
Finally!  A new chapter!  Hopefully  you guys like it! 

Also, if any of you guys have suggestions for what should happen in Space Enough to Grow, feel free to either message me or leave it in a comment!  I'll definitely consider using them, and I'll be sure to give you credit!

Enjoy! :)


Charlie rubbed her eyes, yawning. It was nearing two in the morning, and she was currently working on the new chapter of Space Enough to Grow. The message she'd received from BadNewsRollins had her committed to finishing the chapter before she went to sleep. She wanted to be able to post it the next morning, before she went to work.

Ten minutes later, Charlie was hitting Save on the Word document and logging out of her computer. She put on her pajamas and crawled into bed.


The next morning, Seth woke up. He checked his phone and saw he had a notification.

rampaiging-charlie has updated Space Enough to Grow (WWE Fanfic)

Seth looked over at the bed next to him. Roman was still asleep, so he pulled up Wattpad on his phone and began reading the newest chapter.


-Three Years Later-


"Hey, Ruby!" Ellie replies, laughing. "You haven't called me in forever! What's up?"

"Sorry," Ruby apologizes. "I've been really busy. But I have good news!"

"I do, too, actually," Ellie says. "You go first!"

Ruby grins.



Seth looked up from his phone at Roman, who was now sitting up on his bed and looking at him.


"You're reading it again, aren't you?" Roman asked, raising an eyebrow.


"What are you doing then?" He asked.

At that moment, Seth got a text, so he clicked on the notification and got out of Wattpad.

"Good morning, babe!"

"I'm texting Leighla," Seth replied, showing Roman his phone.

"Yeah, okay," Roman said, clearly not believing him. He stood up. "I'm going to take a shower."

As Roman walked into the bathroom, Seth replied to Leighla.

"Morning, babe. :) What are you up to?"

He and Leighla texted for a few minutes until she had to go to work, so Seth got back on Wattpad and continued reading.


Ruby grins. "Randy proposed!"

"He did?" Ellie asks, incredulously. "That's amazing!"

"What about you?" She asks. "What's your good news?"

"Well, this happened a while ago, but it's time I told you," Ellie says.

"Tell me what?!"

"I'm at a wrestling school!" She exclaims. "I'm learning how to wrestle and it's so exciting!"

"That's great!" Ruby says. "How long have you been there?"

"Almost a year," Ellie says, grinning. "I wanted to wait to tell you so I'd know if wrestling is really what I want to do. And Ruby?"


"Wrestling is awesome," She says. "I love it. I'm glad I decided to do this."


Seth heard the shower turn off, so he quickly got out of Wattpad and went on Instagram instead. He scrolled through his feed, liking a photo every so often. The bathroom door opened and Roman walked out.

"Hey, Roman," Seth said, not looking up from his phone. He tapped the screen. "Do you want to get something to eat?"

"It depends," Roman responds. "What are you doing?"

"I'm on Instagram," Seth said, showing him the phone.

It was true. His phone was on a photo that Brie Bella had posted, and it said she had posted it seven minutes ago.

"I'm not even going to lie," Roman said. "I'm surprised. I thought you were reading that story Dean showed you the other day."

"I stopped reading that," Seth said, rolling his eyes and bringing his phone back to him. "It was weird, you know? I know those people that girl is writing about. I don't want to think about them when I'm reading it."

"How do you know a girl's writing it?" Roman asked.

Seth shrugged. "Do guys write stuff like that?"

Roman didn't say anything for a moment, then said, "I guess you have a point. It's usually girls who write that kind of thing."

"So..." Seth said. "Do you want to get something to eat or what?"


Seth and Roman were now at a restaurant that they found down the street. They were sitting at their table, waiting for Dean.

When Roman had suggested they invite Dean, Seth didn't even think about it and said yes. Once they got to the restaurant, however, Seth knew he'd made a mistake. Dean Ambrose was known for showing up late. He'd missed multiple flights because of it, which was why he normally drove from city to city. Seth should've known he'd be twenty minutes late, but he forgotten about it and went ahead and told Roman to invite him.

"It's not that I don't like Dean," Roman said. "But he always makes me regret inviting him to things."

"That's why I stopped inviting him a long time ago," Seth said. "Whenever he comes with us, he either invites himself, or you invite him."

Roman was about to talk, but he looked behind Seth. When he turned around, he saw Dean walking into the restaurant. He talked to the host, then walked over to their table, smirking.

"Hey guys," Dean said, sitting down next to Seth.

"You're twenty minutes late," Roman pointed out.

Dean rolled his eyes. "You didn't give me enough time to get ready."

"We gave you an hour!" Seth exclaimed.

"Yeah, whatever," Dean said, leaning back in his chair.

A waitress came by and took their order. To no surprise to anyone but Dean, she said, "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't sell alcohol here."

As she walked away with their drink orders, Dean sighed.

"What kind of place doesn't serve alcohol?" He asked.

"We're in the south," Seth pointed out. "A lot of places around here don't sell it."

"Well, I think it's dumb," Dean said. "I can't wait to get to New York next week. They sell beer everywhere up there."

Seth and Roman just looked at each other and rolled their eyes. This wasn't the first time that they'd gone to a restaurant that didn't sell beer, but Dean was still upset about it. He was always upset about not getting it.

Eventually, the waitress came back with their drinks and took their orders for food. When she left, they continued talking, but when she came back with their food, they were quiet. Seth began thinking.

Dean had mentioned being in New York next week, and Seth remembered that rampaiging-charlie lived in New York. It had said it on her Wattpad profile. He wondered if she would be there. Then he remembered that even if she was there, he didn't know what she looked like. He'd never know she was there.


Charlie was in Rick's office. When she got called in there, she had a bad feeling about it. He was her boss, though, so she knew she had to go in there.

Once she walked into the office, she knew the bad feeling was right. On his desk was a beer bottle, so he was probably drunk. All of Rick's employees knew he drank, but they never ratted him out, because that would mean they'd no longer have a job.

Rick was sitting at his desk. He watched Charlie as she walked in and shut the door. She walked over and sat down in the seat across from him.

"Hello, Charlotte," He said.


"So, I've been thinking about how you wanted off for that wrestling thing," He said. "And I figured I could let you have that day off."

"Really?" She asked, eyes widening and grinning.


She knew where he was going and frowned. "No."

"Come on, Charlotte," He said, leaning forward. "Don't you want that day off?"

"Not if it means doing...that," She replied, leaning back in her chair.

"What if I change it up then?" He suggested. "You do it or I fire you."

Charlie's eyes widened. "What?"

"That's right," Rick said, smirking. "Does this job really mean that much to you? I mean, you're the only one here who hasn't given me what I wanted. So, what do you say?"

Without even thinking, she said, "I quit."

"That's what I – " Rick began, but stopped, frowning. "Wait, what?"

"I quit," Charlie repeated, standing up. She took off her nametag and slammed it on the desk. "These other girls might have sex with you, but I'm not like them. Find yourself a new waitress who will, because it sure as hell won't be me."

Before Rick can respond, Charlie took off her apron, balled it up, and threw it at him. She turned around and walked out of his office. When she reached the door to the restaurant, she heard Val yell out to her.

"Where are you going, Charlie?" She asked.

Charlie turned around and looked at her, grinning. "I quit!"

Val looked at her, surprised, as she turned back around and left.


"Wow. I can't believe I actually quit my job today. It might be a while before I update "Space Enough to Grow" again, as I'll be searching for a new job. Wish me luck!"

Seth couldn't believe what he was reading. After eating with Dean and Roman, he had gone back to the hotel room to talk to Leighla. When he'd finished, he had gone back on Wattpad to read more of the story. But instead of clicking on Space Enough to Grow, he'd accidentally clicked on her username, rampaiging-charlie. He began scrolling, and when he got past her bio, he realized there was more to her profile than he'd realized.

She kept her followers updated. Sometimes she'd talk about whatever was on that night, WWE-related. Sometimes she'd talk about her life. Sometimes she'd give updates on when she'd have the new chapter of Space Enough to Grow up.

After reading through everything she'd posted, Seth decided to reply to her most recent post.

BadNewsRollins: @rampaiging-charlie I know it probably sucks now, but this means you can go to that WWE event your boss wouldn't let you go to!

A few seconds later, she replied and they had a brief conversation.

rampaiging-charlie: @BadNewsRollins That's true! I can finally see my true loves in person, which might make up for the fact I might not be able to pay my rent this month.

BadNewsRollins: @rampaiging-charlie I have faith that you'll be able to find a job. You've just got to look hard!

After that, she stopped replying, so Seth logged out of Wattpad. He'd finish reading it at another date. He went on Twitter for a little bit, tweeting band members, complaining about John Cena, just doing the usual thing.

Eventually, the door opened and Roman walked in. Seth looked up at him.

"Hey, have you heard the new Bring Me the Horizon album?" He asked.

Roman raised an eyebrow. "What's Bring Me the Horizon?"

Seth sighed. "Never mind." Roman began walking, picking up his bag and looking for something. "What are you doing?"

"I'm about to work out, so I'm going to change," He replied.

"Can I come?"

"No!" He exclaimed. Seth looked at him, confused. "Dean told me what happened last time you guys worked out. I'm not having that happen to me."

Seth rolled his eyes. "Dean over exaggerates things. It wasn't that bad, I promise."

Roman stopped what he was doing and thought. Finally, he said, "Fine, you can come. Don't make me regret it, though."

"Do you really believe Dean over me?" Seth asked, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up.

"It looks like we're about to find out."
