Chapter 45 Xu Shenting: Are you polite?

"This is nothing, there are even more explosive!"

Lu Yucheng knew a lot, and slowly broke the news according to the degree of explosiveness of each melon.

"What else is there?"

Ye Xudong was just eating melons. After all, there wouldn't be any intersection, just listening to it for fun.

"According to someone who did not want to be named, he asked Master Fu, 'Are you going to marry her?', Master Fu's answer was..."

Lu Yucheng was well versed in the way to whet one's appetite, so he deliberately didn't finish it all at once. , selling off.

"Half of the gossip, I won't have a wife in the future!" Ye Xudong complained in disgust.

"It's not to create an atmosphere, it's nothing." Lu Yucheng retorted, and immediately immersed himself in his unfinished gossip:

"Master Fu said that she will wait for her law, my God! What kind of fairy love is this."

Zhuo Yang: "Wow, this is really cool!"

Ye Xudong: "Wait until he is legally prescribed, will the goblin be so young? Sure enough, old men like to eat small tender grass."

Little tender herb: ...

Xu Chenting doesn't know himself Whether to be excited or calm.

When the legal age to get married, Xu Chenting, who is the party, also said that he didn't know anything about it.

Although a little moved, but why does he need to eat melons to know about things related to him?

Or is it that Fu Boyun is not talking about him? Is he being selfish?

"However, I have to say, that woman has a set, she."

After sharing the gossip, Lu Yucheng couldn't help but sigh.

"That woman?"

Xu Chenting frowned, feeling that he had eaten this melon, but he also felt that he didn't eat it right.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Lu Yucheng didn't know why Xu Chenting had special questions about gender.

"Nothing, I was surprised." Xu Chenting chuckled lightly.

Good you Fu Boyun, one thing in front of others, one thing in front of him, you are finished, hum!

"Shen Chen, eating melons can't get you the point, it's not good!"

Ye Xudong began to teach with the attitude of a master eating melons: "At this time, you should ask, how does that girl have a set?"

Zhuo Yang and Lu Yucheng Nod in agreement.

Xu Chenting smiled and seemed to understand.

However... do

n't nod, he now has the urge to hammer Fu Boyun's head off.

"As far as I know, does this woman, er, Shen Chen think I'm using this word inappropriately? It's not appropriate! Then this little goblin?

" : "Xueba has his own obsessive-compulsive disorder in terms of wording, right! I understand, I understand."

You understand a hammer!

Where did you invent the word OCD? Xueba can't take the blame.

Xu Chenting covered his face and didn't want to explain: "What happened to that little goblin?"

"This little goblin! I just met Master Fu the day before yesterday. Yesterday, Master Fu handed over all of his property to her, and said that she will be settled by law. Getting married, scary!"

After Lu Yucheng finished speaking, he gave an answer first, and nodded his head firmly: "It's scary!"

"Indeed, it's scary. Usually, this kind of love is either true love or it's dropped."

Ye Xu Dong is terrified to think about it!

"Drop your head? Shen Shen?" Zhuo Yang suddenly thought of Xu Chenting's previous state.

"Oh, yes, just like Shen Chen was before."

Lu Yucheng turned to look at Xu Chenting and nodded in agreement.

Xu Chenting: Are you polite?


Xu Chenting's mobile phone on the table vibrated.

Seeing the name on the caller ID above, Xu Chenting's whole body suddenly cooled down.
