
Lunette had hoped that choosing her new friends would bring her peace and acceptance, but the shadows of her past continued to haunt her. Lisa, Grace, and Josie, feeling increasingly bitter and resentful, intensified their efforts to sabotage Lunette’s newfound friendships.

One afternoon, Mia and her friends confronted Lunette with concern etched on their faces. They had discovered rumors circulating about them, lies designed to drive a wedge between Lunette and her new friends.

“This has to stop, Lunette,” Mia said firmly, her voice tinged with frustration. “We’ve tried to support you, but we can’t keep defending ourselves against your old friends’ attacks.”

Lunette’s heart sank. “I’m sorry, Mia. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”

But Mia shook her head, her patience wearing thin. “It’s not just about the rumors, Lunette. You’ve been distant, preoccupied… you haven’t been there for us.”

Lunette’s eyes filled with tears. She had been so consumed by the drama and turmoil that she had neglected her new friendships, failing to see how her actions were affecting those who had stood by her.

“I didn’t realize…” Lunette whispered, her voice cracking with emotion.

Mia sighed, her expression softening. “We care about you, Lunette. But we can’t keep living like this. We need to focus on our own well-being too.”

Lunette nodded, feeling the weight of her mistakes heavy on her shoulders. “I understand. I’m sorry for everything.”

As Mia and her friends walked away, leaving Lunette alone with her thoughts, she felt a profound sense of loss and regret. She had pushed away the people who had shown her kindness and acceptance, all in a misguided attempt to salvage her past.

That evening, at home, Lunette found herself sinking deeper into despair. The pressure and stress of navigating conflicting friendships and personal turmoil became too much to bear. She made a decision in the haze of her emotions—an impulsive, desperate decision.

The next morning, when her parents went to wake her for school, they found her room empty. Lunette had disappeared without a word, leaving behind only a hastily written note.

*I’m sorry. I need some time to figure things out.*

Her disappearance sent shockwaves through Westbrook High. Rumors swirled about where she had gone and why. Her old friends, though harboring resentment, felt a pang of guilt at the thought of their actions driving her away.

Mia and her friends, meanwhile, grappled with their own feelings of hurt and betrayal. They wondered if they could have done more to support Lunette, if they had missed signs of her distress.

Days turned into weeks, and Lunette’s absence cast a shadow over the school. The once vibrant and confident girl had vanished, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill.
