"Ugh" Tyler groaned as he sat down, "That sucked". I was between Ben the black-haired boy and Aiden, I tapped his shoulder, "Hey Aiden, where's my 10 bucks?" I smirked holding out my hand. "Pardon?" he sweat drops avoiding my eyes, "Aiden...Where's. My. Money..."

Somehow it unexpectedly went quiet 'I have a bad feeling about this.', "Ah, the banging stopped." Ashlyn sighed continuing to massage her foot. "It probably gave up or-someth..." Tyler's voice was paused.

 He looked at the bus entrance in horror, I tiredly peered over to see a phantom hand... My head lifted off the seat. It ducked its head in with a wide smile, small white eyes, and dark bony skin.

 Everyone stared at it unable to process the scene. "How?!" Tyler yelled, the phantom slowly fitted the other half of its body, hunching, slowly walking over to us. I got up from my seat and backed away with the group, all our weapons were behind the creature so there was nothing we could do. 

The floor creaked each time we walked back, the white pupils staring into our souls. I grabbed Aiden's arm, and he grabbed mine "This is NOT how I wanted to die!" I argued.
