Chapter 4


"Come on dear" Sally said opening the gate to their field. You walked throught and looked back at the city. More people seemed to be present now.

"I don't like to stay in the city long, cause at this time it gets busy." She hooked her arm around yours. "The club's open properly after 12." Right now it was 11:45. That explains it.

"Sally?" You asked. Turning to look at you "yes dear?" She smiled. "what's yours cafe called?" You inquired. She thought about it for a while.

"We didn't name it anything actually." She thought out loud. She hummed really thinking about it now. "People don't really care for names here." She stated facing forward again.

You reached the house, Sally unlocking the door and letting you in. You took your shoes off at the front door, same with Sally. She walked over to the kitchen island putting the bags she had on the side.

You walked over to her and put the bag with your shoes on the floor the rest with hers. She started to go throught them sorting. "I'm going to put all your things into a separate bag, then you can take it to your room." She said smiling up at you. You nodded to her not knowing what to do with yourself.

"Alright dear, these are yours." She handed you two bags, with all your clothes in. "Should I leave my shoes down here?" You questioned. "That's up to you dear." She turned and started putting away some other stuff she brought. "Thank you again Sally." You said walking away, upstairs with your things.

You open the door to your room closing it behind you. You placed the bags onto of the chest of draws. First taking your shoes out and putting them next to the door. You then started taking out the clothes and moving the now empty bag. Openeing the top draw you place your pj's and underwear. Closeing the draw you begin to hum a tune to yourself, tapping your foot. In the next draw you place your tops, refolding them and placing them in. In the next draw you put your pants. Then remembered Sally said to clean the clothes from the charity shop first.

Taking out the tops and trousers you walk out your room, down stairs. "Sally? Do you mind if I wash these first?" You asked walking into the kitchen. Sally was chopping up some kind of purple vegetables. "Oh yes, sorry dear I forgot about that" she put down the knife and walked over to you, taking the clothes from you. "We have a machine over there" she pointed to a weird looking machine, it had the door like a normal washing machine but it looked off. There was a red symbol over the front of it.

Sally walked over to you, "how does it work? So I don't have to bother you in the future." You smiled. "Dear. I'm the one who makes it work." She said taking your clothes. You raised a brow at her curious about what she ment.

"Could you grab me the dish soup and a bucket of water dear?" She asked her souther twang hitting hard, she opened the machine and putting in the clothes.

You did as told, grabbing the bucket down the side of the sink and filling it. Once filled you took the soap from the sink and brought it over to her.

"Now watch dear." She said taking the bucket pouring some if the water into the machine. Taking a bit of the soap and pouring it in as well. She closed the door and took a deep breath. A pink glow appeared from her hand as she placed it on the machine. It started to vibrate and spin, not even plugged in. "Wha-?" You whispered shocked. "I have powers as well my dear..." she said looking down, slightly moving because of the machine moving.

"I tend to keep it to myself." She said looking up at you. Her eyes where glowing slightly as she continued to make the machine move. "Is that why you took me in?" You looked up at her hopeful.

"Yes and no dear." She moved away from the machine, a bit out of breath. You reached for her, she held a hand up stopping you. You stopped with a worried expression on your face. She took a seat on the sofa, taking a breath.

"Sit with me dear" she patted the seat next to her. You walked over and sat next to her, still worried about her. "Its getting harder and harder to do things nowadays." She took your hands in hers. You looked down at them, one gray.

"Let me tell you about them," she said noticing you looking at her hands. "I can make things vibrate, with a single touch" She sighed. Her hand started to turn red faster than normal. "You my dear, can heal people." She thought out loud. "What? How do you know?" You asked confused. "My hand." She said, you looked down at them. It already turning back red. "They would normally take a few hours to go back. You've done it with in seconds." She smiled at you.

"I am from a high class imp family, one with rare powers. We kept it under wraps but then the overlords and sins started to abuse this." She sighed, looking away from you. "I ran away, to the pride ring. That's where we are now." She sighed again turning to you. "This is where all the sinners are" you rubbed small circles on her hands as she spoke. "I came here because there are others with powers. Some sinners are given powers. Like yourself." You looked down at her hand, now fully back to there original red colour.

"I would like to teach you how to control your powers my dear." Her grip on you tighten. "Really?" You asked excited. "Yes dear, you bring life it seems." She tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear smiling at you.

"Your clothes should be clean dear. You just need to put them out on the drying line outside." You nodded to her standing up "Alright, you rest for a bit please Sally." You walked over to the machine, openeing the door and taking your clothes out putting them in to a basket next to it. "The line is out the front to the left, they won't take long" She said while you were putting your shoes on. "Alright thank you." You opened the front door and looked down the path to the city. A line of live grass up to the door. Oops. You sighed and walked around to the line, find clothes pegs on the line already.

You hung your clothes up humming the same tune from earlier. Tapping your foot. The clothes hang there, moving slowly in the wind. You smiled at the angel dust shirt, gonna wear that a lot. Would need a long sleeved top for underneath tho.

You looked to your left and saw a rocking chair. Taking a deep breath you turned and looked out at the city. There seemed to be lots of fires going on right now. As smoke rose from the city.

The wind blew past you, making you shiver lightly. Touching your clothes, they were still damp but almost dry already. Sally did say they wouldn't take long.

You decided to go in. Sally already up and in the kitchen, going thought the cupboards, looking for something. Walked over to the kitchen island and sat down on one if the bar stools.

She turned to you with a box in hand. "I actually wanted to give this to you." She said sitting next to you. Placing the box on the island, by you. "I hear you humming a lot, so I assumed you like music." She pushed the box towards you. "For me?" You asked suprised. She nodded, encouraging you to open it.

You unlocked the hatched on it, opening it. It was a record player. You gasped and look up at her. "Oh my gosh Sally! It's beautiful!" You exclamed, hugging her. She made a noise of surprise and the giggled at your enthusiasm. "It's alright dear, it is beautiful. But we never use it, you sure will." She pulled away from the hug and smiled at you. You looked at the record player again and saw some records in the lid. Elvis, Mamie Smith and many others from the 1920's to 30's. "Can I play one now?" You asked excited. "Go ahead dear" she giggles. You took out the Mamie Smith record and put in on the player, placing on the edge.

It played the song Crazy blues by Mamie Smith you smiled as the song hit your ears. "This reminds me Sally." You turned the volume down so you could talk. "Remember when you asked me if I had any other hobbies the other day?" You got up from your chair. Sally nodded to you. "I used to sing for a small cafe" you stated. "This was before I was with my ex husband." You smiled at her. Sally's smile widened. "Go on, sing my dear!" She encouraged you.

Crazy blues continued to play, you tuning in part the way thought. This was one of your favourites by Mamie Smith. You got up and started to dance a little, clearing your throat:

" I can't sleep at night
I can't eat a bite
'Cause the man I love
He don't treat me right "

You sung, sally watching you with suprise. You felt the lyrics flow.

" He makes me feel so blue
I don't know what to do
Sometime I sit and sigh
And then begin to cry
'Cause my best friend
Said his last goodbye "

You resisnated with the lyrics more now than you did the last time you listened to this song.

" There's a change in the ocean
Change in the deep blue sea, my baby
I'll tell you folks, there ain't no change in me
My love for that man will always be "

" Now I can read his letters
I sure can't read his mind
I thought he's lovin' me
He's leavin' all the time
Now I see my poor love was blind "

" Now I got the crazy blues
Since my baby went away
I ain't got no time to lose
I must find him today "

" Now the doctor's gonna do all that he can
But what you're gonna need is an undertaker man
I ain't had nothin' but bad news
Now I got the crazy blues "

You sung the whole song for Sally, she started clapping at the end. You took a bow laughing. "why did you give that up dear?" She asked as you sat back down. You looked at her sad. "My ex husband didn't want me to work." She placed hand on yours, comforting you."well, thats his loss then" she smiled at you. You thanked her quietly.

"Maybe you could sing at our cafe one night." She asked standing up and going back to chopping the vegetables from earlier.

"I love songs from the 1920's to 90's" you said with stars in your eyes. Sally giggled looking up at you. "Well, every Saturday we hold a karaoke night. Some people sing songs from that exact era." She said turning to the sink and washing some tomatoe looking things. "Really?!" You exclamed.

Sally laughed more. "Yes dear. It's an open karaoke." She stated turn her head towards you. "Saturday nights are our most Popular nights. They bring in the most money." She dried the tomatoe looking vegetables before turning and placing them on her chopping board. "Would we be able to go tomorrow?" You asked.

"Of course dear. You could wear one of your new shirts and pants." She started chopping the tomatoes. "They should be dry now by the way dear. Go get them and put them away, while I finish lunch."

You got up from your seat and went out side, pulling your clothes down and folding them into the basket. You smiled at how lucky you got down here. Such a lovely couple have taken you in, cared for you, fed you and clothed you.

Stopping before you went in, you looked towards the city. Seemed to be in chaos right now. Cars speeding down the streets, more smoke, a lot of screams screams. A figure stood at the gate of the house, looking out towards you.

You quickly rushed into the house closing the door behind you. Kicking your shoes off you set the basket next to the washing machine, where it belonged, taking your clothes out. "I'll be back down Sally, just going to put these away" you said walking trying to the island, you heard her hum in response.

Walking into your room you opened the second draw and put your tops in there, re-folding them. Same with your pants in the next draw down.

On your way down you realised that the mirror was still at the bottom of the stairs. "Sally?" You asked poking your head around the corner. "Yes dear?" She responded. "Want me to put the mirror back?" You pointed to it. "If you want dear, lunch is nearly done" she said glancing up at you with a smile. You decided you'd take the mirror back, picking it up and taking back upstairs into your room. You put it the other side of the chest of draws.

On your way back down Sally shouted "lunch is ready (y/n)!" You sped walked down the stairs to get to her. As you got into the kitchen you saw her plating up some salad. Some kind of meat on top of it.

Sally placed two bowls at the kitchen island instead of the dinning table. You walked over and joined her there. "Would you want to listen to some music while we eat?" You asked her. "Sure dear". She grabbed herself a fork and begun digging in.

Before you began eating you replaced the record with the Elvis one. His voice soothing the air.

You decided to try the meat first. It was fucking delicious. Like a mixture of chicken and some steak. You hummed in delight eating more. "Thank you for lunch Sally " you said with your mouth full. "no problem dear!" She said with a wide smile on her face.

You begun to bounce in your seat while listening to Elvis, it was the Blue Hawaii album, feeling extremely comfortable right now. Sally was easy to be around.

"After we've finished I would to try and find out some more about your powers, if that's alright?" Sally asked stabbing at her food. You nodded mouth full of food, once you swolled you answered "yeah that's fine, I'm curious about them as well." Showing more food in your mouth you started to hum to the song playing on the record.

You two sat in silence as you both finished your lunch. Which the "lettuce" they have down here is absolutely amazing, almost had a hint of lemon in it naturally.

"Right I'm stuffed" Sally said standing and taking her bowl over to the sink and cleaning it. You had one more bite to take before you where done. You hummed out of delight. "That was delicious Sally" placing a hand on your stomach, you got up and walked over to the sink wanting to clean your bowl. Sally took it from you, "let me dear, go sit down on the sofa" she shooed you a little as you tried to protest.

You walked over to the sofa sitting down and waiting for her. She set down the bowls into the drying rack before coming and sitting next to you.

"Alright," she set a plant pot on the coffee table. "Pick up this pot" she pointed to it. You looked at her funny but picked it up anyway. "Won't grass just grow like it does outside?" You asked looking at her.

She shook her head no. "No dear, thats not how it works." She gestures towards the pot. You noticed nothing has grown. "Should that happen?" You asked a little concerned. Sally thought for a while.

"Close your eyes dear." She said, you did as told still holding the pot. It now rested in your lap. "Think about the flower you want, or the grass." She encouraged.

You thought about the fluffy red grass you felt when you woke up. Wanting some kind of pink flower to bloom. You opened your eyes to see a slight glow from your hands, and small Tufts of graaa grow. A small sprout started to grow as well the longer you held it.

The more you thought about it, you could feel a tingling in your hands and fingers.

"You did it dear!" Sally said shaking your shoulder excitedly. You giggled at her. "Your a healer Dear." She said looking at the flower. "do it again." She asked. You brought the feeling back, the buzzing.

The flower started to wilt, the petals falling and then started to mould. You stopped after the stem fell over. "What do I have then? I didn't expect to kill this poor plant."

"You might have done too much, nature can only hold so much." Sally said flipping thought her book. "Ah yes, definitely a healer Dear" she pointed to a section in her book.

