season 2-3

"Are you writing about mothman again!" I said anoyed as I look at him in the eyes

"Im sorry! It was demanded again!" He said to me as hell walked over here with a bowl of the little pomegranate fruit part things

"Honey, you remember what hapened last time you wrote about mothman!"

How could anyone forget the mothman obsessed keith who had his hair in a ponytail, a shirt that said 'mothman can eat my ass' and red boxers stained by reddbull, and that's not all! Ontop of that he would stay up till 4am reading AND writing countless mothman x reader fanfics. Ugh those were truly dark times

Also just for better explaining, keith runs this blog were he writes about cryptids and explains mythical stuff, he has thousands of readers who all pay him for a new blog to be updated, its odd but it brings home allot of bacon, he started in highschool and ever since he has been comissioned countless stories to write, I hate his readers, they make him write storys about mothman and I hate them all

"Its not that bad moon, im just writing a explenation article on how mothman can exist" he looked at me with a happy smile as I grabed the spoon and started eating

"Can you get me some honey?" I asked as I put the spoonfull un my mouth

Keith already knew I would want honey with it so he just gave me the bottle and sat on the couch next to me

"So what are you working on?" He asked me as he looked at my tablet

"The stay alive reprise" I said as I squirted the honey in the bowl and mixed it with my spoon

"That explains all the sobbing from before" he put his arm oround me and nuzzled me

"By the way, the wall peices are coming in tomorrow" said keith softly as he just looked at me eating

"What do you want to paint them like?" Keith asked me

"Hmmm... I dont know, maby we can figure out tomorrow, wich reminds me that tomorrow we are going out with pidge and hunk right!" I said exitedly

"Thays right! They still dont know we are having twins right?" Keith asked me

"Yea, we can surprise them!" I said all happy as I put the empty bowl down

Keith tightened his arm around me in a hug "gosh I love you"

Heyo! I updated on time this time! I hope you liked the chapter! Byeeee
