decaf with a slice of strawberry shortcake


         It has been two weeks since winter came. Surely, Nagisa had to submit his work in less than three weeks from now. With his head buried low, he was down to the last nine pages of his thirty-paged written book.

His book was indeed rather small, but it added to his cluster of one-shot books he as working on. It was risky, but Nagisa managed to make six of them with a span on thirty to forty pages.

I know what you might be saying: That poor little guy, he's so determined! 

This is why at all times of need, Nagisa would visit that cafe almost everyday of his entire career. It's the smelled of brewed coffee and freshly baked pastries that filled to Nagisa's taste. He was able to concentrate more.

However, sometimes a strawberry shortcake would attract his attention.

Nagisa figured that it was time to visit his second home: the cafe. Grabbing a blue raincoat, some mittens, and a scarf, Nagisa dashed towards the streets after he had locked his apartment door. He clutched his bag to him, breathing out steamed smoke every time he panted.

"Magazines, newspapers!" The sells woman yelled, holding up newspapers and some oddly familiar Vogue magazines. To Nagisa's curiosity, he gestured towards the small horde of people grabbing each familiar magazine in their hands.

"When he smiles, I just cannot." One of the girls groaned, dying of such satisfaction. Thousands of good reviews blurted out from men and women's mouth once they grabbed a hold of the magazine.

Nagisa wasn't very fond of reading magazines, but the moment he set eyes on the magazine himself, he felt blood rushing though the edge of his nose.

He grabbed a copy of Vogue Japan featuring Karma Akabane.

Nagisa was screaming internally. It was clearly impossible to believe that this man came to his house! An actor! How come Nagisa didn't know him if he was that famous?

He flushed red, unable to look away from the magazine. He was indeed sexy, but Nagisa needed to keep the inner gay to himself just for the time being.

And so, upon entering the cafe with the magazine still within his hands, he was not surprised when he ordered a decaf with a small slice of strawberry shortcake.

so sorry for the edit ya'll that magazine was made JUST FOR YOU.
yes, karma here is a born actor,and nagisa couldn't keep his inner gay any longer.
and guys, idk how vogue legit looks like, so pls dont judge if i got some mistakes wrong. after all, this is fiction. anything could happen!

oh, and a bonus feature that came from karma's magazine!

[ shines kira on both sides ] the july issue of vogue japan featuring our very ikemen isogai yuuma! [ choirs ]
