Kwon's Residences📍

"All prepared?" Wen Junhui asked Soonyoung, they were having a quick dinner.

"Ofcourse, Jihoon and I wanted to have an engagement party first. So everyone can join our celebration especially those who won't attend our wedding. " Soonyoung answered as he sat beside his friend.

Jun and Minghao—jihoon's co worker on the same field decided to help the soon to be husbands on their engagement party.

Jun and Jihoon work together in the same company that's why they built a nice friendship and their love partners with the friendship.

Minghao were also their stylist for their wedding day.

Naguusap sila ng dumating na sina Hao at Jihoon.

"Babe, natawag si gyu" Minghao tossed the phone towards Jun and answered it.

"Insan! Sorry napatawag ako medyo urgent kasi to e" Mingyu said on the line.

"May problema ba?" jun

"Remember our plan yung resto bar na soon nating bubuksan? They messaged me na hindi na raw mila kayang magsupply ng liquors and other drinks. Since marami na raw silang sinusuplyan" mingyu

" Nako,problema nga yan. Sige, tomorrow morning pupunta kami ni hao jan and lets talk about it." jun

"Sure, ingat kayo. You're still in your friend's house with hao diba?  Pasabi na rin na congratulations sakanila" mingyu

"They're here beside me, ikaw nalang ang mag sabi" Jun clicked the loud speaker so everyone can hear Mingyu on the phone.

"Good evening, What's their name again? Soonyoung and Jihoon? right, Congratulations on your soon wedding. Best wishes!" mingyu said

" Thankyou! Your name's Gyu right? Thankyou gyu!" Hoshi and Woozi said.

"Ah yeah, My name's Kim Mingyu"

At that time, Jihoon suddenly became familiar with the name. He thought that he already heard that name.

Alam nila na may pinsan si Jun pero hindi nila alam ang name nito nor apilido that's why he's thinking that he heard it from others.

"Oh Mingyu! Salamat ah. Siya nga pala, your cousin and Hao is helping us para sa engagement party namin. You can come if you're free on that day." Hoshi invited.

"Oh really? Thanks sa pag invite pero di ko pa sure hehe. Im really busy these days" mingyu

" Nako, wag kayong mag-alala. Akong bahala. Pupunta yan si Gyu" Jun said assuring the lovers. Tumawa naman sa linya si Mingyu along with Hao and Woozi.

"Sige , medyo late na papatulugin ko pa ang baby ko haha. Congratulations again to the both of you!" mingyu said lastly.

Hoshi looked at jun with a confused face. 'Baby' ?!?

"Sige insan, ikiss mo nalang kami para kay Minseo ah! Goodnight" end call.


There it is. Jihoon smirked, He remembered that name. Wonwoo told them about Minseo's father named Kim Mingyu...


"Be a goodgirl baby, okay?" Mingyu kissed Minseo on her forehead. Hinatid kasi ni Mingyu si Minseo sa daycare.

"Yes dada! can we go to tito-ninong's house after  school? "Minseo asked cutely.

"Tito hao said that they have a new p-puppy!" she continued.

Mingyu laughed at his daughter talking in a cute manner. She also stuttered on saying the word puppy.

"Sure baby! ofcourse. We'll go after your school okay? Go now, your classmates are waiting for you" Mingyu pointed the children near the door waving at them.

"otay dada! byee i wuvyuu!" minseo said while running slowly towards the door.

Minguu waved back and also bowed at Minseo's teachers. He went to the cafe straight away to talk to Jun about the problem they have in their upcoming cafe bar they'll establish.

To explain about Mingyu and Jun's business. The Carat Cafe and Meowzone is connected. Carat cafe contains the library side while the meowzone has the cafe for kittens. But the cafe's counter only has one.

It is a big place for people to read a book  and drink coffee and for the people who love to play and bond with kittens and cat while eating some sweets and drinks.

They've planned about buying the lot infront of the cafe and build a resto bar there. Malapit nang matapos ang place, pero ang supplies and supplier ay may problema parin.

Due to high demand of other business owners that need supplies ay hindi na available ang supplier na nakuha nila. They need to find a new one na magsusupply ng liquors and drinks nila.

"Aya, nakarating naba si Jun?" Mingyu asked as soon he entered the cafe. Aya nodded and guided him to the office.

They talked about buying the furnitures for the resto bar like tables, chairs and other designs in the interior. Minghao will be the interior designer kaya kasama siya sa bibili ng mga furniture.

"And Gyu, no need to worry about the supplier ng liquors. I talked to someone na and they'll help us about it." Jun said in the middle of the talk.

"Oh really? that was fast..But that's great too. Kelan natin sila makakausap?" He insisted.

"Remember my friends? Yung nakausap mo kagabial about they're engagement? Yung bestfriend nila, May company raw ng liquors kaya they're willing to help us" Jun answered.

"What a coincidence! Sige, ischedule nalang natin if free sila and I'll clear my schedules na rin." Mingyu said habang iniligpit na ang mga papel sa table.

After their talk, they decided that tomorrow bibili na sila ng furnitures  for the resto bar. Jun went back to his studio to work on his things same with Mingyu sa cafe.

2pm, Mingyu went on his car para sunduin si Minseo. He already texted Hao na dadaan sila jan to take a look on the new puppy they have.

If Jun loves Cat, Hao loves dogs. Same with mingyu. But Minseo love both. Cat and dogs. Minseo has a cute dog named chewy and she really likes having more.

Hao has 3 dogs named Bokkeu, bobpul and kkuma. Bobpul is a female and nanganak na ito.

"Dada look!! bobtori is trying to open his eyes!!! so cuteee" minseo giggled while watching bobtori.

"He can be yours if you want to baby" Hao said carrying kkuma on his arms.

"I want! I want tito!!!" she said while jumping in the air.

"okay baby we'll take him home." Mingyu thanked Hao.

They talked about some things about the dogs and took a quick snack before going home. Minseo promised to the dog and Tito Hao that she'll comeback again ^^

Mingyu and Minseo were singing a peterpan song and the car while they're on the red light.

"Piper pan, whinker bell, wendy darling even captain hoop you are my perfect srory book!" she sung while swaying her hands on the air. Mingyu shakes his head with the graceful beat while listening to his daughter.

They laugh together as soon the song finished. "My baby is a good singer pala eh?" Mingyu said and they both laughed.

"i am??" minseo squeeled.

"yes! so come na, we'll eat na and wash before we sleep" mingyu said and held her hand towards the dining.

Soon as minseo fell asleep, Mingyu turned to his desk and search up for birthday ideas. Next month minseo will turn 5 and mingyu wanted to celebrate it on Minseo's favorite place—islands.

Mingyu fell asleep on his desk and got wake up by her mom and told him to sleep on his bed.  Mingyu has some schedule to do for tomorrow.


i missed writing😭🤧 My apologies for leaving this for too long. I almost forgot my main plot here because i want more more fluff but it will be too long. I'll update soon!! This is it for today! Thank you!!!!
