01: Foresaken Place

The Stench... The Stench of Blood..  pain.. And true horror. The Stench of Sin... disgusting, unwelcoming Sin.. Our life is Sin.. Our death in sin.. everything we do leads to that stench of rotten unforgivable sin..

God put us on this earth to sin and die. That's it.. It's one big cruel joke. The Stench..  The Stench...

The Stench of cigarettes which filled the Taxi made me want to vomit. I looked at the meter and cringed, $50.00 for a short ride.. I looked over at my dad who was riding in the passenger seat who seemed concerned with the price as well. I turned my head to my side to see my mom on her phone looking over the pictures of our new house. She seemed excited.. I look past her to see the little assholes himself, my brother..  just the sight of him pisses me off, I should like him more..  less hate towards my brother would be a good thing, I am the older sister I need to be more mature.. Yeah fuck that. I looked out the window as we turned a corner into the street.. the ride was over, Because we had made it!.. The house, the new house, our new house. My dad sighed taking out his wallet and paying the driver as My mother and I went to grab our bags from the trunk while my brother got out and ran up to the house to get a good look. I looked at the house mumbling the words "What a shit hole.. " don't get me wrong it was a large house.. just old.. And messed up.. And creepy. And the fence.. The old creaky fence what doesn't even stop people from getting onto our front lawn it's just there.. like what's the point.

"Ramona Get over here and help me!" My mother yelled pulling out some suit cases... Yes my name is Ramona.. It's a dumb name but I can't really change it.. Ramona Wilkins. I hate it.. but my middle name is Jay so people just call me Jay or R.J. I like those better. I took the suitcase and a bag walking it up the steps and passing through onto the property. I sighed stopping for a moment to put my hair up into a ponytail. My dad unlocked the door and opened it watching it swing open. A loud thumb came as the door hit the wall. I walked up and into the house being bombarded by smells of the past..

"Smells like farts in here!" My brother snorted as I made a face at him, followed by him mocking me. I took a look around it wasn't  as messed up as I thought it was actually nice inside.. clean.. oddly clean.. dusted and everything.  My mother walked in gasping as she looked around she was really happy. I grinned shaking my head at her reacting before walking to the stairs. I was about the climb them before something caught my eyes. A door- looks like the door to the basement- I instantly walked over and looked down at the old wooden stairs leading down into the dark cold basement. I felt like something was calling me over.. but hell if I was going down there alone! Something could kill Me! I closed the door and went back to the suit case dragging it up the stairs. I groaned dragging the case, I need to get in better shape! If I was I would have no problem hauling his large blue case. I finally made it up the stairs looking around.. The upstairs was nicely kept as Well..  but  nobodys'  been here in at least two years.. I shrugged it off they must have had it cleaned before we came or something. I took the bag (which wasn't even mine) to the master bedroom where my parents would sleep. Then looked around, I went down the hallway into another room I liked the feel of this room.. it was creepy but I liked it. I yeeted myself onto the bed claiming it as my own as I stared at the ceiling. I took a deep breath before sitting back up looking around my room. I went through the bedside table drawers and found something weird.. very weird.. you can even say queer.

" What The-" I started before closing the drawer and standing as I felt someone watching me. I stood up quickly looking around making sure nobody is actually watching. I took a deep breath exhaling as I turned back to the drawer kneeling down to take a second look before snapping my head back at the door as my mother walked in with my suitcase.

"Honey, here's your bag.. please start unpacking." She stated in a soft tone. I stood back up and walked over taking my bag from her.

"I'll get right on it." I smiled before walking back my bag over to the bed. I grunted as I pulled it up onto the bed hearing it squeak loudly as I do so. I unzipped it opening it looking at all my clothes neatly packed. I pulled out my phone putting some music on as I got started. I swayed my hips as I walked over to the closet hanging my clothes up. I hummed to the song getting halfway done with unpacking my clothes..  I only had my clothes. The moving truck was coming in tomorrow with the rest of our stuff. I sighed deciding to take a break.

"Fears tell me fears, don't get me started~" I sang softly as I began to dance the around the room. I closed my bedroom door so no one would see my awkward dance skills. I wipped my head side to side giggling as I do so. It was easy to imagine myself in this room, getting ready for school in the morning.. sleeping.. napping.. a lot of sleeping.

I smiled stopping for a moment to catch my breath. I exhaled flipping onto the bed biting my lip as I listened to the music. I sat back up quickly having that feeling again..  of being watched... again.. Will this ever stop.. I stood up looking out the window to see the house next door. The house was just as large but had less of an old creepy vibe, and more old lady gonna give you cookies vibe. I stared at it for a moment then turned my attention to the window opposite to mine.. I knew it was creepy to be peeking into someone's window but I was curious what if my neighbor was a serial killer? I had to have a look. So I did. I looked.. it seemed like a regular room. Nothing odd about it. I sighed since nothing really interesting was happening around but it's not like I expected anything from this boring ass neighborhood. I opened the window to get some fresh air into the room before I continued on with unpacking.

Eventual after a half an hour I finished closing the suitcases and placing it on the floor. I licked my lips taking a seat on the bed thinking of something to do.. not much to do in October.  I layed back on the bed rolling over onto my stomach grabbing my phone to see texts from my friends.

"Ill miss you so much!!!" One of them read. I sighed grinning at the text. I would miss them too. But.. I can't stay and look back at the past. I had to keep moving forward! I bit my lip turning my phone off and placing it on the bed and with nothing else to do I got up and headed down stairs. I walked down and into the kitchen were my parents were talking to someone..  a woman.

"There's a lot about this house you don't know about an-" she was about to continue before turning her focus turned onto me, giving a smile."You must be Ramona." She stated crossing her arms as my parents look over aswell.

"Ah yes.. You can call me R.J.." I smiled  walking further into the kitchen.

"Yes Ramona.. This is Ms. Langdon she lives next door." My mother smiled as I nodded looking over at her. She must be the one living in the house across from my room..

"How old are you R.J.?" Ms Langdon asked a curious grin plastered on her face.

"Ah.. Seventeen.." I stated quickly. She nodded like she was thinking about my awnser before throwing her hands up dramaticly.

"Yes well I must go.. I have to make Dinner.." she nodded not waiting for us to respond before she walked out the kitchen door. I stared confused mostly. She was.. interesting.. I looked over at my dad who seemed to be thinking the same thing as always. My mother gasped loudly my head snapping towards her.

"Speaking of dinner! We need to order some food tonight." My mother smiled as I took a seat on the counter. And almost as if it was timed my brother walked in playing on my father phone.

"We should have pizza!" He stated. I raised an eyebrow at him before rolling my eyes. I soon nodded to my parents,

"Pizza sounds good." I stated swinging my feet while on the counter. "That Lady seems.. nice." I smiled at my parents.

"She does, doesnt she." My mother replied clasping her hands together. My father snatched his phone from my brother and grabbed a number book to find the closets pizza place. I licked my lips thinking of that delicouse cheesy goodness! I pushed myself off the table and fixed my clothing. "I'm going to check out the back yard." I whistled walking towards the back door.  I turned the handle and with a squeak the door opened. I stepped through shielding my eyes from the sun as I walked into the backyard. It was really nice.. But something felt off about this place too... The whole house felt off to me but did that stop me. No.  I walked around the backyard getting a feel for the place before my attention was grabbed my a loud gasp. Coming from Ms Langdons house. I looked over at the house it sounded like she found something she didn't want to see. But that was just a hunch. I moved in closer looking over the fence into her backyard. It was full of rose bushes... all lined up. It was weird..  really weird.. weird.. But beautiful.. but weird. All at the same time. I fell back as Ms Langdon walked out of her house with a bag and gardening tools.. I peeked over watching her.. being a creep. Again. I watched as she pick a spot on lawn and started to dig. I continued to watch raising an eyebrow, was she... planting another rose bush? She grumbled as she put her hand into the bag to pull out a dead cat.. oh no.. I almost gasped but covered my mouth before doing so. She didn't seem to notice.  She looked at it for a moment before placing it in the hole. After she stood up and walked over to the shed and dragged back a rose bush. She planted it over the dead cats body before my attention was snapped back to the quiet voice coming from the house.

"Grandma...?" It asked getting louder ad it got closer. I looked over at Ms Langdon seeing her expression change.. She looked concerned. I finally got to see the face behind the voice it was a boy.. not much older than me. I didn't have much time to get a good look at him before he snapped his head over in my direction like he knew I was there.. But luckily I moved behind the fence in time.

"Yes Micheal?" She asked softly. I could hear her stand up.

"I just wanted to say sorry.. I'll stop I promise." He said his voice quivering..

"I...Its okay Micheal no need to be sorry.." She stated. "L..Lets go have some dinner." She exhaled, i heard dead leaves crush under her feet as she walked over to him.

"Okay Gandma.." he stated before hearing the back door close. I let out a sigh of relief as I looked over the fence to make sure they were gone. That was really weird... did he kill that cat.. I gripped onto the fence thinking of what just happened and how weird that was. Micheal huh.. Micheal. I thought the name over and over again memorizing it the best I could. "Micheal.." I hummed softly until being intrupted by my brother laughing.

" Micheal? Who's Micheal?" He stated tilting his head at me.

"Ah No One." I paused. "Just a name." I  smiled at my brother approaching him. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Lets go wait for some pizza." I stated happily. My brother nodded at me before running off back into the house. I looked over at the house concerned mostly. Who are these people... and why am I so scared...

*  *  *

It's been a long day, and we had a nice peaceful dinner even after what I saw not too long ago.

Now I sit on my bed going through my phone again but nothing.. nothing to do. I sighed it's not like I can do much since all my stuff is still in the moving Truck which won't be here until tomorrow morning. I grumbled laying back on my bed staring at the ceiling. Maybe everything not perfect.. Maybe..  we are in danger. I was stuck in my thoughts snapping out when my bedroom door swung open in front of me. I stayed silent shocked at what I just saw.. I don't believe it. That couldn't have happened..   I stood up slowly my mind racing yelling at me to go back and go to sleep and forget what happened but I couldn't..  I had to check it out.. it was just the hallway right?

I walked over and looked out into the hallway taking a look to my left and to my right. I let out a sigh of relief as I back into my room closing my door..  I turned around to instantly push myself into the door and screamed.

Another boy! He was wearing a green stripped sweater and ripped light blue jeans and his hair was blonde and wavy. I closed my eyes trying to make him go away I could hear him approach his breath on my skin he whispered into my ear. "Your going to die here." I must have stayed  there with my eyes closed for minutes until I opened them to see the boy was gone.

"What the fuck.." I exhaled my legs shaking. "I..Im going to die.." I whispered to myself. "Die..?" I slid down onto the floor  pulling my legs to my chest biting my lip.. now I was scared..  this was my first day in this house and I already want to leave.. and it's not like if I told someone they wouldn't  believe me. Was it a ghost.. it couldn't be they don't exist, I must... be... MAGIC..

No, that's even more unbelievable than a ghost.. I sat in front of the door for a while not moving slightly scared if I stand up something will happen. I eventually built up the courage to stand my legs shaking as I do. I held my breath as I stood there waiting for that.. whatever to come and spook me. I sighed relaxing as nothing happened I looked to my window at Ms Langdon house. Then I saw him. The boy from yesterday. He was looking at me through the window. I stared back for a moment starring at him feeling quite calm until I realised.

He's starring at me because I was standing here for like ten minutes like a weirdo! I blushed jumping onto the bed out of view of the window. I rolled onto my back taking a deep breath starring at the ceiling... this house was going to be the death of me...




Hey guys it's me! So this is my first chapter.. it took me a while to right cause I'm not talented. So there's probably a lot of mistakes so just point them out.. other than that I hope you liked it!
