Krell's Camp

Ahsoka walked through the 501st's camp. She was looking for her brothers, Rex, Fives, and Echo. Out of all the men in the 501st, they were the closest. She eventually found them talking with some of the other clones about a Republic camp not too far away from theirs.

"Apparently, the general punishes his men severely and takes his anger out on them", one said.

"It's like he doesn't care about our brothers at all", said another.

"What's his name?" Echo asked.

"I believe its Pong Krell", the first one said.

"Hello boys", Ahsoka walked over to them.

"Hello Soka", Rex, Fives, and Echo said in perfect unison. They then heard Ahsoka failing to hold back giggles.

"What?" Fives asked.

"The way you guys said that is just", she doubled over laughing, "hilarious!"

"It was not", Rex said, walking over to the padawan and scooping her up bridal style, causing her to yelp. Everyone burst out laughing. This was the way the 501st joked with each other. It was not the way people joked in Krell's camp. In fact, jokes were very rare indeed.

Time skip.

Ahsoka was woken by Echo shaking her awake.

"What is it?" Ahsoka sat up and rubbed her eyes and montrals. That always woke her up.

"We got a transmission from General Kenobi and you are to take a group of men and check on General Krell's camp", Echo told her. Ahsoka glared at him.

"Why didn't you wake me sooner?!" she exclaimed, pushing him out of the way and digging through her backpack to grab a change of clothes. She unclipped her belt and turned to the clone.

"Leave or turn around it's your choice", she said.

"I think I'll choose to leave", Echo said. Ahsoka Force pushed him out and pulled off her top and bottoms and put on the new ones. She ran out of the tent she would normally share with her master, grabbed some men, and jumped on a speeder.

When Ahsoka got to Krell's camp she was appalled. It looked like a tornado had run through the camp. Tents were all over the place and there were men groaning on the ground.

"Oh my Force", Ahsoka muttered. She felt her anger bubbling up but she let that out into the Force. She needed a clear head. She walked around the camp, the presence in the Dark Side getting stronger until she found the medical tent. Pain wafted off the tent, so much so that Ahsoka stumbled back. Echo caught her and made sure she was steady before he let her walk. When the group got inside, Ahsoka gasped. It looked like most of the men in the camp were here. There were several medics running around trying to help everybody.

"Rex", Ahsoka said. "Call in the Band-Aids." Rex just stood there speechless. "That's an order Captain."

"Right away Commander", Rex said, walking out to call in the 501st's medics.

Ahsoka went over to the nearest clone.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"CT-1475", the clone said, sadly. It was all the general ever called him.

"That's not what I asked", Ahsoka corrected gently, "I asked what your name is. What the others call you."

"Blackout sir", he said.

"Alright then Blackout", Ahsoka smiled. "I'm here to help."

"How?" asked Blackout.

"Force healing", she replied. Fives came over.

"She's one of the best in the Order, second to Master Shaak Ti", Fives told Blackout, making Ahsoka turn a deeper shade of orange. She elbowed him playfully.

"Stop it you're making me look like a semi-ripe tomato", Ahsoka giggled. Then Ahsoka got to work. After she checked out where the injuries were, she held her hand above Blackout's lightsaber burn (a bad one at that). She healed it. The flesh healed itself. Blackout's eyes were wide. He wondered how Fives was so calm. When Ahsoka finished, she smiled at Blackout and then turned to another injured clone, this time with some internal bleeding and another lightsaber burn.

Another time skip

After a while, the Band-Aids (aka 501st medics) got there and helped speed things up so that by the end of the day almost everyone was feeling and looking much better. Ahsoka stood near the entrance to the medical tent looking very tired and worn out. Force healing can take a lot out of you. She smiled at the clones and suddenly collapsed. Thankfully, Rex caught her just before Ahsoka hit the ground. Krell's men looked nervous when they saw the commander pass out and when they saw Rex holding her bridal style with Echo stroking her lekku. They weren't allowed to touch their general or even look at him for prolonged periods of time.

"What happened to her?" one clone asked.

"She's just tired", Fives explained. "And just so you know, you can come to her for anything. If you don't she gets sad and pouty and I don't want to deal with that. Otherwise, she gets sent to Rex."

"Let's just get her to bed", Echo said. "We will be back tomorrow brothers."

The troops from the 501st got onto their speeders and got back to camp. Rex passed Ahsoka off to Fives, who went to the Togruta's tent to put her to bed. As he was laying her down she woke up slightly. Fives was about to leave when he felt Ahsoka grab his wrist.

"Stay?" she whined.

"No young one", Fives chuckled. "You need to sleep."

"Please big brother", she whined. Fives sighed. She knew his weaknesses all too well.

"Fine", he said laying next to Ahsoka. A few minutes passed and Fives could tell Ahsoka was asleep. She was so peaceful when she slept. She looked like a normal teenager, one that was not forced into a war. She had seen so many things; more than someone should see in their entire life. He stroked her lekku causing her to purr like a Tooka cat. Eventually, he too fell asleep with his little sister curled into his chest.
