Chapter 4: Game

POV: Amity

I walked closely behind Willow and Luz who were holding hands, jealousy bottled up inside me. We were only just now walking to our seats and I already knew this was a bad idea. I wonder if Gus ever feels this way. We filed into our seats, Willow, Luz, then me. The best thing that will probably come out of today is the fact I can sit next to Luz.

The game started, but Willow and Luz continued to talk. I started to people watch since I didn't wanna drag anyone behind for some snacks. I could see Boscha and Skara a few sections away. They were taking tons of selfies and pictures, probably for their Penstagram's. I sighed before going on my scroll. To be honest I never had interest of watching the sport, just playing. But I haven't played since I broke my leg.

I had been scrolling for a good 20 minutes when Luz started to tap my shoulder. I put my scroll away and asked her what she needed.

"You seem lonely, are you okay?" She asked, now I'm starting to think she didn't mean to leave me out.

"Oh yeah I'm fine." I smiled at her.

"I'm sorry for dragging you here, I thought it'd be fun for you but I think I messed that up."

"Luz, you didn't mess it up. If I really didn't wanna come, trust me, I wouldn't of. Don't worry about it, okay?" She nodded before I smiled at her again and turned back to the field. I don't know who any of these teams are but the ones in green are beating the ones in purple by about 15 points, and purple only got a point just now. I guess they give the professionals more time then they do at schools. After watching the green team annihilate purple, it was an intermission. I looked up at the screens and saw they were doing kiss cams. Of course. Now I'll have to watch Luz and Willow kiss to make my jealousy 10x worse.

Everyone cheered as people kissed. Some were shy while others... were not. Let's just say the kiss cam alone will make sure I never come to another grudgby game. Believe it or not, Skara even had to kiss the guy next to her and seeing the rage on Boscha's face was amazingly hilarious. After a couple more kisses, I saw Luz's face on the screen. Then mine. I could see my face go a bright red.

"Come on Am! It's just a small kiss!" Luz joked, shoving me slightly.

"Ah no I'm good, I've never kissed anyone before." I waved my hands in a weird way.

"Me neither but let's just do it!"

"Luz I don't think-" Willow started to say, but before she could finish, Luz had grabbed my hands and had her lips on mine. She was surprisingly good at this so I kinda just followed her lead. My face felt extremely hot but my heart felt extremely happy. She eventually pulled away as people cheered. I was speechless. I could see Boscha clapping as well, but Willow did not seem happy at all.

"Sorry, I just didn't wanna give up my only opportunity for a decent first kiss." Luz laughed.

"I uh... it's okay heh... but how was that your first time?" I asked, stuttering.

"I practice with a pillow..." she whispered, "probably one of my more embarrassing secrets. But how were you so good at it?"

"I was just following you! That pillow must have been really lucky." I giggled before realizing what I said and going red again, "Wait no, that came out wrong."

"It's okay Am, that was funny." Luz laughed, making me smile. We talked for a little while longer about other stuff, while Willow watched the game. Every once in a while I would glance at the score. The purple was now ahead by a few points.

After a few more minutes I noticed Willow was shivering. Why would she wear a short sleeved shirt in the middle of fall? Luz must have noticed as well because she turned to Willow.

"Hey are you cold?" She asked, Willow nodding in response, "Here." Luz then took her jacket off and put it around Willow. Just then I remembered they were dating and that the kiss meant nothing to Luz. She placed her arm around Willow as I stared forward again awkwardly. I didn't stare for long because I felt something go off in my pocket. My stomach dropped as I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out the phone I got from the Emperors Coven. It was ringing. They noticed I was missing.

"Hey Luz, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get some snacks." I smiled, she looked at me concerned, then to Willow who was cuddling into her, and back to me, only nodding. I walked out of the main stadium and didn't stop walking until I saw a spot that was hidden enough. I sat down with my knee's towards my chest and flipped open the device.

"Amity Blight, where are you?" Kiki asked me, "And what took you so long to answer?"

"I'm so sorry Kikimora! I'm doing something kinda of important-"

"We'll kind of important isn't important so I suggest you get back here before Emperor Belos fires you. We both know how disappointed your parents would be if you lost this job." She left me speechless for a second as I thought about the punishments of the past and how they may worsen for this.

"Yeah yeah sorry... I'm on my way." I put away the small object before closing my eyes and putting my head against the wall. I wanted to cry. Today had a small battle won, but the war was against me. It was like some game. I got up after thinking for a little while and immediately noticed Willow standing in front of me with Luz's jacket, "W-what are you doing here?"

"I was going to the bathroom, but now I'm just confused. Why were you talking with Kikimora?" Willow asked, crossing her arms.

"It's not what it looks like!" I said frantically.

"No I think it is... you're apart of the Emperor's Coven, aren't you?"

"I-I don't wanna be, please you can't tell anyone! It's why I've been leaving early and why I was gone those two weeks." I was starting to cry as I pleaded, "Please you can't tell Luz, it'll break her heart. My parents forced me to-"

"Well I'm not gonna tell her... yet."

"What do you mean yet?"

"Listen... I love Luz, a lot, and I should have had her first kiss..." she seemed disappointed rather then angry, "I really don't wanna say this, but I think it just proves I love her I guess. Can you stay away from her in a romantic sense? Like stop flirting with her and stuff? I don't wanna be the reason your friendship ends, but I just really care about her."

"Willow... okay fine. I have to go anyway." I wanted to yell at her, tell her so many things, but I decided not to. I have places to be anyway.

This whole thing feels like a game.

Maybe my life is like a video game and someone just wants to make it harder. Kinda like that game Luz told me about. The Sims or something like that.

Even as I walk up the palace stairs, I wonder if this is a game.

Even as I notice Emperor Belos waiting for me at the top I think.

"Amity Blight, we need to talk." He said, his voice alone creeping me out.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of-" I started, but he didn't let me finish.

"No Amity, it's okay, in fact I have a special job for you. One that will make your parents very proud."


A/N: Merry Christmas! If you don't celebrate, I hope that holiday was/will be amazing! Not much to say here, just saying thanks again for all the attention 🥺
