Alice meets Humpty

Darkness surrounds me, I feel trapped in myself as I stumble through the darkeness to find an exit or something  to let me out of this prison.
I keep walking forwards tripping on my own feet, suddenly I see a bright speck of light in front of me.
I start running, trying to reach it. The light grows brighter and brighter as I reach it. I'm greeted with strange smells and weird plants and trees, to my right is a tall brick wall, to my left is a dark dense forest.

I walk a few steps then pause, "clunk" a piece of rock hit my head. I look up to see if someone or something is there, instead I see a light purple and blue cotton candy sky. As I turn my eyes back down I see a figure of someone balancing on the top of the brick wall. "Oh crap, he's going to fall," I say under my breath. Just as I said that the figure stumbled and started to fall off the wall.
I rush to catch him, then realized that he was about 2 feet taller than "I'm gonna get crushed" I say as the figure falls on top of me.
"OUCH!!" a teen male voice said.
I open my eyes and see a handsome boy around my age, dark brown hair, bright green eyes, semi tan skin, musularly built, and SHIRTLESS!?!
"Jeez, watch where you're going Blondie." He yelled at me.
"Um, exscuse?" me I said.
He looked into my eyes for a split second and then got up dusted himself off and reached out his hand out for my hand. I gently grasped his rough hands. He yanked me up onto my feet. Yep I am definitely 2 feet shorter than he is. 
"What are you doing?" He said
"Definitely not checking you out." Wow real cool Alice, it's definitely not obvious that you like him now.
I blush and look into his eyes again.
He asked again "Seriously don't you know that it's dangerous for a girl like you to be out here?" "What do you mean a girl like me?" I pondered.
"If the queen See's you you're going to get your head cut off, you should be at your mushroom or tree stump with  your family or something." He said.
"I actually don't know where I'm at right now, so I don't have anywhere to go." I told him.
"What's your name?" He asked me another question, jeez what is with all of these questions.
"Alice" I replied.
"Well Alice how would you like to live with me until you've found your way back home?"
"Really? That would be great! The only problem is I don't know anything about you, so I can't go home with you." "Fine" he said. "What do you want to know?"
"Well for starters your name."
"Ok," he said "my name is Humpty Dumpty, but you can call me Humpty for short." I chuckled "what?" He looked at my with a furious face as we started walking along the dirt trail path, he said "fine then what do want to call me?" "Humpty is fine, it's just.... Don't you think it sounds a little sexual?" "Sexual? No, I never thought about it that way. Maybe you should call me H."
"H?" I asked. "Yes?" He said, he and I  laughed as we walked deeper and deeper into the dark forest.

Tell me if the story needs to be fixed or if you have any ideas for the next chapter. I like to read all the comments written to me. It really helps a lot, thanks for reading. :)
