
Once we've finished cleaning, everyone crowds onto Zoe's bunk and watches sad cat videos, trying not to cry. They call the game, "The Crying Cat." It sounds ridiculous to me, but whatever, it's not like anyone asked my opinion.

I climb up onto my bunk and unpack my bag, there's not much in it, just my earbuds, book, phone, and sweater. Still, I take my time, slowly going through each little item. 

The giggling and sobbing from the other bed is becoming annoying, so I plug in my earbuds, and check my texts. Nothing. My mom didn't even send me a text to ask how I was settling in. 


But, somehow, this doesn't even surprise me. Mom's always going on and on, "Avery, you're fourteen now, you can take care of yourself!" But I can't have non-corded earbuds. The nerve of parents.

With a huff I settle onto my pillows. The window is ajar, and the cold draft makes me shiver, ruining my sulking. I growl and pull a pillow over my head, screaming into it. 

Blake looks over from the other bunk. "Avery?"

"Humph." I reply.

She smiles, apparently not getting the idea I want to be left alone. "Would you like to come join us?"

"Uh, you're trying to see who can cry the least?" I ask.

She nods. "Yep!"

"Then no thanks, I do enough crying as is."

Blake seems to come to a halt. "Oh. Okay." She shakes herself and turns back around.


I pinch my lips together and pick at my sweater cuff, pulling on a loose thread. It comes easily out and into my fingers. I flick it away and take a deep breath. Ok, let's do something calming...maybe drawing will help.

I pull out my sketchbook and pencil bag. 

Deep breaths, Avery. You're only going to be here one sememster.
