Chapter Seven

"Skye, you will be staying in the sleigh whilst Alex goes in", Simmons explains.

"All the lights are off so it looks okay but keep an eye out. We don't have eyes inside because that's.. well... creepy", Fitz said.

Alex glanced at the small screen and saw the upcoming house.

"Landing in ten seconds", he said, mostly to Skye.

"How do we know the roof will take the weight?" She asked.

There was silence on the other end before Simmons answered in a questioning voice.

"Because Santa does it?"

"We're gonna die", Skye nodded and held onto the side of the sleigh. "Do you know what you're doing?"

Alec held onto the reins and looked at the reindeer.

"I'm hoping they know".

The house came into view and the sleigh adjusted its course and headed for it. The air was tense and no one said a word as they waited. The others on the line listened intensely for any news.


And they didn't know he was there, standing on the ground far far away, a man with dark hair and a colourful jacket watched with a slight smile as he looked at Alex driving the sleigh. And then he disappeared.


Alex was starting to question his decision as the house got closer, but it was too late now. He leant forward and slowly pulled at the reins.

They started to slow as the house was under them. They hovered and moved from side to side and slowly lowered. They got close to the edge a couple of times. Too close for comfort. But when they were just a few centimetres from the roof they dropped the rest of the way with a thump.

Alex winced as Coulson's voice came over the radio.

"Alex? Are you okay? Skye, do you copy?"

"We're okay", Skye breathed out.

Alex finally looked over to her to see her expression matched hers.

"I hope that didn't wake them up".

"I hope so too", Fitz said. "Because you're going in Alex".

He psyched himself up before standing and looking over the edge of the house on wobbly feet.

"Please don't fall off", Skye murmured.

"Don't worry. Santas coat will save me. Its got to be magic right?"

She didn't say anything and kept watching whilst biting her lip.

He stepped out and reached back down to grab the seemingly empty sac before making his way too the chimney.

He had no idea how he was meant to fit down this thing that definitely shouldn't fit a person.

"Are we sure Santa doesn't just use the front door?" Alex asked.

"Well we would ask him, but he wont be answering any time soon", Simmons mumbled as she looked at the still unconscious Santa.

"He could be really useful right about now".

"Use your instinct", Coulson said. "Like before with the sleigh. Just don't think, and then do it".

Alex wasn't sure how helpful that advice actually was but that's all he had right now. So he cleared his mind as much as one could whilst standing on a snowy roof.

Don't think. Don't think. Don't think.

He let his mind carry him and felt the zing of electricity through the coat again. And using his instinct, he stepped forward and climbed onto the top of the chimney. It was a miracle the bricks didn't crumble under his feet.

He stared down into the dark depths of it and hovered a foot over the middle. Instinct. Don't think.

Skye watched from the sleigh with a hand over her mouth so she didn't shout out. She was starting to think this wasn't a good idea. But right as she went to shout out, Alex stepped forward. And he disappeared.

He didn't fall into the chimney. He didn't fall off the roof. He just disappeared.

"Alex?" She whispered. "Alex?" She said louder.

"What's happening?" Coulson demanded.

"He-he just disappeared. I don't know where he went".

"Alex? Can you hear me?" He started speaking through the comms. "Fitz get eyes inside".

"How sir?"

"See if they have a home camera or an open laptop, anything".

"Uhh- I cant do that".

"I can", Skye spoke up before tapping buttons on the small screen.

She found the mainframe and located the right address before scanning for cameras. She let out a sigh when she couldn't find any but it was quickly replaced by a smile when she found a computer with a webcam.

"I sure hope this camera is in the family room".

At first all she could see was darkness, but then a small lump on the floor began to move and a groan filled the earpiece.

"Alex? Are you okay?"


"Alex?" Coulson called. "Can you answer us please?"

"M-fine", he grumbled and attempted to slowly stand. "What happened?"

"I don't know. You just disappeared", Skye told him.

He looked back up to the chimney and down at his slightly blackened knees.

"I think I fell down the chimney".

"You didn't fall down it, you were there and then just gone".

He thought about it for a minute before touching the edges of the red coat.

"Maybe it was just magic?"

We don't have a better idea until Santa wakes up. So if you're okay, lets keep it moving", Coulson said.

"Right", Alex mumbled as he dusted off and picked up the sac.

The Christmas tree glinted in the dark and Alex reached into the bag to feel the presents. He brought each one out and checked its bow before placing it under.

"They have a lot of children in this house".

"Stay focused", Coulson reminded him.

He was placing another when Skye saw something move in the camera on the screen.

"I don't mean to panic anyone, but I'm seeing some kind of movement".

"What is it?" Coulson asked instantly.

"Im panicking a little", Alex replied as he froze in place.

"In the room behind you, in front of the table".

Alex looked up but couldn't see much in the dark. He tried to make out the shapes of things but everything just looked the same.

"What do I do?" He whispered.

Something made a thunk and Alex suddenly knew what to do as he jumped behind the tree to hide.

Ward stood to his feet in preparation. There was nothing he could do right away, but he was ready nonetheless.

"Alex, can you tell us whats going on?"

"I don't know whats going on. I can hear something".

The thud happened again and Alex stayed quiet. Nothing else happened until the aubles on the other side of the tree jingled.

Up until this point he had been completely terrified. But his training was starting to kick in and he prepared to fight.

Scratching and jiggling made its way round the tree.

It took a few moments for Skye's laughter to fill his ear piece. He noticed it right as a cat appeared, scratching itself on the tree branches.

He let out a huge exhale of relief and slumped to the floor.

Skye continued laughing and eventually he did too.

"What's going on? Are you laughing?" Simmons asked.

"It's a- a-", Skye tried through the laughter. "It's a cat!"

Fitz giggled and even May let out a small smile.

The cat walked up to Alex and let him scratch its back before it moved on to hitting the stockings.

He quickly put the rest of the presents under the tree before spotting the cookies and milk.

"I'm meant to eat those too right?"

"Yep, but remember to leave a few crumbs".

He bit into the cookie and left a bite on the plate before gulping down the milk and pocketing the carrot on his way back to the chimney.

"Right, let's hope this is easier this time".

He walked over to the fireplace and nothing happened.

"Uhmm, what did I do last time?"

"Clear your head", Coulson told him.

So he did. He cleared his mind and took a breath.

The next thing he knew the cold was on his cheeks and he tripped over his own feet. His face fell right into the snow and he looked up to see Skye sat in the sleigh.

"Well that went well".

"Better get a move on", Simmons told him. "You're behind".

So alex and Skye headed to the next house, this one completely hidden in the trees. And he couldn't tell at first, it was completely dark afterall, but Alex knew this house.

He jumped off the sleigh and caught a glance of the deck on the side of the house. He's definitely seen it somewhere before. But he hadn't been here.

He pushed it to the back of his mind and went down the chimney. The house had a big open plan room covered in toys. He winced as he stood on some Lego and it made a crack sound. But he carried on to the tree.

A picture on the wall caught his eye, a purple butterfly clearly done by a child had been stuck there. And he thought he recognised it, but how could he? It was probably just the magic making him confused.

And then he pulled the first present out of the bag.


That was familiar. It was starting to come together now but he didn't believe it.


Could it be true? Could he really be in the Barton household. He has never been this close to an actual avenger.

The excitement quickly morphed into slight worry as it dawned on him... he was in an avengers home at night. He really hopes he doesn't wake up Clint.

Alex wouldn't even be able to hear him sneaking up on him and would have no time to explain the situation.

He put the presents down and stood up to leave when a creak sounded from the hall. He froze and looked to the side to see a young girl with platts in her hair. Lila.

Without thinking, he put a finger to his lips and gave her a smile. She gave a small smile back and a single nod of the head.

And then he was back outside, climbing into the sleigh.

"Everything go okay?" Skye asked.

"Yep", he replied and sat down with an exhale.
