SE 2: EP 10 ― What They Become

2015 HYDRA Facility

After deflecting missiles from HYDRA, Trip piloted The Bus to Puerto Rico to pick up Coulson and the other half of their team. May got him on the line earlier to tell him that HYDRA has Audrey and Skye, and Coulson wasn't too happy about that. "Whitehall's demand was for Raina. He said nothing about Audrey or Skye." May said.

"So Ward called an audible when he saw Audrey on the plane," Sharon said.

"Or had his own Agenda the whole time," May said.

"But why Skye too?" Coulson asked.

"I don't know. He told Audrey that he was keeping his promise, and it had to be both her and Skye." May said. Coulson nodded his head as he put the pieces together.

"That means he's taking them to meet their parents. If there's a silver lining, it's that they're both still alive. No matter how twisted he is, we know Ward would never hurt Audrey, and he wouldn't let any of the HYDRA agents hurt her either... which also means, he won't do anything to Skye." Coulson said.

"Because hurting Skye would hurt Audrey," May said and Coulson nodded his head.

"At least we know they're safe," Coulson said and May sighed.

"For now..."


"Checking exits, numbers of men, weapons inventory. I'm impressed. Audrey's training you well. How's your marksmanship?" Grant asked Skye as he was leading her and Audrey through a building. He had them cuffed because he didn't believe that they wouldn't try anything.

"I don't know. Hand me your sidearm, let's find out." Skye said and Audrey laughed a little.

"Cool under pressure. I see Audrey's teaching you control." Grant said.

"That's one of our differences. In S.H.I.E.L.D., they train you to control yourself. HYDRA wants to control everyone else." Audrey said as she looked at him while they were walking upstairs.

"I'm not loyal to HYDRA, Audrey, I told you that before. My orders were to collect Raina. Bringing you and Skye along was my idea." Grant said as he stopped them in front of a door.

"Maybe you don't remember, but we've played this game of 'Let's kidnap Audrey and Skye' before and it didn't end well for you," Audrey said.

"That's not my concern," Grant said as he took off Audrey's cuffs and then did the same thing to Skye.

"Really? Then what is?" Skye asked.

"Keeping my promise to Audrey," Grant said as he opened the door. When Skye and Audrey looked in, a man and a woman stood up from the couches they were on and Audrey looked at Skye, who was already looking at her. The girls walked in the room and Skye already had tears in her eyes.

"I'm sure you four have a lot of catching up to do," Grant said and then he leaned down to Audrey's ear. "I'll be outside if you need me." He said and Audrey quickly turned and caught his jacket before he could walk out.

"I can't do this, Grant." She whispered. He could see the tears in her eyes, her voice was shaky, and she was scared.

"Rey..." He said.

"I...-I can't do this, I can't face them." She whispered.

"I promise... I'll be right outside. Just give it five minutes, and if you still can't handle it, knock on the door, and I'll come to get you." Grant said. Audrey nodded her head. At the moment, it didn't matter to her who Grant was loyal to, she just saw the guy she could depend on during a moment that she was scared to face.

"Okay..." She said. Grant gently squeezed her shoulder before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him. Audrey turned back around to face... well, her parents.

"I'm right here, Audrey..." Skye whispered to her and Audrey nodded her head.

"Look at that... the way the two of you tilt your heads... it's just like... is it nature or nurture?" Calvin asked.

"Skye's my sister? You're my biological dad? And you used my life as a bargaining chip?" Audrey asked.

"You did what!?" Her mother, Cleo said as she stood up.

"I was never going to let her die!" Calvin exclaimed before taking a deep breath. "I promised myself..." Calvin trailed off as he cleared his throat. "...I wouldn't get emotional. Just... I've waited so long for this moment... Let's try again. Hi, I'm Cal... and this is Cleo. Would you like to sit down?" He asked them, but Skye and Audrey didn't move, and neither did their parents. "Right... me either."

"Thank you for meeting with us," Cleo said.

"Thank you for... are you serious? We were kidnapped off of a plane at gunpoint. And that's all you have to say to us?" Audrey snapped.

"You're right... I'm sorry, let's not lose our heads. I...-I'm just a little nervous. I hope it's okay to admit that to you. This is a big moment. Father, daughters, mother, family reunion." Cal said.

"She is not my mother," Skye said about Cleo.

"But she is Audrey's. And I just wanted it to be perfect. I had plans... those little almond cookies, you know? Flowers, maybe. Not like this. Not here... my god, you're both so beautiful. Well, I don't know what you know about us." Cal said.

"You're monsters. Murderers. A trail of death wherever you go." Skye said.

"Those are all true. But you need to understand. You both were taken from me in nearly the exact same fashion and my world fell apart." Cal said as his voice started to break.

"When I woke up after the attack and saw that you were gone... I couldn't handle it." Cleo said. Audrey rolled her eyes. She was trying not to have a panic attack. She knows that she's taught Skye about control, but she was barely holding on ever since Grant's betrayal. She never fully recovered from that and meeting Cal and Cleo felt like another hit.

"Even though they happened 2 years apart, they were the worst days of my life, losing both of my daughters, but... I didn't lose you. I wasn't careless. I didn't forget you were stolen from me!" Cal yelled. Skye backed up when he raised his voice and Audrey moved herself to stand protectively in front of her.

"Nick Fury didn't steal me, he saved me! S.H.I.E.L.D. saved Skye too." Audrey snapped. Cal took a deep breath and Cleo laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Calvin, calm down... you're scaring the girls," Cleo said.

"I...-I wasn't always like this. I wasn't always a... oh..." He took a deep breath and looked at Audrey. "You were born in Nigeria... and when you were born, we were so happy. But that happiness didn't last for long. I ran out one day to get supplies and when I came back, I thought your mother was dead, and you were gone... I searched for you everywhere, and that's how I ended up in China." Cal said and then he turned to Skye. "You were born in China. Your mother was Chinese. When you were first born, we were so happy. I worked in a clinic, and people liked me. I liked myself. After thinking that I lost Audrey and Cleo... it was the fresh start that I needed." Cal said and Audrey rolled her eyes.

"And I searched for the two of you for a long time. I never found you, Audrey, but I did find Cal again, and ever since then, we've been looking for the two of you." Cleo said.

So, he treks across the Western countries in search of Audrey but ultimately ends his search when he meets Skye's mom and then ends up having another baby. Audrey had no desire to claim this man as her father or form a relationship with him. Nick Fury was the only father she needed.

"And then what happened?" Skye asked. Cal sat there and didn't say anything. "Hey!" Skye yelled.

"Audrey, can I just say, I'm sorry? I'm your mother and I didn't protect you. I never got to teach you about your heritage, or the beautiful gift you were born with. But I've waited all of these years to find you... and I won't leave you ever again." Cleo said. Audrey had tears in her eyes. She didn't know who to trust anymore, or what to believe.

"And this is the thing I want to say. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for either of you, that I couldn't protect you... that I couldn't teach you about the stars or sing you to sleep. I know I'm a terrible disappointment, but I'm here now. And everything that's about to happen is supposed to happen. We're going to take care of you both." Cal said.

"Whatever it takes." Cleo agreed.

"Then get us out of here," Skye said.

"What? Oh... maybe we haven't been clear. You're exactly where you're supposed to be. This is your destiny."


"You can't say that you're sorry, or that losing us ruined your life and then kidnap us and say that our destiny is to be locked up with you and team HYDRA!" Skye snapped at Cal.

"It's crazy, and it's creepy, and we're out of here." Audrey snapped as she walked to the door and opened it. She saw two guards looking in. "Tell them to get out of the way or I'm calling for Grant. I know he'll let me out of here." Audrey said.

"Sorry. Hello. Just a little misunderstanding, as you were." Cal said as he jogged over to the door and closed it. "They don't matter. After today, none of them will matter." Cal said.

"Does this Grant boy matter to you?" Cleo asked her daughter. Audrey looked over at her, but she didn't say anything, she didn't know how to answer the question. So she decided not to.

"Of course, it matters! You work for Whitehall and HYDRA! They are the bad guys. That makes you a bad guy!" Skye yelled at Cal, she could see that Audrey wasn't going to answer her mother's question, so she decided to fill the silence.

"No, I don't! I don't work for Whitehall! I could never!" Cal yelled as he started getting in Skye's face. Audrey could see how scared she looked, so she put herself between Skye and Cal.

"Back up... and I won't say it twice." Audrey snapped. Cal took a deep breath and took a step away from the girls. He didn't mean to scare his daughters, but when he got angry, sometimes he couldn't help himself.

"We needed him to find the two of you, to put the pieces together. It's not your fault." Cal said as Skye sat down. Cleo walked over to the girls.

"Audrey, if you would allow me, can we talk a little more privately?" Cleo asked. Audrey looked at Skye because she didn't want to leave her alone with Cal but Skye nodded her head.

"You should," Skye whispered.

"Just shout if you need me," Audrey said. Skye nodded her head and Audrey went with Cleo to a secluded part of the room so they could talk on their own.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions." She said.

"Let's start with how you're alive. My father told me that he found me in your arms as you were dead in a pool of your own blood." Audrey said. Of course, it was Raina who told her that information, but she wasn't going to let Cleo know that.

"And I assume by father, you mean...-" She cut her off.

"...-Nick Fury. Yes. He is my father. Answer my question." Audrey said.

"I'm special, Audrey. I have a gift. We come from a line of people who have gifts. You have a gift. So does Skye, because her mother was also gifted. It is why Cal and I brought you both here. So you can receive those gifts. It's your birthright. There's a transformation... a change that has to happen...-" Audrey cut her off.

"...-So, what? Your gift is the power of resurgence. My father said you were dead." Audrey said.

"That is one part of my gifts, yes. But it's also like an energy flow... I can show you...-" She was cut off by the door opening and a HYDRA agent coming inside.

"Dr. Whitehall wants you." He said to Cal and Cleo. Cleo led her daughter back over to Skye and Cal as the Agent closed the door.

"I will make plenty of time to answer all of your questions, but first, now that he's served his purpose, I'm gonna kill the man who destroyed my life... twice," Cal said as he stood up.

"Best day ever," Cleo said. Audrey and Skye looked at each other, they couldn't believe they were so excited to kill someone. He hummed as they made their way out of the door and Audrey looked at Skye.

"Even Grant shows more remorse than that..." Audrey said and Skye looked over at her. They had tears in their eyes and Audrey frowned. "I know... I'm not okay either." Audrey whispered and then she wrapped her arms around her sister. Skye clung to Audrey as Audrey clung to her.

They cried together.


"One question. How do they fit in?" Audrey heard Dr. Whitehall say as she and Skye were being brought down the hallway. The girls didn't get to cry too much before HYDRA agents were dragging them out of the room. They were now in the same room as Whitehall, Raina, Grant, their parents, and other HYDRA Agents.

"I needed insurance. That S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn't blow us out of the sky." Grant lied.

"But you also ordered that the S.H.I.E.L.D. plane shouldn't be shot down. I had to counter that order myself." Whitehall said and Grant shrugged his shoulders. "I have a theory as to why they're here." He said. Agent 33 came out with a briefcase in hand and when she opened it, the obelisk was inside. "I'd like you both to pick it up. One at a time." Whitehall said.

"You first," Audrey said. A HYDRA agent clocked his gun and pointed it right at Audrey. Grant almost pulled his gun out on the agent, but he didn't. He knew Audrey could handle it. She looked over at her mother who nodded her head, and then she looked at Skye. She walked over to the briefcase and picked it up and her eyes widened.

"Audrey!" Grant exclaimed because he didn't know if it would hurt her or not.

It started to glow and the symbols started to appear. Then she turned and put it into the neck of one of the HYDRA agents, turning his skin to stone. In the moment of distraction, Skye disarmed the HYDRA agent that pointed the gun at them, while Cal and Cleo began to attack too. Agent 33 pointed her gun at Audrey, and other HYDRA agents pointed their guns too as Whitehall approached them.

"Now give it to Skye," Whitehall said. Audrey rolled her eyes and she looked at Skye. Skye nodded her head and took the obelisk from Audrey, and it did the same thing. It started to glow with the symbols, and it didn't affect her. "I hope you're as special as your mother." He said. Agent 33 came up and with gloves on, she took the obelisk away from Skye. "I'll confess. I didn't recognize you when you first barged into my office." He said to Cal.

"If my daughters weren't here, I would tear you and your men to pieces." Cal snapped.

"Wait, daughters?" Grant whispered to Audrey.

"Oh, you didn't know? Skye and I are half-sisters." Audrey snapped back before taking one step away from Grant and she sighed.

"Well, then. I'll add that to the number of reasons that I'm glad they are here." Whitehall said and then he looked at Grant. "You are the piece of the puzzle that I can't decipher. Why are you really here?" Whitehall asked.

"Is it really that hard to see? It's love. Agent Ward believes if he helps Audrey fulfill her destiny, she'll see him for who he really is and hopefully take him back." Raina said. As soon as Raina said, 'It's love,' Audrey turned and looked at Grant, and he turned to look at her too. She didn't know what to think. She knows Grant loves her, and he knows that she loves him too.

But she also knows they could never be together again.

"Aww... how sweet," Whitehall said before turning to Audrey. "It's a pity that you won't get to fulfill that destiny." He said and then he turned to Cal. "Or that after all these years, you won't get your vengeance for what I did to your wife." He said and then he turned to Cleo. "Or you, for what I did to your village." He said. Two HYDRA agents knocked out Cal and Cleo immediately. "Secure them." He said. An agent came up and handcuffed Ward. "Remain alert around Agent Ward. He's a trained killer... one of the best. I have a feeling that, in time, I can make you comply." He said.

Two HYDRA guards grabbed Skye and Audrey and Audrey tried to fight against them. "Get off of me!" She snapped. Grant looked over at her.

"Audrey, don't fight it... I won't let them hurt you."


"Did he hurt you?" Cal asked his daughters when he regained consciousness. The agents separated them from Grant. They were in the same room but on opposite sides. They had Skye and Audrey tied down to chairs. Cal and Cleo were thrown on the ground in front of them, but they were now waking up. Audrey and Skye shook their heads.

"Oh, good. You're awake." Dr. Whitehall said as he walked in.

"I've waited years for this," Cal said as he advanced at him. Dr. Whitehall had a device in his hands and when he pressed it. Cal dropped to the ground and Cleo immediately went to his aide.

"Cal!" She exclaimed and then she looked at Whitehall. "What did you do to him?" Cleo asked.

"Do you know what your mothers' special gifts are?" Whitehall asked as he looked at Skye and Audrey.

"No," Skye said.

"She was telling me before your agents so rudely interrupted," Audrey said.

"Neither of them ages. At least, not like the rest of us, and Audrey, your mother can resurrect herself. I wonder if those are your gifts as well. Or if you two are special in different ways." He said as he put his hand on Audrey's knee.

"Take your hand off of me, or I will break it." Audrey snapped. Dr. Whitehall laughed as he moved his hand.

"Discovery requires experimentation," Whitehall said. Then he turned to Cal and Cleo. "I killed your wife, and before I kill the two of you, I want you to watch what I do to your daughters," Whitehall said. Before anything could happen, they heard gunshots and Audrey smiled.

Coulson was here.


Cleo pulled the device from Cal's neck that caused him to seize, and then Cal killed the guard who was standing over Grant and threw him down. "You're welcome. Now let's get out of here." Grant said.

"Um, yeah! Hello! Us too." Audrey said.

"Come on!" Audrey exclaimed.

"It's safer here. And Cleo and I are about to do something to Whitehall, we don't want you to see us like that." Cal said as Cleo walked over to him.

"I don't mind... seeing," Grant said and Audrey rolled her eyes. "Hell, I'm happy to help," Grant said.

"No... we have to do this ourselves," Cal said.

"What! Hey!" Audrey yelled as they walked out of the room. "Parents of the damn year, they could've at least untied us," Audrey said and Skye rolled her eyes.

"I wouldn't mind if we never saw them again," Skye said and Audrey nodded her head.

"Agreed, sis."


Grant managed to get himself free by knocking his chair over and taking the knife from the guard that Cal killed. Then he walked over to Audrey and Skye. He knelt in front of Audrey and started to untie the ropes. "I'm sorry your little family reunion didn't go as planned," Grant said.

"I told you I had no desire to find my biological family... that sentiment stays perfectly intact after meeting them," Audrey said.

"Hey, I'm technically your biological family too," Skye said.

"Well, luckily I met you before all of this went down," Audrey said.

"Look, the least I can do is get you out of here, and that's what I'm going to do," Grant said. He cut the rest of the ropes around Audrey and then he freed Skye and stood back up. "Stay here while I check on the door." He said. Skye discreetly ran over to the guard and grabbed his gun, and Audrey was chasing after Skye not knowing what she was about to do.

When Audrey caught up to her, Skye fired three shots at Grant. "Never turn your back on the enemy. You taught me that... Audrey, come on." Skye said as she started to walk out. But Audrey was frozen. Her eyes widened as she watched Grant sink down to the ground holding his wounds and seeing the blood.

"No, no, no, no..." Audrey was triggered as she watched Grant fall. She was back in Odessa, she could feel the blood all over her as she held Caleb in her arms, and as she looked at Grant on the ground, she could already see him dead. She knew she couldn't leave, but she was frozen in place. "I...-I'll catch up," Audrey said.

"Audrey..." Skye said.

"I'm not arguing with you... g...-go." Audrey said. Skye sighed and against her better judgment, she left Audrey. When Skye was gone, Audrey ran over to Grant and she helped him sit up.

"Are you okay? What can I do?" She asked as she laid her hands down on his shoulders. Grant could see the panic in her eyes and he knew what she was thinking about.

"You should go, Audrey... This is triggering you, I can see it," Grant said and she shook her head.

"No... I...-I can't go... You can't make me leave," She whispered as she started crying. "I'm so sorry, Grant." She whispered and Grant shook his head.

"No... I'm sorry for all the pain I caused." Grant whispered.

"What are you doing?" Audrey heard. When she turned around, she saw Agent 33 standing there with her gun pointed at her.

"Get away from us, or I will kill you." Audrey snapped.

"Like Coulson killed Whitehall?" She asked.

"He did? Good." Audrey said. She took her moment of distractedness to quickly disarm her and then she threw a punch. Agent 33 dodged it and then she swung her leg and kicked Audrey's wrist which made her drop the gun. Agent 33 tried to run over to Grant, but Audrey grabbed her arm and twisted her back. "Stay away from him." Audrey snapped.

She kicked Agent 33 back into the wall and then went to punch her, but Agent 33 grabbed her wrist and twisted it back which made Audrey cry out in pain. But she brought her knee up and kneed Agent 33 in the gut, which made her let go of her wrist. Audrey swung a punch and punched her back into the wall. Agent 33 hit her head with so much force that she fell to the ground unconscious.

Audrey immediately ran back to Grant.

"Can you stand? Let me get you somewhere safe." Audrey said. Grant nodded his head and wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she helped him off the ground.

"Why are you helping me, Rey? After everything?" He asked. He was weak, and his voice came out weakly.

"Because... despite everything, I love you, Grant Ward, and you promised you would never die on a mission in front of me."


When Audrey got them out of there, he gave Audrey directions to a secure hotel, but Audrey told him that she had to go back. Skye was still in there, the obelisk was at play, and she couldn't let her be alone through this. All Grant asked for was a promise that she'll come back and even though she knew she shouldn't. She gave him her word that she would come back.

When she got back to the HYDRA facility, she saw Skye standing outside of some kind of hole in the ground. "I didn't think you'd be back," Skye said.

"I couldn't leave my sister in here to fend for herself," Audrey said and Skye smiled.

"Cal almost killed Coulson." She said.

"Is he okay?" Audrey asked and Skye nodded her head.

"Raina and the obelisk are down there. We have to put an end to it." Skye said and Audrey nodded her head.

"That's why I came back," Audrey said.

"And when we end this... are you... going back to him?" Skye asked. Audrey didn't want to answer. She was so ashamed. She knew she should stay away from Grant, but she couldn't. "Are you mad at me for shooting him?" Skye asked and Audrey shook her head.

"There's something I should probably tell you about. I'm not mad you shot him, but you triggered the memory of my best friend dying in my arms. Are you mad at me for still being in love with him?" Audrey asked without meeting her eye.

"No... Audrey, you've been like my sister long before we found out we actually were sisters. If you ever need someone to talk to about this, I may not fully understand, but I will be here for you, no matter what, and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trigger you," Skye said and Audrey shook her head.

"We should focus on Raina, we can have this conversation later. Come on."


Skye and Audrey made their way through the tunnels and when they turned a corner, Mack was standing there. But they didn't know that he had been possessed by something. "Mack!" Skye said and then she let out a breath of relief as she lowered her gun. "You scared the hell out of me. What are you doing down here?" Skye asked.

Coulson was also down here looking for them, and so were Sharon and Trip. May told him and Fitz-Simmons that Coulson, Skye, and Audrey were down there. When Skye found Coulson, she didn't tell him that Audrey helped Grant, she just alluded to him that Audrey was going to help her with the obelisk because she was hoping she'd come back. Trip jumped back down to get rid of all of the explosives they had rigged the tunnel with.

"Mack!" Audrey exclaimed as they approached him. When he turned around, the girls gasped. His eyes were completely black and Audrey's eyes widened.

"Okay... Okay, come on, we have to get out of here. Mack..." Skye said as she grabbed his arm, but he wouldn't move. "Mack!" Skye yelled and he still didn't budge. "We're gonna come back, okay?" Skye said as they walked deeper into the tunnel. They followed where they saw light and when they made their way inside.

Raina was already there.

"I knew you two would come," Raina said. Skye dropped the light she was holding, but the girls kept their guns drawn and aimed at Raina.

"Somebody has to stop you," Audrey said.

"Your whole life... our whole lives... have been leading to this moment," Raina said.

"Sorry. But we don't buy into the whole, 'this is your destiny,' thing." Skye said.

"We're taking the obelisk and we're leaving. There are too many lives at stake." Audrey said.

"You've got it all wrong. Whitehall, everyone has got it all wrong. This doesn't destroy. It gives life. New life. We finally get to find out what we become." Raina said. Audrey could not believe how insane this woman sounded. The obelisk started to glow the way it did when Audrey and Skye held it.

"Make it stop!" Skye yelled.

"I can't," Raina said as she let it go. It levitated through the air and landed on the rock statue in front of them. "None of us can now," Raina said. Then the ground started to rumble beneath them and the room started to shake. "If you want to leave, now is your chance." She said as the doors were starting to close. "I have to admit, I'm just the tiniest bit nervous." She said.

As the walls started closing in, Audrey noticed the fire and when she turned, her eyes widened. "No, Trip! Get out of here!" Audrey said as he walked over to them. "What are you doing here? You have to go." She said.

"I came to get you and Skye." Trip said.

"No, Trip, get out! We know the obelisk doesn't hurt us, but we have no idea what it'll do to you," Audrey grabbed his arm and forced him out of the tunnel before the walls closed.

"Skye! Audrey!" Trip yelled as the walls closed before he could come back in. After the walls were closed, the obelisk opened up and Audrey's eyes widened when she saw the blue crystals inside.

"How do we stop it?" Audrey asked. Skye shook her head.

"I don't think we can," Skye said. The crystals started to expand and then they were starting to glow as they were all watching.

"What's supposed to happen?" Audrey asked.

"Something beautiful..." Raina said. Audrey was getting impatient and she didn't trust anything. She lifted her leg to round-house kick the crystals and they all broke with a smash.

Then they were hit by a mist. At first, nothing happened, but then Audrey heard a strange noise. She looked down to see that her hand was starting to cover with something black, and it felt like stone. "Oh god... oh my god..." Audrey's eyes widened because she thought she knew what this meant.

She thought she was about to die.

"Audrey!" She turned her head as Skye was quickly wrapped up, and Audrey was about to be completely covered too. She also saw starting to cover Raina.

The stone slowly started to break away and chip off Audrey, Skye, and Raina. When it fell from around Audrey's eyes then it started to chip away from her mouth. As the shell began to break from around Audrey, released from inside of her was a powerful, bright, sonic blast that broke through the rest of the stone. When Skye broke out of hers, a sonic blast came from her which was now shaking the entire facility. Audrey sank to her knees and she took a deep breath; she wasn't sure what just happened to them.

"What the hell just happened?"


powers are in play! now the real fun begins. and yes, trip is alive because there was no reason to kill him. I heard they killed trip off because BJ (actor) got hired for another project, but they literally could've had Trip off doing something undercover until BJ's other project was over.

don't forget to vote/comment.

