
Last Chapter: "No, you know what's ridiculous is that you say his dad is that Charles guy and you let them see each other as father and son and think that they're related but you don't know that. You were barely even with the guy when you got pregnant." Darius screeched, pointing at Ky. What? Charles might not be Ky's dad?

Jordie's POV:

Ky was crying softly, so quietly that only I could hear. He looked very scared, upset and hurt. "Mum, you said he was my dad. Mum, you told me he was my dad, how could you lie to me?" He sobbed.

"I didn't lie to you, of course he's your dad. Go to your room now and Darius shut the fuck up, you're drunk." My mum replied.

Ky stormed out, pretending it was because he was angry but it was more because he was scared.

"I'm not drunk, you're just saying that because I'm speaking the truth. You always blame it on the alcohol, don't you Vanessa?"

"You're a liar."

"No I'm not I'll tell you a truth. In fact, I'll tell your son who thinks he's fucking superman."

"Shut the fuck up, Darius." I spat.

"No I won't. I won't shut up like your mum did when you asked about your dad. She didn't tell you did she? She didn't tell you who your dad was and she didn't tell you that she knew who he was either, did she?"

My fists tightened, but I said nothing.

"Darius stop talking. Now." Said my mum, walking towards him. Darius shoved her away in response.

"You know what else she didn't tell you? That she knew exactly how to contact him. It was easy for her, but she chose not to. Do you still think you know your mum kid?" He laughed. I looked at my mum. She opened her mouth to talk.

"Mum is that true?"

"Jordie I-" She stammered. That was all the explanation I needed.

"Save it."

She bowed her head in shame.

"You're such a liar. Such a fucking liar." I laughed angrily.

"Jordie please." She begged.

"No. I'm done. I'm thirteen, I shouldn't have to deal with this shit. I'm going."

I stormed out of the room and upstairs. Navigating the landing, I slipped into my room and immediately started packing a bag. I already knew what I was going to do. It was simple: I would call Alex and give him notice that I was coming, before I'd get on a train to Liverpool and stay at his. My plan was reminiscent of the time before, but this time will it would be more planned. Just then, I had an idea. Should I bring Ky? After only a moments thought, I had my answer. Yes.

I finished packing my bag, making sure I had school clothes too. They were vital for the second part of my plan. I then went into Ky and Cameron's room. Somehow, Cameron was already asleep. Ky, however, was hiding under his covers, quietly sobbing.

"Ky it's me." I whispered. "Get up and pack a bag, we're going somewhere safe."

He pulled his covers off. "Where?"

"My dad's house. It's big and nice there, you'll like it. No shouty parents either." I said with a small grin, which he replied. "Come on then, we need to get going. You'll need school stuff too, okay?"

Ky nodded and I left for the bathroom to get our toiletries. After picking them up, I headed back for Ky's room. On my way, I bumped into my mum.

"Jordie, can we talk?"


"Jordie- wait where are you going?""


"No you're not."

"I am. You must be crazy if you think I'm staying in this shithole."

"Jordie, you can't just leave, I need to explain why I did what I did."

"Not now. I don't want to hear it. Maybe I'll wait 13 years to hear your side of the story just like you waited 13 years to let me meet my dad."

"It wasn't like that."

"Yes it was."

I left the conversation there and walked back into Ky's room.

"You packed everything? School stuff, underwear, chargers etc?"


"Come on then."

We left the room. Hovering outside was our mum.

"You're not bringing Ky with you." She snapped, upset at seeing us both with backpacks.

"Um, yes I am."

"When the hell are you planning on taking him?!"

"To Alex's house."

Her expression turned to one of shock and anger. "No you're fucking not. Why do you try to run to his every time anything happens?"

I exploded with anger and disbelief. "Because his house isn't like this, ok? Because there aren't screaming alcoholics there, because he doesn't let people like those two around his children, because I feel welcome there, because they all love and care for me and I actually feel fucking safe. I don't feel safe here and I don't feel comfortable leaving Ky in this unsafe situation either, so will you get out of my way please?"

She weakly gave up and let me push past her. Grabbing Ky's arm, I pulled him downstairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" Shouted a drunken Darius but I just opened and closed the door, without even looking back.

"Come on we need to get to the station." I said to Ky, who was walking slowly. It was dark and cold, and there was the worry of being papped. I put my hood up and kept my head down in order to conceal my identity. Pulling out my phone, I called Alex.

"Hey Jord, what's up?" He answered almost straight away.

"Hey Alex, I'm sorry to drop this on you so late but I have to come to Liverpool."

"Ok, now?"


"That's fine, don't worry about it. Has something happened?"

"Yeah, my mum and my brother and sisters' dad got in a massive fight and I didn't feel safe staying in the house."

"You did the right thing son, well done."

"Thanks Alex, can you pick us up from the station if I call you when we get there?"

"Sure. Also, did you say 'us'?"

"Yeah, my brother's with me. You remember Ky, right?"

"Yeah, is he alright?"

"He's good."

"What about the other two? How come they're not with you?"

"They're Darius' kids. He won't lay a finger on them." Shit, I'd just given it away that Darius was abusive.

Alex was quiet for a moment. "Jordie...does he hurt you?"

"Uh, look I'll explain everything when I get there. I'll be with you in a bit."

"Ok, keep safe bud."

Ky and I didn't really talk on our walk to the station, both of us just calming down after the events of the evening. When we finally got to the station, I let Ky follow me to the ticket machines. I tried to keep a very low profile as it was busy with people returning from work. We bought two tickets and followed the signs to our platform. 

Sitting down on a bench to wait for our train, Ky and I talked for a bit. I wanted to distract him because I knew he was thinking about what our mum had said. He barely saw his dad, Charles, but they had a close bond. I knew he would be heartbroken if it turned out his biological dad was someone else. I guessed that that would put him in my shoes - not knowing who his real dad was.

We'd been talking for a few minutes when I noticed a young man staring at me. It went on for a while, so I smiled politely at him and hoped he'd take the hint and look somewhere else. After a while, he walked over to me. I became a little nervous.

"Hey, sorry to bother you, but aren't you Oxlade-Chamberlain's kid?" He asked.

My first reaction was a mixture of surprise and relief. It had never occurred to me that he might've recognised me from the Instagram post.

"Uh, yeah." I replied.

"Wow, would I be able to grab a photo? I'm a massive Liverpool fan and I love your dad."

"Yeah sure, don't tell Perrie that." I joked and he laughed. The man handed Ky the phone and I smiled next to the man. Once Ky had taken it, he handed the mobile back to the man who checked the photo, grinned and thanked us before walking away.

Suddenly, I was worried. What if a newspaper got hold of it and somehow worked out that I was having family issues? Or what if they had a go at Alex because I was travelling to Liverpool on my own? Trying to put it to the back of my mind, I sat back down with Ky and waited for out train.

It soon arrived and we got on with no trouble. Ky and I talked a bit on the journey, but we were both tired and still in shock from Darius' revelations. After almost an hour on the train, it pulled into the station and we jumped off, making sure we had our bags with us. We manoeuvred into the main entrance, where I pulled out my phone and called Alex to notify him that we were at the station. He picked up immediately and told me he would get in the car straight away before hanging up.

Sure enough, his car pulled up outside after a few minutes. Pulling Ky with me, I walked up to it and opened the back door for my brother before hopping into the passenger seat. 

"Hey Jordie, hey Ky." Alex said, cheerily. I was impressed that he'd remembered Ky's name.

"Hi." Ky said shyly.

"Hi Alex, thanks for doing this." I said.

"No problem kid, as long as you're safe. So what's your plan?"

"If you don't mind, I'd love it if we could stay here all week."


"I know, I know, I've got school and I'm not allowed to miss a whole week. But I've got it planned out. We get up a bit earlier, get ready for school then take the train back home and go to school. Then straight after school, we take the train back here."

"Ok, sounds alright. Who's gonna pick you up from the station though? I can't always do it, I don't want Perrie driving when she's seven months pregnant and there's some lunatics around here and you can't really walk if people know you're my kid. They'll follow you to the house."

"Uber?" I suggested.

"Who's paying for that?"

"Um..." I was hoping that Alex would offer.

"Kidding mate, I'll pay for it. Look, your plan's not the most convenient, but that house clearly isn't a safe environment for you, for either of you, right now so I'll work with it." Alex said.

"Thanks so much." I replied. "Do Perrie and the kids know I'm coming?"

"Pez does, I didn't want to shock the baby out of her." Alex joked. Ky and I both laughed. "But Lillie and Tommy don't. They're both in bed, hopefully asleep."

"Alright. You've never met my other siblings, have you Ky?"

"Um no."

"They're cute. Better than Amalia and Cameron."

"That's not hard." Said Ky and Alex and I both laughed.

We pulled up at the house shortly after and Ky was clearly amazed by its colossal size. Perrie saw us out of the window and unlocked the door, holding it open so that we could walk straight inside. Alex led us in, kissing Perrie on cheek as he went past. She hugged me on way in and waved and said hi to Ky.

"Have you guys eaten? Do you want any food?" She asked.

"Our tea was um, interrupted, so I'm a bit hungry yeah. What about you Ky?" I replied.

"Yeah." He whispered.

Perrie quickly made us some food, which we ate before following the couple into the living room to watch the football. About halfway through, Perrie fell asleep on the sofa.

"I don't know if it's the pregnancy or just her boredom, but she can never last 90 minutes without falling asleep." Alex joked and we laughed.

When the match had finished, I looked over at Ky who appeared to be very drowsy.

"I'll have to carry Pez upstairs, Jordie are you good to show Ky your rooms?" Said Alex.

"Yeah, where are we?" I answered.

"Perrie prepared your usual one and the one on the left of it for Ky."


I left the room and took Ky upstairs. He looked around at every inch of the house, marvelling at its size and design.

"Nice place, huh?" I grinned at him.

"Yeah." He nodded excitedly. "It's even better because there aren't any screaming adults here too."

My grin faltered a little and I put an arm around Ky, sad to hear those words come out of a ten year old's mouth. We had now reached the door to my room so I opened it and looked inside. As usual it'd been beautifully prepared by Perrie. Ky looked happy at its contents. We then turned around to open Ky's room and saw Alex carrying Perrie upstairs. I smiled at him and he half grinned, half laughed back. Perrie's head was rested in the crook of his neck and he held her back and legs, supporting her as he lifted her accross the hallway. It was clearly quite difficult seeing as she was carrying the weight of a baby too, but he seemed to be happy to do it. Seeing them together, I aspired to have a relationship like theirs some day, instead of one like my mum's awful relationships.

I said goodnight to Ky and retired to my room. It was still pretty early, but I needed to be up early anyway and I fell asleep straight away. The more time I was awake, the more time I spent thinking about all those years my mum lied to me. It was horrible to think about, but I just couldn't get it off my mind.


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I looked at my stats recently and it said that this book is read by people in over thirty different countries. I don't know how accurate it is, because idk if people can put random countries on their profile or whatever, but if it's right then that's amazing! Also, we hit 7000 reads which is amazing! As always, tysm for your support and don't forget to read, vote and comment x

q: what country are you from?
