Chapter 6

Phil's POV.

Our fingers interlace and I feel happy once again. Dan is mine. I don't deserve him though. Not one bit. I have no idea what he sees in me, but I'm so grateful that he sees it. I let go of his hand and kiss his cheek then stand up to make breakfast.

"Do you want to help me make pancakes?" I ask him. He nods and I hold out my hand for him to take it. He grabs my hand and I pull him off the couch. He smiles and we walk together, hand-in-hand, to the kitchen.

I pick up the pre-made pancake batter and turn on the fry pan. I tilt the bottle so that the batter flows out quickly and onto the burning stove.

I end up making 6 pancakes all together.

Dan and I sit at the dining table and start eating our pancakes. Or atleast, he starts eating his pancakes. I move them around my plate and they stay away from my mouth. I made the pancakes for Dan. Not me.

"You need to eat them." Dan says, noticing I haven't touched them at all. I just shrug. Dan picks up my pancake and rips in in half. He give me one half and he eats the other.

"Atleast eat half." I shrug again and look down at my feet. I want to eat it, I really do, but I know it will make me even fatter than I already am. Dan tells me I'm skinny. So does everyone, but when I look into the mirror, all I see is layers and layers of fat. I deicide to eat it, since I know I can just throw up again after. I cut the pancake into small pieces and slowly put each peice in my mouth. Dan smiles at me and I plaster on a crooked smile. 

When I've finished eating my half of the pancake, Dan kisses me on the forehead and hugs me tight. I know he's just trying to help me but it just makes things worse. I feel pressured and now that I've met him, I need to be skinnier. He'll never love somebody as fat as me.

"I need to go to the bathroom. Be right back." I lie. He looks at me suspiciously, but then nods. I walk upstairs into the bathroom and lock the door. My hands grip tightly to my jeans as I kneel in front of the toilet, my eyes shut, my mouth open, gagging and coughing. Finally, I manage to vomit up most of breakfast. After a minute of silence, I hear foot steps outside the door. Dan.

"Phil, you'd better not be doing what I think you're doing..." He says. I notice the dissapointment in his voice. My face turns red and I start to tear up.

"D-depends what y-you think I'm doing..." I choke.

"Phil, you're crying. Unlock the door." He says, demandingly. I can't let him see my crying. Not again. I can't breath properly. He can't come in.

"Phil!" He says louder. I hear him trying to pick the lock. After 5 minutes of listening to him trying to get in, the door swings open.


Poor Phil :(

Sorry for another short chapter. I'll try to post another chapter tonight.

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Stay Phabulous.

– Lara
