Aisle 6

I looked at all the aisles but they're all packed. I needed to check out my items right away.

"Hey sweetheart, I can check your things out for you." Someone shouted from aisle 6.

I looked to see who it was, OH MY GOSH ITS ALEX ASDFGHJKL

I handed him my box of tampons that I was going to buy.

He checked my items out when no one would.

He gave me a discount when no one would.

I love him so much although I met him 15 minutes ago.

Before Alex handed me my receipt, he wrote something on it.

It seemed like his number.

He handed it to me and told me to call him sometime.

I also told him that my name is Alexandra.

He laughs and says that we have the same name.

This is real love.
