Chapter N4-1E: Dead End

Date removes his Psyncher's helmet and stands up. He stretches before making his way up to the Psync control room. An intern helps Miyu remove her own helmet and escorts her away from the Psync machine.

"Will she be ok?" Date asks Boss and Pewter.

"It is hard to say right now" Pewter answers. "It appears you were successful, but we will know for sure once she gets a good night's sleep."

"You should probably update her friends on the girl's condition" Boss says.

"Why me?" Date asks.

"You brought her in here, so this is all your responsibility" Boss answers. "We'll bring her up once she's fully awake."

Date nods before heading out of the control room and makes his way upstairs. He arrives in the lobby, where Tsubaki, Iris, Kurumi, Miiko, and Haruna are waiting for him.

"Iris?" Date asks, surprised to see her. "What are you doing here?"

"I can't believe you would leave me behind like that!" Iris says, feigning anger.

"I-I'm sorry, officer" Haruna apologizes. "Iris-san insisted I tell her where you went. I truly had every intention of making sure she arrived home safely, but..."

"Aren't you the one that wanted to see Miyu-chan the most, chairwoman?" Miiko asks Haruna.

"Well, y-yes, but..." Haruna stutters. "Hey, don't call me chairwoman!"

"I can't believe you, chairwoman!" Kurumi says. "You're trying to pin the blame on someone else!"

"I am not!" Haruna protests. "I mean, sure, I was worried about Miyu-san, and Iris-san also wanted to come here, so I thought I'd bring her here before making sure she got home safely..."

"No need to use honorifics with me" Iris reminds Haruna before turning to Date. "And don't worry, I'm not actually mad at you. Haruna explained everything to me. How's Miyu doing?"

"Please tell me she's alright" Tsubaki adds.

"She should be ok, but we won't know for sure until tomorrow" Date answers. "For now, we're getting ready to bring her up so she can go home." Tsubaki lets out a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect so many of you here."

Everyone turns as Boss arrives, escorting Miyu. Miyu quietly follows Boss, stopping in front of Haruna and Tsubaki.

"Miyu!" Tsubaki tries to go for a hug, but Date stops her.

"Please, give her space for now" Boss says. "You can hug her all you want once she gets a good night's rest."

"A-ah, I'm sorry" Tsubaki apologizes.

"Do any of you need a ride home?" Boss asks. "It wouldn't be right for Date to have four young girls in the car with him."

"What?" Date asks, seemingly offended. "You know I'm into older women."

"Like my mom!" Iris chimes in.

You're not helping!

"I'll make sure Haruna-chan and Miyu-chan get home safely" Tsubaki says, ignoring Date's comment. "I've already called Saori and she said she'd have Miyu's family pick us up from the station. They'll be here any second now." As she says this, a white car arrives and parks in front of the Metropolitan Police Headquarters. "There's our ride."

"I'll check up on her tomorrow to see how she's doing" Date says, regaining composure.

"Thank you" Haruna and Tsubaki say.

"Are you coming with us?" Miiko asks Iris.

"I'll go with Date" Iris answers. "Thanks again for the ride here, Haruna!"

Kurumi and Miiko wave goodbye as they head out. Tsubaki and Haruna, helping Miyu, follow behind them.

"Please wait..." Miyu weakly says.

"What's wrong?" Haruna asks.

"Date-san... Thank you, but..." Miyu starts to say. "I... I cannot seem to shake off the feeling that something bad is going to happen soon."

"It's probably exhaustion" Haurna says. "You will feel better by tomorrow."

"No, it is not that" Miyu says. "The feeling is a lot stronger than that of exhaustion."

"Something bad? Like what?" Date asks.

"I am unsure" Miyu answers. "But I will pray for you."

"If that's the case, I shall pray for you as well" Haruna adds. "Now, let's get going, Miyu-san."

Miyu, Tsubaki, and Haruna leave and get inside the white car parked in front. The car drives away, disappearing into the night.

"Let's get going!" Iris tells Date.

"Let me know how the girl is doing when you get the chance" Boss tells Date. "I'm curious as to how this is all gonna turn out."

"Will do, Boss" Date says before heading out. He drops Iris off at house before heading home himself. Mizuki was already home and asleep when he got there. He carefully and quietly prepares to go to sleep.

The next day, Date is woken up by the sound of Aiba ringing.

"Date. You have a phone call from Saori."

This early in the morning...?

"It is almost noon. That is not considered early morning!"

Fine... Put her on the line.

A hologram of Saori wearing her maid outfit, visible only to Date and Aiba, appears in front of Date as he stands up.

"Good morning, Date."

"Morning. How's Miyu doing?"

"She's doing a lot better today" Saori answers. "I heard from Tsubaki about what happened yesterday. I'm sorry that she had to go through that because of me..."

"It wasn't your fault" Date says. "You were only trying to help. You didn't know she would fall into a trance like that."

"Actually, I should have known she might. You see, Miyu doesn't do well with scary things. I was so focused on trying to help her that I didn't think about how dark Abyssmare's shows were."

"Still, you were only trying to help."

"That's what Miyu told me just now..."

"Even she knows you were only trying to help. Don't beat yourself up so much. Besides. She's ok now, and it's all thanks to you."

"Huh? Thanks to me?"

"Yeah. If I hadn't gone into your Somnium earlier, I wouldn't have gone inside Miyu's to help her. So in a way, it's all thanks to you that she's ok."

"That's a bit of a stretch, but... Thank you."

"By the way, how'd the show go?"

"Oh, we lost. Real bad. I knew they were good, but I didn't expect a total wipeout."

"You don't sound too upset."

"Well, I already knew something like that would happen" Saori sighs. "What I'm really surprised by is how nobody else is too broken up about it. In fact, everyone's more pumped than before."

That's good, at least.

"Anyway, I need to get back to work soon. I'm sorry I took up too much of your time. Miyu sends her thanks. I'll talk to you later."

Saori hangs up.

"So, what do you think about all of this?"

What do you mean?

"We failed to investigate the club Abyssmare performed in and failed to properly analyze an A_WAVE."

So we're back to square one. What if we convince Miyu's unit to challenge them? We'd get another chance to investigate during their performance.

"It seems unlikely that Miyu will want anything to do with Abyssmare after what happened at last night's show."

Hm. So we reached a dead end...
