I snuggled into the warmth next to me. My head felt like someone had hit it with a hammer and my lungs ached.
I started coughing and the warmth next to me moved. It helped me sit up and when I was done coughing I was presented with a cupful of a goldish mixture. I eagerly drank it.
"Its sweet." I murmured as I drank it.
"Yoon said your throat... it would be sore..."
I looked up at Shinah in surprise. "Shinah? What... what happened?"
"...we're still...in the village."
I tried to stand and almost fell but Shinah had quickly stood and caught me.
"Why are we still here?" I asked hurriedly.
"Yona...told us to wait...your decision what happens to them...Kija wanted to..." he searched for words, "maim them."
I started to laugh but quickly started to cough. Shinah pat my back as I coughed.
"Sorry. My lungs hurt. I'm not used to doing that. Yona wants me to decide what to do with the village?" I clarified. Shinah nodded once.
I sighed and nodded as he helped me out of the hut. All the villagers were lined up and kneeling on the ground. Not a one met my eyes except for the elder.
"Luna! You're finally awake!" Yona ran over and hugged ne tearfully. The dragons and Yoon gathered around me.
"Relax, its not like I'm dead." I assured them.
"No thanks to them." Hak growled as he faced the group. Several of them flinched. Shinah set his hand on Haks shoulder and the villagers cowed.
"Yona...you want me to decide their fate."
"Yes." Yona faced the group, an angry frown on her face. "Anything you decided we'll make happen."
"Anything huh." I sighed. "I dount care to be honest. They all know how I felt. I made them. Fealing all that emotion in just a few seconds is enough punishment. However, I would like for the village elder to apologize."
Jae ha and Kija grabbed the elder and dragged him to me.
"Not to me." I corrected. I stared at the field of flowers I knew was hidden by the trees. "I want him to apologize to the villagers. He lied to them from the moment I was born. I doubt he's said a single true word to them about me. I want him to apologize to them for making them filled with fear at the sight of me. I want them to understand that he was only ever after my power. That's all I want." I turned and limped away. Shinah trailed after me. The rest stayed with the group as the remaining group stared down the village elder. They were probably more pissed than before.
"Is he the reason...you don't like the flowers?" Shinah asked.
"He convinced the village I was a monster when I fully shifted for the first time. They tried to burn me at the stake while throwing those flowers at me. I only changed because a boy was tormenting me and I pushed him."
I tensed as I was spun around and crushed in a hug.
Shinah didn't say anything, but I could feel him trembling, probably with anger. I wanted to distract him.
"You covered my face with your mask... why?"
"...I didn't want to hurt you..." Shinah held me tighter. I blinked.
"You could never hurt me. I don't think you could hurt any of your friends."
I felt Shinah shift before he pressed his face against my head. He must have taken off his mask.
"I'm sorry I shifted Shinah. If I hadn't I probably wouldnt have-"
I was surprised. Shinah had cut me off.
"...only he apologizes." He reminded me.
I laughed and my fast paced heart slowed down slightly. My cheeks flushed.
"We should probably keep going. Yona wanted to travel some more." I reminded him. He released me and fastened his mask back in place.
