The Newbie

(Emily's POV)

What was I thinking. What was I feeling? I love Paige. Only Paige.

Before Alison reaches my front door, I grabbed her arm

"Wait Alison please dont leave okay? I just got caught up in the moment and I wasnt thinking straight, and-and I was really lonely" I said quitely

"Lonely? why would you be lonely?" she asks

"Its because I havent really been with Paige lately and the first time i saw her in 3 weeks was earlier" I said tiredly. But she just chuckles.

"mhm, so..... youre horny?" She says trying not to laugh.

I pulled her into my arms, hugged her, then we went back and finished the movie.

(Alison's POV)

I woke up, brushed my teeth, got dressed and went downstairs. No one is really home its just me and Jason. My parents are barely home they always go on business trips. I skipped breakfast, since i dont eat breakfast anyways why start now? I hop into my pink convertible and drove off to school.

When I got to school i see the girls talking and staring at a girl. I think shes new because i havent seen her here before. She had brown hair like Emily, I would say she was about 5'6. She doesnt wear that much make up so thats good, and she has the same tan as Emily's. They look alot alike but at the same time they look so different. She was wearing high waisted shorts, with a white tank top, yellow flannel tied around her waist, and she was wearing a yellow and white snapback. Damn she looks hot as hell

"Whats up with the new girl?" I ask with a smirk

"Oh her, she transferred here from California, her parent is loaded with money" Spencer says

"Parent?" I Ask suddenly confused

"Oh Yeah, And her Mother died when she was 8" She says quietly.

"How do you know all these stuff about her?" I ask Spencer

"Well if you haven't realized yet, in rosewood, word travels fast" Spencer says

I had to meet this mysterious girl. I walked up to her and tapped on her shoulder and she turns around

"Hey my Name is Alison Dilaurentis" I said flashing her my -Alison Dilaurentis- smile. As i reach out my hand for a handshake. She gladly takes my hand and shook it.

"Autumn, Autumn Foles. Nice to meet you" She says smiling back. I gotta admit her and Emily have the same smile.

"Autumn? Thats a nice name newbie" I Teased her with her new nickname

"Newbie?" She asked

"Well yeah youre new right? So then youre a Newbie" I said as i start to walk back to the other girls with Autumn's hands still holding mine.

"Woah, Emily if you don't stop staring at her and close your mouth flies will get in your mouth" I hear Hanna say while trying to close Emily's mouth.

"Hey guys this is Autumn, Autumn this is Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Spencer" I introduced them all to each other and they all said Hi. After we all introduced each other the bell rang.

"So Sorry guys but i have to get to class" she said going to Fitz's class

"You have Fitz too?" Aria asks

"Yeah. Why is there a problem?" She asks totally confused

"No, of course not, its just all of us have him for 1st period" Spencer says

"Oh. well yay I get to know more about you guys!" Autumn says. And off we are to class.

(At Lunch)

I saw Autumn walking around with her tray looking for a place to sit so I called her over and she gladly sits down next to me, and across from me was Emily, who was sitting next to Hanna and Aria. While Spencer was sitting on the the other side of me. I really wanted to learn more about this girl, I mean she looks like Emily, I wonder if she's like Em too. Right on cue Hanna speaks up.

"So tell us more about yourself, Autumn" Hanna says

"You can call me Aut" she says with a smile

"Okay well Aut tell us anything about yourself"I said while I flashed her a smile

"Well my favorite color is pink, my mom died when I was 8--" before Autumn could finish Hanna cuts her off

"We're all really sorry about your mom Aut. And I don't wanna sound rude or anything but tell us something juicy about yourself" Hanna complains

"Like what?" Autumn asks

"Like are you gay?" Emily suddenly says

"Em you don't just ask people if they're gay" Aria says

"Well I'm sorry I just wanted to know. So are you?" Emily says

"Em.." I said trying to change the subject

"Ali relax it's just a question" Emily says "So are you gay or not?" Autumn gave her a look and said

"Yes. yes I am" Autumn says.

"I'm Canadian and Filipino. I used to swim. and my dad is in the military so he's not around and I'm always alone at home" I saw her eyes and they were glossy so I knew she was about to cry. Talking about her life must've hurt her. being alone and all. I Shot Hanna a look and she immediately took Autumn to the bathroom and tried to calm her down.

"I'll be right there" I shout at Hanna.

"Good job Em. way to make her cry" Spencer says

"Shut up I'm thinking" Emily says

"Sh-She looks like me" Emily says confused."She swims, she's Filipino, her dad is in the military too" Emily says "How can she be exactly like me? AND WE LOOK ALIKE TOO" Emily yells

"Calm your panties Em, you guys don't even look that much alike" I say

"Yeah Em its not like shes trying to steal your identity or something" Aria says

Emily's eyes got bigger. "What if" She paused "She is. What if shes trying to steal my identity?" SHE says as her eyes grew bigger." She's canadian too you know?" Emilys says. This is gonna be an interesting day..
