4.Blessed are the Damned (Part 2)

''It's getting louder.'' I said. ''There.'' I said again and I pointed at what seemed to be a girl beneath some tree leaves. When we got closer to her the voices stopped and I saw that see was indeed an angel. I stayed there with wide eyes watching her. I coul've sworn I knew her. She looked familiar. John immediately helped me get her up and covered her wings with a blanket we found a few meters away. Finally we reached a farm which looked abandoned and walked inside the barn. John helped me carry the angel until we let her sit on a chair. When she looked at me her gold eyes widened. 

''Clementine?'' she asked her voice breaking. Then some memories came back and I remembered her. 

''Imogen...'' I breathed out and hugged her immediately. 

''You know her?'' John asked while Zed was staring at us.

''Apart from being a sister, Imogen was my best friend.'' I told him and then turned back to her.

''There is nothing else you remember?'' she asked and I sadly shook my head.

''My time here brings my memories to fade completely.'' I said and she looked at me. Something though wasn't right. I could've sworn I was missing something.

''Is this the one you know?'' Zed finally spoke.

''No this one is a lot prettier.'' John said and Imogen smiled.

''What happend Imogen?'' I asked her.

''I was taking a dying mortal to heaven. I don't know how but, he pulled a feather from my wing. He was revived. I fell to earth.'' Imogen said.

''That must be what I saw on my vision.'' Zed said.

''The only way an angel can enter our plane in physical form is damage to the wings.'' I explained to them.

''Just one feather.'' John said.

''So that's what Zachary has. An angel's feather.'' Zed said and suddenly my brother appeared without taking Zed's body this time.

''Picked your interest now, brother?'' I asked him and Zed looked around confused.

''Who is she talking to?'' Zed asked John.

''The ugly one.'' John said and I smiled upon hearing that. Manny knelt next to Imogen while Zed walked around trying to figure out where Manny is.

''Are you okay?'' Manny asked Imogen.

''I don't know. Everything hurts.'' Imogen said while Zed walked with her hands in front of her just behind Manny.

''You could've helped us find her faster, you know.'' John said and Zed noticed where he was looking.

''Is he over here?'' Zed asked as she stood behind him. Manny stood up straight.

''I didn't know she fell, John. Angels are compartmentalized. All part of the plan to prevent our interference, keep humanity's free will intact.'' Manny said.

''A little to your right, Zed.'' I told her and Manny threw me a glance.

''Are riddles and minimally helpful guidance also part of the plan?'' John asked Manny.

''A mortal has never been able to release an angle's feather before. Imogen doesn't belong here. She won't last.'' Manny said.

''Ask him if the angel can die.'' Zed said.

''Yes.'' Manny said. ''Her soul is extinguish. We simply cease to exist.'' he explained.

''We need to get that feather back.'' I said.


''What is this?'' Zed asked John as he laid a garden hose across the door of the barn.

''Protection spell. Once I'm done, evil will nnot be able to pass through the flowing water.'' John said and I immediately thought if I would be able to pass it. ''It will keep Imogen safe while we get the feather back from Zachary.'' he said.

''I should stay. She's all alone.'' Zed said.

''She's not alone, luv.'' John said.

''Manny. How come I can't see him?'' Zed asked us.

''He's in spirit form. He can appear to whomever he wants to.'' I told her. ''Imogen fell to earth which means she took human form. That's why you can see her too.'' I explained.

''You're gobsmacked, are you?'' John asked her.

''I believed whatever I was told when I was a kid. But the older I got, I realised how many lies I was told. But now... when you told me about Clementine at first I didn't believe it. But seeing Imogen...'' Zed said. ''I just have so many questions I want to ask them.'' she said.

''Good luck with that, luv. They're really cagey types. No offense, luv.'' John said and winked at me. I shook my head. He was correct, though.

''What do you want to ask?'' I asked her.

''Where my powers come from, for starters.'' she paused and looked down. ''Do they come from God, or somewhere else?'' she asked and I realised what her big question really was.

''It doesn't matter.'' I said and her eyes looked up at me again. ''All that matters is how you choose to use them, that's all that counts. Believe me.'' I said.


''I need to get this guy alone.'' John said while Zed worked on fixing our tent. I stood next to John and wrapped my jacket closer to my body.

''Are you sure we're not going to die from the cold in this tent?'' I asked.

''I'll have a private chat with him at his house.'' John said ignoring me.

''I'll come with.'' Zed said.

''It's better if you stay here, things may get unpleasant.'' John said.

''That's why, I'll come with.'' I said with a smirk. John looked at me with a look I couldn't quite place.

''Well, come on then, luv.'' he said and I walked close to him as we started making our way towards Zachary's house.


''You know, you'll have to repay me sometime.'' I said with a smirk as we walked next to each other.

''I know, luv.''he said and looked at me also smirking. I looked back at him and I could see he was trying to figure out his next move. We stopped walking and starred at each other. Inside me I knew I was desperate to kiss him, but I also knew I couldn't.

''What is it?'' I breathed out. After a few seconds he shook his head.

''Nothing, let's go.'' he said and we started walking again. I couldn't help but wonder what has gotten into him.

We finally reached Zachary's house and John knocked on the door. Just a few seconds later Zachary opened the door. When he saw us he didn't look too happy while John and I smiled at him. ''I remember you.'' he told us. ''Are you feeling any better? I could see you were a little dazed.'' he told me.

''Yes, quite alright.'' I told him.

''You'll have to wait untill morning and wait in line again.'' he told us. ''God doesn't believe in favors.'' he added.

'' We know about the angel's feather.'' John said and Zachary looked at us before stepping aside so we could come in. We walked inside the house while he closed the door behind us. ''Whatever your intentions are, you're doing more harm than good.'' John finished.

''And who are you two?'' Zachary asked. I opened my mouth to tell him what exactly I was in case he changes his mind but John cut me off.

''Concerned citizens.'' he said and I trew him a look of confusion. He just looked at me and then turned back to Zachary. ''You have something that doesn't belong to you and if you continue to use it, there will be a cost.'' he told him.

''Not least of which will be a dead angel.'' I tol him.

''People just love telling me what to do.'' he said clearly not believing us.

''I'm sure.'' John said.

''How will I know you'll return the feather to this angel you're talking about instead of taking the power all to yourself?'' he asked.

''It's a good point.'' John said. ''Sorry in advance.'' he said again and went to grab the feather from Zachary's chest but suddenly a big blue wave came out of it with threw both me and John backwards and on the ground. Zachary looked at us with wide eyes.

''That was the feather, not me.'' he said and came close to us. ''But it confirms one thing that I felt. You are the only evil here!'' Zachary said. ''Leave!'' he shouted. I immediately got up and streched my hand towards him in order to take the feather with my power but this time a stronger wave hit me causing to fly backwards and fell on John who had just stood up. He caught me and wrapped his arm around me while I groaned in pain. ''I don't know what you are but I know that you are the face of evil!'' he yelled. I looked at him and I could guess my eyes turned gold from the expression o Zachary's face. I went to attack him but John held me back.

''No.'' he said and I stopped.

''Leave and never come back.'' Zachary said again and we walked out of the door.

Once we were close to our tent I heard a scream and saw a man holding Zed by her neck in the air. John and I immediately ran towards them and I jumped on him grabbing his neck and causing him to drop Zed. I fell along with him on the ground and he jumped on me grabbing my neck instead. John tackled him so he was off me and punched him hard. Through this process I noticed his knife fell on the ground. I looked at him and tried to grab it but the monster grabbed my leg. John pushed him off of me and I was able to grab the knife. The monster had John by the throat and I immediately attacked it and stabbed it with the knife on the neck. All of us fell on the ground and John pushed the now dead monster away while I landed on top of him. For a few seconds we looked at each other and then John with a swift move turned us around so he was on top. ''Are you alright, luv?'' he asked as we stared at each other's eyes. I nodded and noticed that we were inches apart. When my eyes returned back to his I saw he leaned in but just before our lips touched Zed spoke.

''Are you guys okay?'' he said and I saw John close his eyes for a split second.

''Just peachy.'' he said and got up before helping me do the same.


''I call them ghouls. They're formed by magic gone wrong. I recognised the one that attacked Zed from the article. The preacher healed his leg.'' John said as he Zed and I were at the barn with Imogen and Manny the next morning;

''Mortals aren't meant to wield the power of angels.'' Manny said.

''Nate was the first one healed. More will turn just like him.'' Imogen explained.

''So why did he come after me last night?'' Zed asked.

''I don't think he was trying to kill you, luv. It looked to me that he was searching for something. When you touched Zachary you had a vision which means you took on some of his energy.'' John explained.

''Maybe he needed Zachary to heal him again.'' I said.

''We need to get that feather back to Imogen. With the power to it's rightful place it should stop the rest from turning.'' John said.

''You need to work fast. She's getting weaker by the minute.'' Manny told us.

''Yeah, the problem is preacher Zachary has the feather's power on his side.'' John said.


''I brought breakfast.'' I told John as I stepped inside the tent. Zed was off to the church executing our plan. John looked at me and I tossed him a wrapped sandwich I bought from a lady outside the church. He looked at it but did't wast aother minute before unwrapping it. I sat down next to him and started eating my own. ''You think the plan will work?'' I asked him.

''Positive.'' he said.

''I have a strange feeling.'' I told him and he looked at me.

''About what?'' he asked.

''Imogen. I remembered being close to her but... there's something else that I'm missing. Something about my past that involves her.'' I explained.

''And you can't remember?'' he asked.

''No.'' I said and looked at him. ''It's not good, though.'' I added.

''Try to remember. In the time being we need to get down to the river. It's time.'' John said and we got up.

We walked all the way towards the river where the group baptism took place. We moved amongst the croud just the time Zachary was going to baptise Zed. ''Are you ready to leave your old life behind you?'' Zachary asked her as they both stood inside the river with white clothes.

''I am.''  Zed said.

''I baptise you now, in front of thsese witnesses. In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost.'' Zachary said and pushed Zed inside the water. Once she was out again he raised his hands in the air. ''Everybody said amen.'' he said but Zed took several steps away from him. When Zachary noticed that she has taken the feather from his neck his eyes widened. ''Why?'' he asked as John and I stepped in front of the lake. ''Why would you?!'' he asked and tried to catch her.

''I had to.'' Zed said. He went to grab her but a blue wave hit him, similar to the one that hitted us. Suddenly a guy pushed John and I aside and then I noticed it was one of the healed people that turned into monsters. John grabbed him and shoved him on the ground. At the same time another one grabbed me and I punched him in the face. John and I looked at eah other before looking back at the crowd only to see that there were a lot of monsters. I immediately grabbed two pieces of wood I saw on the ground and tosed one to John who grabbed it.

''EVERYBODY RUN!'' I screamed and the people started screaming and running away from the river. 

''Look what you've done!'' Zachary yelled.

''This is what we were trying to avoid!'' Zed yelled back at him.

''Off to the church!'' John shouted as we continued to fight with the monster. ''Clem! Come on!'' he said and grabbed my hand before the two of us Zed and Zachary started running towards the church.

When we got inside John and I placed a booth in front of the door and sat on it so the monsters won't get inside. ''You need to get the feather to Imogen.'' John told Zed. 

''Go out the back!'' I told her. She looked at John and I worried.

''What about you?'' she asked.

''We will hold it here! Don't worry. Go!'' John said and Zed took off running while taking off her white robe. ''Clem?'' he asked and I looked at him.

''What?'' I breathed out as we struggled to keep the door shut. It was getting harder and harder.

''Are you alright?'' he asked and I chuckled.

''I've been better.'' I said and he let out a laugh too.

''It's getting rather difficult, mate. We could use a hand.'' John told Zachary who looked lost.

''I brought this on myself.'' he said and I rolled my eyes.

''I'll use my magic.'' I told John and before he could say anything I left his side and turned around facing the door. I then raised my hands and with my magic I helped keep the door closed. I saw in John's face that this helped.

''What are you?'' Zachary asked.

''No point in telling you.'' I said.

''Zachary listen to me. You had a little bit of power and you went out of control. It happens. All we can do is keep this door closed until Zed gets to the angel. So do us a favor; pull your head out of your ass and give us a hand, yeah?'' John told him.

''This was never a gift from God. I never deserved it.'' Zachary said ignoring John. I rolled my eyes once more.

''When the angel gets back the feather this bloody creatures will turn back.'' John told me. ''Any minute now!'' he said and hit the door with his hand in frustration.

''I had too many that night. It was a deer I told myself. I never went back to check! I just left the man to die!'' Zachary said and my eyes widened. This is what I was missing.

''John! I remembered!'' I shouted and he looked at me. ''Imogen is a fallen! She was the one that convinced me to join them!'' I yelled at him and his eyes widened.

''You killed a man?'' John asked Zachary.

''I never told anyone.'' he said and John and I looked at each other when we knew that my memories were true. 

''He wasn't going to heaven.'' John told me.

''He was going to hell.'' I said and my eyes widened. ''Imogen can't get that feather John!'' I yelled at him.

''You think I was headed to hell?'' Zachary asked.

''We have to stop Zed!'' John yelled. Suddenly the monsters managed to break the door and get their hands inside grabbing John's face. I immediately stopped my magic and went to help him. Once he was free of the hands we jumped away from the door and grabbed Zachary before started running.

''No, I deserve it.'' he said and tried to get to the monster. John tried to stop him but it was too late, the monsters had gotten inside the church.

''Watch out!'' I yelled at John as a man punched him in the face. I quickly attacked and punched as many as I could while getting a few punches myself. The lady that had spoken to us the other day and had commented John's accent grabbed him by the head and he started screaming. My eyes widened and I went to grab her but her husband punched me so hard I fell on the ground. After a few seconds John stopped screamed and I looked up only to see that the monsters were back to their senses meaning Zed gave the feather to Imogen.

''Clem, you okay, luv?'' John asked worried while he helped me get up.

''This is not good John.'' I told him as we both breathed heavily.


John and I finally reached the barn and ran inside from the back door. We saw Imogen flying towards the front door with her wings being black now but she crushed on John's protection spell and fell on the ground. ''Zed step away she's fallen!'' I yelled at Zed while John walked close to Imogen.

''I see that my spell for keeping evil out is keeping evil in.'' John told her while she stood up.

''Zachary didn't take your feather. You put it in his hand so you could break into earth.'' John told her and I walked next to him.

''And if we couldn't bring it to you the ghouls would have.'' I told her.

''You make it sound so easy. I faked the heaven part, but the pain was real.'' Imogen said.

''You must have had a lot of time to practice on Hell.'' I told her and with a swift move she grabbed me from my throat and pulled me off the ground.

''Lift the spell or I'll kill her!'' Imogen said while I tried to breathe.

''Let her go!'' Manny yelled and I could see he was worried.

''I deserve to be out there! I am no worse than she is! And she was left to earth! The girl you all care about so much was so gladly agreeing on going to hell with me years ago! Want to see how evil she really is?!'' Imogen yelled and threw me towards the door John's spell was. I closed my eyes ready to be hit by the protection burrier but soon I felt falling on the grass. I groaned in pain and when I opened my eyes they widened when I saw that I had passed through the door. ''How?! How is this possible?!'' Imogen screamed.

''Manny! You're the only one that can stop her! Help me!'' John said and then ran towards me as Manny looked at us and then back at Imogen. Suddenly he appeared in front of her and pushed his hand inside his chest pulling her heart out. Imogen's eyes widened as she let out a scream and fell on the ground. John helped me get up as we walked towards him who looked at us with a look I didn't recognise. 

''Thank you.'' John said as Manny let the heart fall on the ground. When John and I reached him Manny came to me and hugged me. I was surprised but I hugged him back even though I could barely sense him due to his spirit form.

''I'm glad you are safe, sister.'' he said and I smiled as we broke the hug and he looked at me. He then placed one hand on my shoulder and brought his face near my ear. ''I was sure you didn't have evil inside. That's why He sent you here.'' he whispered at me and then dissapeared. I turned around to see John who had placed the heart inside a cloth.

''Are you okay?'' Zed asked walking towards me. I looked at her and gave her a smile.

''I'm fine. Are you okay?'' I asked.

''Well, it's hard to believe any of this... but I'll manage.'' she said and gave me a weak smile.

''Let's get home.'' John said and we nodded as he placed his hand around my shoulder and together we walked out of the barn.


''The preacher's back in his church, still fighting desperately to make amends for his sin, for the mistake that haunts him, hoping it's not too late to change his fate.'' Manny said sitting on a table as John returned some books in the library and I was sipping my tea.

''Do you really think the preacher and I have anything in common?'' John asked him.

''You should know by now I don't have all the answers.'' Manny said.

''She fooled us all, mate.'' John said. ''And that's not something I admit too lightly.'' he added with a smirk.

''If only I could've remembered earlier.'' I said.

''There's no point in talking about this. We stopped her. But, there's still one thing I can't wrap my head around. How the bloody hell did she managed to break through?'' John asked.

''The barrier between hell and earth is getting thinner, John. Thinner than it's ever been.'' Manny explained.

''Consequence of the rising darkness?'' John asked as he pulled some books off a shelf. Manny appeared next to me. ''But you saved the day, after all. That's the kind of faith I can get behind.'' John said.

''I will face consequences for my actions. But, what Imogen did...'' Manny said.

''Should have been impossible.'' I said.

''Seems like anything that has the will to leave hell will find a way.'' John said and looked at the jar he placed Imogen's still beating heart into.

''But when they do, we'll be waiting for them.'' I said and John took the jar and placed it at the shelf he emptied. Manny appeared next to him before whispering something in his ear and then dissapearing. ''Having secrets with my brother now, are we?'' I joked as I walked towards him. He looked at me and smirked. ''What did he tell you?'' I asked as I stood in front of him while he leant against the bookshelf.

''Well, you'll have to owe me if I tell you.'' he said and I scoffed.

''You already owe me twice!'' I exclaimed and he laughed.

''Well in that case, he only told me to look after you.'' John said and I smiled.

''He's testing the water.'' I said.

''Of what?'' he asked confused.

''Of being a brother.'' I said and before John could say anything else I placed my cup of tea on the table. ''I'll go and have a bath.'' I said and started walked away.

''Maybe I should join you?'' John said making me stop walking and turn around to face him.

''And why is that?'' I asked him.

''You know, just doing what Manny said, looking after you and all that.'' he said and stepped close to me. For a few moments I stood there, tempted by his suggestion.

''Maybe another time.'' I finally said and turned around to leave.

''As you wish, luv.'' John said just before I was out of the room.
