meeting the newest Avenger

A/N: this is my first fanfic

everything that is written in cursive are thoughts 


„Peter ". „PETER! You're going to be late and it's the first day after summer". Peter Parker, still in his bed, sat up and realized he was late indeed. He stood up, grabbed the t-shirt next to his bed, and picked a pair of jeans. Another year of having no time for nothing, he sighed. Another year of getting bullied by Flash he thought. Peter adjusted himself in the mirror. His brown hair stood of all edges and directions possible, his brown eyes looked tired at the bruise on his cheek, he got from last night's patrol. "Happy can drive you, so you'd be still on time", his aunt May was standing at the door. "No, he doesn't need to. I'm good" Peter replied. Ever since he became Spider-man, Peter was not sleeping well or not enough, and that day would not be the first time he would have been late to school. "Now", May said. "Of you go and be careful".

 On his way to school, Peter thought about something that happened the day before. "Like living here. With all the Avengers?", Tony Stark smiled at him and nodded. "You would be home-schooled if you'd want to". He would love to move to the compound, but he could not stand the thought of leaving Aunt May, Ned, or New York. Peter was 10 minutes late to his first period; physics, with Flash but without Ned. Sadly, he walked up to the classroom.

"Excuse me Mrs.," Peter said as entering the room. Eyes staring at him. Some kids laughed, some pointed to his cheek. "Mr. Parker you're late, now be silent and take a seat next to Ms. Winter." The class went silent and everybody was looking at a girl, she was asleep. "Ms. Winter", the teacher said a bit louder. The new girl's head shot up. "Yes ma'am?" Peter sat next to her. "Hi I'm... I'm Peter... Peter Parker", she turned her head, facing him. "Hi Parker, I'm Madison." She has dark brown, very curly hair, and... two different eye colors. The left one was green the right one grey, light freckles were visible on her nose and cheeks. Peter also noticed a small light, yet visible scar at her jawline. As she was looking at the teacher. She is beautiful, no gorgeous, Peter thought. Something hit him at the back of his head. "Pssst... Parker" Flash. Peter noticed that Madison rolled her eyes, in annoyance. "Looks like you've gotten beaten up lately hmm?!", Flash said in a funny tone. "I just have this funny image in my head: Parker getting hit by some random guy and after that, he runs away crying" Flash and some of his friends laughed. Peter looked down at his desk, blushed out of embracement and his fists clenched tight. "Shut it", he mumbled very quietly. "Shut it and mind your own business, Thompson. Chose your words wisely or else this image in your head is going to come true, just change the fact that it's you who is going to get beaten up. And you are not going to be able to run away." As if nothing happened, Madison was facing the teacher again, leaving Flash a bit surprised by her reaction. Peter was also surprised. Nobody has ever stood up for him. As the lesson was over, he walked out of the room, trying to find the new girl, but he remained unsuccessful, so he decided to go to his locker instead. "Hey, seems like we're locker-buddies! "it was Ned talking. Peter gave him a smile "Hey mate. How was your summer?", Peter asked. Since his duties as Spider-man and being an Avenger, his own summer has been busy. That meant that he hasn't seen Ned that often. "Oh yeah, great. I mean I was working at a summer job and I met some friends, so it wasn't too lonely", Peter nodded. "Mine was pretty busy. I..." "Look", he got interrupted by Ned pointing past him. He turned around and spotted Madison leaning against a locker, with Flash. "Is he flirting with the new girl?", Ned asked. Flash indeed stood very close to her, but as he obviously tried to kiss her, she pushed him away and slapped him in the face, and hit him in between his legs. Hard. Flash felt to the ground wincing and Madison spotted Peter and walked to him. "I told him that was going to happen, he was still talking shit about you sooo....", she looked over her shoulder and smiled at Flash still kneeling and wincing. She smiled proudly at Peter and looked over to Ned. "Hi, I'm Ned, his best friend" nodding in Peters' direction. "I'm Madison, I'm new here and...", she flushed as she noticed Peter starring at her. "Wow I... mean like... WOW", he stuttered. Peters day went on like every other normal day, he found out that he also has biology, chemistry and PE with Madison.

As he walked home, Ned texted him.

 Ned– OMG this new Madison girl is sooo beautiful like WHAT man- 

Peter - Yeah, I know and Ned, she also stood up for me against Flash earlier at physics-

Peter's phone buzzed: incoming call: Tony Stark "Hey kiddo, could you come to the compound as fast as possible?" 20 minutes later. "Hey, Mr. Stark, what happened?" The boy walked into a big conference room and noticed all of the other Avengers sitting there, everyone excepted Thor. Peter looked at them, questioning if he was in trouble. Tony put a hand on his shoulder, "so ehm... since you're our only teen-team member, we wanted to give you company" Tony said looking at him and smiled softly. Steve moved inside of his chair. "Like a partner, in your age", he said. Somebody, who stood in the darker corner of the room, came closer. "She is a born SHIELD-Agent, with superpowers. I raised her, so she's used to all of this." Is Peter going to team-up with NICK FURY'S secret daughter?

Somebody came into the room, breathingrapidly as if they have been running. "Sorry, I hope I'm not late", said avoice behind him, a familiar voice. "Madison?!", 
