Part 1

When I woke up this morning I looked down at my sheets to realise they were stained with the blood of my enemies. jk jk I had started my period so I went over to the drawer and realised I was out of tampons. So I grabbed my mom's keys and took her car to target. When I found my tampons I realised that I was still in my blood soaked pjs. I got to the cash and notice the insanely mildly attractive guy at the cash. His nametag read Alex. "Alex I thought that's a pretty attractive name for an insanely mildly attractive guy." "Paper or plastic?" he asked pulling me out of my daydream.

"Plastic " I answered. "Good choice, your total is $20." Not realising that he was overcharging me I paid him. "So my shift ends like now so maybe we could go for a walk in the park?" OMGEE Alex just asked me out I didn't even care about my pjs anymore. We walked around the park until we got to the really secluded area then Alex picked up a rock bashed my head in and went to get a vanilla frappucinno at Starbucks to complete his transition into a white girl.

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