As I stepped into the hood filled with elephants, my heart was filled with curiosity and anticipation. Little did I know that not only was the elephant queen looking for me, but punishment awaited me as well. A crowd of around 100 elephants had gathered, their eyes fixed on me as I entered the cave. They bombarded me with questions, leaving me feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Eventually, I grew frustrated and confronted the elephant queen, throwing my own questions at her, demanding to know who gave birth to me.

The anger within the elephant queen intensified, and she aggressively charged towards me, using her tusks to throw me around. I landed painfully on a nearby mountain, regretting the decision to come to this earth. My flexible skin bore the marks of blood splatters, and my hair, once neatly coiled, now resembled an untamed bush. Overwhelmed by my circumstances, I found myself crying in hiding. Unfortunately, any sympathy the elephant queen may have felt seemed to have vanished. Days passed, and she continued to relentlessly pursue me, hurling me through the air with her tusks.

In a desperate attempt to escape my torment, I climbed a tall tree, praying for release from the embarrassment and suffering. However, fueled by anger, I impulsively decided to let go and dive down, unconcerned about the risks involved. Unexpectedly, this plunge led me straight into the sea. I contemplated staying underwater for some respite, but eventually surfaced and made a quick decision to leave the treacherous jungle of carnivorous elephants without informing the queen.

On the second day of my mission, accompanied by my gifted rabbit, I embarked on a new adventure, unaware that it would introduce another perilous situation. This doubled my existing jeopardy in the land of giant metamorphosis beings.
