

IF YOU think about it, life is made of so many meaningless moments, ones that everyone overlooks. But then one day, a single moment comes along to define every second that comes after. This moment doesn't need to be anything major, no. It could be forgetting to turn off a light or choosing to do one thing instead of the other. For everyone makes history, but it's what you do now what will determine whether or not you're apart of History.

"Petrol and toilets. Ten minutes!" The man driving the bus called as everyone rushed out of it.

Lonnie was eager to stretch her legs. It felt like she'd been sitting down for days and while Peter was fun to talk to, she couldn't help but finding herself growing rather bored. "Oh my gosh, it's so sick." Betty commented as she looked around at the rest stop. "It's beautiful."

"It's a bathroom." Lonnie commented as she watched down the stairs of the bus. 

"Not the building, the nature." Betty corrected as she looked around in awe. "Isn't it beautiful babe?"

"So beautiful." Ned nodded in agreement.

"Right...." Lonnie's voice trailed off as she looked over her shoulder to see the bus driver watching her, studying her. She could practically see the gears turning in her head though she didn't know whether it was in a perverted way or a normal thinking way. "That bus driver is kinda creepy, don't ya think?" 

"Oh, totally." Ned nodded. "He's like...oddly silent."

"Who are we talking about?" MJ asked as she approached the three. 

"The creepy bus driver." Lonnie said as she pointed back to the man who was now standing outside the bus.

"Lonnie, don't point." Betty scolded.

"Whatever. Anyways, how was sitting with Brad." Lonnie asked as she wiggled her eyebrows at MJ.

"Oddly silent." MJ said as she folded her arms over his chest.

"Well that sucks." Lonnie said with a small frown. 

"I mean, we talked a little bit." MJ shrugged. "How was sitting with Peter?"

"Fine, I guess. Why?" Lonnie asked with a confused look.

"I could hear you two laughing from the front of the bus." 

"I-I was not...We were not that loud." Lonnie argued.

"The whole bus could hear you guys." Flash commented as he walked towards the group. "It was very annoying."

"Oh but your constant live streaming isn't?" Lonnie asked as she gestured to Flash's phone that was currently live.

"Hey! I'll have you know I do this for a living, okay? They love me." Flash argued.

"Oh I bet." Lonnie said as she patted his shoulder.

"I'm serious, Lonnie." Flash argued as he shoved his phone in her face. "Look at all the hearts and comments I'm getting."

"Oh, jeez." Lonnie muttered as she backed up slightly so that his phone wasn't directly in her face. "Flash I really don't care."

"Hey, do you want to go check this place out?" MJ asked as she pointed to the little gift shop ahead of them, successfully cutting off any argument Flash was forming.

"Oh, yes." Lonnie said with an eager nod. "This is perfect actually. Clint wanted me to pick something up for the kids."

"The kids?" MJ asked with a confused look.

"Oh, not my kids. No. I'm seventeen I don't have kids." Lonnie spoke quickly in a frantic attempt to redeem her sentence. "Their my...uh...adopted father's kids."


"Yeah." Lonnie said with a small nod. "Hey would you mind helping me find something for them? I don't really know what the boys would want but I'm sure Lila would want a shirt."

"Sure." MJ said with a small nod. 

Lonnie found the little shop cute. The walls were painted a blue inside and it smelt kind of like the ocean. The shop was filled with mostly clothes ranging from T-shirts and hoodies to caps and fancy hats. But there were a few trinkets around for children and jewelry as well. Lonnie had picked out a hoodie for Lila and a hat for cooper as well as a new baseball glove for Nathaniel.

"Okay, put your one foot in front of the other and everybody back on the bus." Mr. Dell called as he walked out of the shop.

"It's been ten minutes. Let's go!"

──────── ∘°❉°∘ ──────── 

"Wait, wait, wait. So you were just sitting there and he ran up to you?" Lonnie asked as she looked to MJ in amusement. Once they had all piled onto the bus MJ had asked Lonnie to sit with her instead of Brad which was an offer Lonnie gladly accepted. Though she when they decided to tell each other stories the last thing Lonnie expected to hear from her was a visit to Washington D.C. running south. 

"Yeah he just kinda stood there for a second and then climbed up the monument." MJ said with a small shrug.

"Huh." Lonnie huffed as she sat back in her seat. "That must have been cool though, being that close to a superhero." 

"It was." MJ nodded. "So what about you? You got any other stories?"

"Yeah, I do actu..." Lonnie's voice slowly trailed off as she caught sight of something outside. For a second she thought she saw something bright flying down towards the bus but when she tried to find it again it was gone. 

"You okay?" MJ asked.

"Yeah, yeah." Lonnie nodded as she turned away from the window. "Just thought I saw something. Anyway yeah, I was actually..." 

Before Lonnie could even finish her sentence she was sent flying to the side and into the bus isle. She barely had time to register what was going on until she was thrown back by her seat, the guy from the chair across from her's flying onto the ground beside her as the bus driver tried to regain control of the bus.

"Hey, this is not the autobahn!" Mr. Dell yelled. 

Lonnie quickly climbed back into her seat, holding onto the one in front of her tightly in case the bus were to swerve again. "Peter plant your fanny and buckle up now." Mr. Harrington said causing Lonnie to look towards the front of the bus to see Peter standing in the middle of the isle. 

"Look at the baby mountain goats!" Peter exclaimed as he pointed out the window.

"Baby mountain goats?" Mr. Harrington asked as he turned towards the window to look. 

Slowly but surely everyone was looking out the windows trying to spot what Peter had seen but Lonnie wasn't one of them. In fact she had kept her eyes on Peter Parker the entire time. She had watched him jump through the emergency exit on the roof of the bus and land back inside moments later like nothing had ever happened. The only evidence that anything had happened being his hair that was now swooped up from what could only be the wind.

"What the hell." She muttered under her breath as she stared at Peter in confusion. She didn't know what the hell just happened but she knew that one: nobody could have just cleared through the exit like that and two: people don't normally jump out of the roof of a bus. 

"I don't see any mountain goats." Mr. Harrington said in disappointment as the class and returned to their seats.

"You missed them." Peter said.

"I know you think none of us have noticed, Peter..." Betty began. 

Lonnie took note of the way that Peter tensed up and the way his eyes widened ever so slightly, she could even say that he visually paled. "What?" Peter asked, staring at Betty like a deer in the headlights. And it was then that whatever Lonnie saw, Peter didn't want anyone to see. Whatever he did was something that he kept a secret, and maybe just maybe it correlated to an even bigger secret.

"But your new look, I love it." Betty finished. "Right babe?"

"Yeah. Sophisticated, classy, very European." Ned said with an eager nod, almost too eager. It didn't take long for it to click in her head by the way Ned was so eager to respond and his fumbling for something to say that whatever Peter was hiding, Ned knew about it. And that is when Lonnie Romanoff began her investigation on Peter Parker.
