
May 27th

You know, a normal person would think that taking four teenagers to an amusement park would be totally fine, right? I mean, teenagers can take care of themselves, plus they’re always on their phones so they never not answer. Well my friend, you would be wrong.

About an hour and a half away from Palmview is an amusement park. It’s one of the more “local” ones, like Dollywood is in the smokies in Tennessee. They both also have people coming from all around the United States to join, and with school being out, the place was jam packed. But, none the less, me, Megan, Bailey, and Brent all decided to go to Kennedy Park, our amusement park. Well, one thing led to another which led to us having to call security to help me and Brent find our lost friends. Leaving two blondes in an amusement park by themselves probably wasn’t such a good idea.

So, after we finally found both of them huddling in the corner of one of the buildings, we decided to call it quits and just head to the arcade.

“I’m going to destroy you,” Brent said, walking up to the ski ball machines.

“Try me, I always win,” I said, putting my token into the slot and grabbing my first ball. “Three…”



“Go!” we both yelled at the same time.
Let’s just say that game ended with Brent having a bruised finger from one of the balls, and me winning all of the tickets.

Once our little ski-ball battle was over, we decided to look for Megan and Bailey. Sure enough, they were both at that dancing game, competing against each other. Of course, Bailey was winning, being the cheer captain. Yeah, the old captain got expelled for pulling another girl’s hair and “fighting.” Not one punch was thrown though, just a bunch of hair pulling. Either way, Bailey was boosted up one position.

Megan on the other hand, had about no points at all.

“This isn’t fair,” Megan complained as Bailey took up all the tickets. “You know I can’t dance.”

“Then why did you agree to it?”

“I don’t know, I guess I thought it would be easier.”

By the time we were done at the arcade, I was starving, and the girls were on the same page. So, we ended up going to some little diner on the way home and grabbed something to eat for dinner, which inevitably ended up with four take-out boxes because those diners don’t mess around.

Brent pulled into my drive way. “I’ll talk to you later, I have to get these two”- he pointed to the two girls passed out in the back- “home before their parents start to worry.”

“Alright, I’ll see you later, then. Hey, don’t forget to go to Mariee’s Tuesday. We’ll work out something for the twins surprise party.”

“Okay. Bye Lexa.”

“Bye.” I shut the door and walked up to my door. I watched Brent drive away before I unlocked my door and went inside. Of course, there was a note on the kitchen counter from dad explaining why he wasn’t going to be here tonight. I swear it was always something new.

So, following my normal nightly routine, I decided to take a shower before I watched Netflix. I went upstairs and grabbed a pair of pajama shorts and a black tank top. I took a shower (and shaved my legs) before I went back downstairs and turned on the TV. I decided to pamper myself a little bit, so I grabbed a few face masks and a white nail polish and started painting my nails.

In the middle of my second episode of 13 Reasons Why, my phone buzzed, signaling that I had received a message. I picked it up and looked at all the pictures Bailey had sent me from tonight.

-We need to do this again, but maybe plan things a little better.

-Agree! But let’s not put me and Megs together at the park anymore, that didn’t turn out so good

Alexa: 😂

I glanced at the time and noticed that I was nearly 11 o’clock. I turned off the TV and jogged upstairs. I plugged my phone up and noticed my window propped open. I shut it closed then realized that there was a yellow sticky note attached to the inside. I grabbed the note from the window and locked it shut.

I suggest you stay away. He can’t keep secrets for forever, but you already know too much.

I crumbled the note up and tossed it into my waste basket. But then I took it out and flattened it to the best of my ability. I needed to get to the bottom of this, and I was determined to find out who was leaving these on my windows. And guess when they started? After I met Mr. Corbyn Besson.


I'm sorry if this chapter sounds different than my normal ones do. I think one of the reasons I'm having trouble typing chapters is because I've gotten used to writing speeches instead, so everytime i go to write it sounds like the intro to my speech. Don't worry, I'm getting back into the hang of things.
