Part Two: The 'Normal' Side (1)

As the school comes into view I can hear the loud shouts and chatter of the students. I walk up the stairs and into the school. The hallways are busy, and the noise makes my ears hurt slightly, but I am used of it. For the most part. I turn down a couple hallways and arrive and my locker. I shove my oversized backpack into the locker and grab out some of my books. First I have AP chemistry, Ned and I are the only Sophomores in this class, the rest are Seniors.

"Hi, Peter! How was your weekend? Mine was good. Like I told you I got the new lego set AND it was my little sisters birthday so we got to go out to eat," I turn around and we begin walking to class.

"My weekend was good, nothing too eventful," I say and shift the books in my hands to make it more comfortable to hold onto.

"C'mon, you had to do something!" He urges.

I sigh.

"Well... I watched T.V. and went to the gym," Oh shoot did I really just say I went to the gym. Good job Peter. For being an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D I'm not very smart. Ned stomps and turns to stare at me. I stop next to him and nervously stare back.

"You went to the gym? Loser..." He scoffs and starts walking again. I just follow him in silence not sure what else to say. That actually went better than expected though. He didn't say anything else about the matter.

"Yo Penis, Penis' friend," Flash says. I ignore him and keep walking. Thankful he doesn't try to do anything else. Soon we approach the door. Ned turns into the classroom and I follow him to the back chairs where we sit. Ned sits to my left and MJ sits to my right. Surprisingly she isn't in her seat yet. Huh, that's weird, she is never late. She always is the first person to come to class... especially on Monday's because more students are in distress. Over the past few months, I have gotten closer to MJ. She is quite nice in a very weird and MJ like way. I love her hair and the way she smirks.

Oh gosh, please no. I push the thoughts away from mind and focus my attention to Ned talking on and on about the new theories about the next Star Wars movie. I listen quietly and am genuinely interested. The bell rings and a couple students run to their seat receiving a small glare. The teacher walks up to the front of the room.

"Goodmorning-" The teacher begins to say but is cut off by the door slamming open.

A frazzled MJ walks in. Her eyes are slightly red and puffy and a sad and scared glint covers her eyes. It would be imperceptible by an untrained eye, but me being Spider-Man and Agent am able to pick up on her slumped shoulders and all the other signs of sadness and loss of sleep. She walks over to the desk next to me. I can smell her light perfume as she flops into the chair. The teacher all but ignores what happened and I'm sure everyone but me did too. I can see her sniffling slightly and her chest rising and falling a little quicker than normal.

"MJ, are you ok?" I ask. She jumps slightly then spins her head around to look at me.

"I'm fine." Her voice sounds like it is on the verge of breaking and her eyes turn slightly glassy.

"If you need anything you can talk to me," I whisper quietly and then slowly take my eyes off of her and try to focus on what the teacher is talking about. I don't miss her small voice whispering when she thinks I'm not listening,

"I wish I could, loser," What does that mean? I rest my head in my hand and stare at the teacher. My thoughts can't stop running over the incident. I glance at her from the corner of my eyes. She isn't drawing anything. That almost concerns me more. She drums her fingers against the desk and stares forward blankly. If I listen closely I can hear her sniffling and then letting out a deep deep breath. I will find out what happened to her. She needs someone to help her and I want to be that person to help her.

The sudden realization hits me and I am left even more confused than before. Do I have a crush on MJ? I quickly glance at her. She is beautiful... and funny... I guess I do have a crush on her. For some reason, I smile. This is the one thing that is kind of normal in my life. The only problem is I have no clue what to do or say. How am I supposed to find out more about MJ without her finding out anything about me? My mind is clouded with different frantic thoughts.


I walk onto our floor dropping my backpack bu the end of the couch then falling face first onto the fluffy furniture. I groan as my face collides with the pillow. I hear footsteps walking closer.

"You alright Peter?" Nick asks. I groan again I feel him moving my feet the couch sagging when he sits down. He puts my feet on my lap and I turn over onto my back so I can see Nick. "What's up Kid?" He asks a small note of worry in his voice.

"Well umm... This one girl named Mj-" Nick chuckles and I grab the pillow from behind me and chuck it at his face careful not to use to much power. Nick rolls his eyes and motions for me to continue, "She was late to class today. Let me tell you something about Mj, she is never ever late, especially on Monday's because she loves drawing people in distress. Her eyes where slightly puffy, only so much that I could notice, her shoulders were slumped and she looked really really sad. She kept sniffling so I asked her what was wrong. Her eyes became glassy and then she said she was fine. Then I told her she could talk to me if she needed to. Then she whispered 'I wish I could Loser' and then she wasn't even drawing during class which is literally unheard of and I don't know what to do and I think I really like her oh my god did I just say that out loud? Uhg I'm going to shut up now... but she's just so pretty and I was so sad to see her sad... I'm done now ok yeah that's all." I look over at Nick and see him bitting his lip to keep from laughing at me.

"I don't really know a lot about girls Peter, but just make sure she knows you're there for her if she needs you. Maybe this weekend you could see if she wants to do something, it would get her mind off things and you like her so it would be kind of like a win-win," He says shrugging. I stare at him for a moment. Did the cold-hearted Nick Fury really just give me girl advice? I sigh and nod. The surprising thing is he is actually good at it. Like really good.

That night I sit at my desk trying to figure out what to say. I look up some ideas on Pinterest but then realize all of them are cheesy and stupid and would make MJ even angrier. Sighing I click the loop button on FRIDAY and then change into my suit and open the window.

"Hey Karen," I say in defeat, "How do you ask a girl out?"
