Chapter One

  They had started off as friends in highschool. It was really nothing special, they just so happened to have a similar schedule and had a few mutual friends. Their one main friend, Tim Staffel, is what actually drove the two to meet. Ah yes Roger Taylor... How could Brian ever forget his face? Long blonde hair.. the most beautiful baby blue eyes.. that man really was a dream. And Brian May.. Curly dark hair, with the most deep alluring hazel eyes. Roger was drawn to him since the day they met. 

Now, Roger was waking up in his dorm room with the smell of breakfast cooking. The smell of toast and eggs filled the room as well with a small sizzle of a pan. Roger looked up, glancing around to see the familiar tall figure in the kitchen cooking. He had fallen asleep on the couch again.. As Roger sat up Brian glanced over when he heard movement seeing how the blonde awoke. A grin soon appeared on his lips as he soon spoke, his own voice smooth and soft. "Good morning Rog. Hope you slept well?" He asked in sort of a questionable manner. 

Roger gave Brian a small nod at his words "Yeah.. yeah I slept fine." Roger said, his voice a bit raspy as he soon stood up, his shirt and boot-cut jeans wrinkled from sleeping in them. He then got up off of the small-ish sofa and walked over into their crowded kitchen, stretching along the way. The college dorms weren't exactly the biggest.. One small bedroom, a bathroom in the hallway, the main room which was about the size of the bedroom and then a small kitchen. It was better than paying for an apartment every week for the same results so they had to work with what they got.

Brian glanced back over at Roger when he heard his approaching footsteps and then dished his plate first, setting it on the counter behind them, pushing it towards Roger before he made his own. "Go ahead and eat and get ready.. Class is about in an hour, I'm surprised you didn't sleep in like normally." Brian said with a small smile on his lips, putting the dishes into the sink in order to wash later and grabbed his own plate, walking over to the couch. Roger snickered sarcastically as he grabbed his plate from off the counter. "Haha very funny Bri." He said as he followed and sat down beside Brian onto the couch. "Thanks mum for the information, be sure to put a note in my lunch box as you pack it too." Roger said as he started to eat his breakfast that Brian prepared, a small smile still on his lips. He would always tease Brian even though he really loved how much the man cared. Brian had such a soft heart, not just for his friends and family but for really anything. Strangers, animals, music.. You name it, he cares. 

Now, this was pretty much their morning routine. Brian awakes early, makes sure his bag is packed and all his textbooks are in order, then gets ready. After? He looks after the blonde as if he was his nanny. Making breakfast, getting him up at times, telling him what they're doing for the day. Then when they would get to class is when they would pretty much do whatever. Roger was the main one who would goof off, it's not like their professors cared very much. Although they had only a few classes together, Roger would always try to make the most out of it. 

(Authors Note: Hello! And thank you if you are reading far! This is my first fanfiction so I am sorry if there is any mistakes or if it's boring. I promise it will become more interesting! But if you have any suggestions for future stories don't be afraid to comment and let me know! I will be updating this story about every day and try to put a new chapter out every week. [Or more] )
