Before you knew it a week had passed and it was time for you to go back home, as you were walking out the door ready to go home caiti says "wait! i have something for you!" she runs upstairs and hands you a box, you were confused, she then said "read it when you get home" she smiled and waved saying goodbye, you ended up opening it in the car, it had some letters and pictures in it

Dear y/n, all these pictures are from our first day together, it was such a nice day, meeting you irl, finally dating you, meeting your family, finally playing that playlist i made, it was probably the best day out of all the days you were here, the pictures are under this letter theres only 3 per day but i have way more

Dear y/n, the second day you were here was honestly amazing, first irl karoke stream, and i FINALLY made you make a twitch channel after so long of begging you to make one, i remember us dancing to our playlist during the stream, wish i had a time machine tbh

Dear y/n, not much to say about day 3 tbh, but it was definitely super fun hanging out with your cousins at the beach, but other than that not much to say

Dear y/n, this day was SO fun, going to lunch with your family was definitely my favorite part, i know i already said this but man i wish i had a time machine :(

Dear y/n, day 5 made me sad, cause you had to start packing a bit, but i did show you how to knit so that makes up for it, also hanging with your cousins again was so fun, so was the off roading omg i wanna do that again someday

Dear y/n, day 6 was one of my least favorites, not only cause it wasnt as fun but cause it was almost time for you to leave, it was your last full day here in portland, so i dont really have photos for this day, except this sorry :(

Dear y/n, man i sobbed before writing this, wish i had pictures for this day but sadly i dont, i love you y/n, so much and i hope for you to come visit again soon, also scan this

you scanned it and it was your guys playlist, you cried a little bit but immediately wiped your tears, then you looked out the car window and realized, you were back home.
