly depleted until finally, the sound of the Nexus shattering rang out.


The moment the word "Victory" popped up on the screen, many fans of Tianhuan almost cried.

They actually won?

In a tower pushing battle, a counter-push for a comeback win? Was this even possible?!

Both commentators were excitedly voicing, "Tianhuan's comeback from an adverse situation was key, especially that dragon fight maneuver! Sneaking onto the enemy's tower, they bought time for their marksman to acquire crucial gear!"

"Yes, sneaking the tower, assassinating the marksman, that move at least slowed Jingzhe's pace by 2 minutes. The command in this game was incredibly calm!"

"The MVP of this game is... Tianhuan Shuoyue!"

"While Shuoyue's performance was stunning, earning him the MVP, I believe the MVP could also go to Lieyang! The handling of that dragon fight was the pivotal turning point for the comeback! Lieyang sacrificed himself to hold back the enemy, preventing them from defending their base, allowing his teammates to sneak the enemy's tower!"

"The sneak on the tower triggered a chain reaction, leading to a final defense counterattack, pushing back to the enemy's Nexus. Let us congratulate Tianhuan for securing a 2:1 victory in this match!"

Cheng Xing felt like crying, experiencing the feeling of turning defeat into victory.

They had practiced so many comebacks internally, but on the actual battlefield, everyone knew how difficult a comeback was, especially against a strong team from Group S!

Yet, Ye Shaoyang seized the opportunity.

Four members held off the enemy's dragon fighting rhythm, while Chi Shuo sneaked a tower alone.

Jingzhe, previously impeccable, was forcefully torn open a gap by Tianhuan!

Cheng Xing shouted, "My Yang Ge is awesome! Master is awesome!"

Turning around, he saw his Yang Ge and Master already embracing each other.

Ye Shaoyang had a beaming smile, his eyes shining like stars as he looked at Chi Shuo: "You were amazing! I didn't expect you could take down the enemy's marksman so quickly, buying us so much time."

Chi Shuo's voice was deep and gentle: "In the front, you sacrificed yourself to stop them. On the back, I had to regain some loss, to make it worthwhile."

Ye Shaoyang tightened his arms, hugging him strongly: "Well done!"

This was Chi Shuo, always calm and sharp. Ye Shaoyang's command in this game was a common adverse 4-1 split push tower stealing tactic. But Chi Shuo maximized the tactical benefit, unexpectedly assassinating the opponent's marksman, dragging out time until all of Tianhuan's members were fully equipped.

In the last team fight, leveraging the tower's terrain advantage, they turned defeat into victory!

At this moment, Ye Shaoyang profoundly realized-having such a teammate was indeed his fortune in life.

Commanding was important, but teammates who could help you realize your tactical ideas were even more crucial!

From now on, no matter how adverse the wind and difficulties, with you by my side, I will not fear.
