
Okay I think I'm going to start spelling it "Kyoka Jirou" but if I accidentally type "Kyouka Jirou" then I'm sorry.

⚠️TW⚠️ honestly there will probably be one of these in each chapter so I advise you to just always read my writing with caution :)

Recap time~

Momo POV

I look at her for a couple seconds before turning back to my original position. "Fine. I'll tell you in the morning or something."

Jirou sighs. "Good enough. And like I said, I'm not leaving so I'm sleeping over whether you like it or not."

I smile and turn to look at her again. "I don't mind at all."

She smiles back before laying down. "Night Yaomomo."

"Goodnight Jirou."

Recap time over~

Momo POV

I open my eyes and squint from the light in my room. I literally have like no energy right now. 

Thank God it's Saturday.

I start getting up, but I realize my sheets feel weird on one part of my leg. I move and...

The heck is that? Wait. Don't tell me...

I roll my shorts up and there it is. Some dried blood from the cut I made on my thigh and some on the sheets of my bed.


It's that moment that I realize that Jirou is right next to me.

How am I supposed to hide that stain?!

I sigh and just put my pillow and a blanket over it for now so I can get ready. As I'm looking through my closet, Jirou wakes up.

"Yaomomo? What are you doing?"

I look at her confused. "Picking out an outfit today? Why else would I be in my closet?"

Jirou doesn't answer, she just looks at me with a blank expression.

"Is something wrong?" I ask her.

"Come here."

Well that sounded serious, what's wrong with her?

I comply and sit on the bed. "Sooo...what do you need?"

" 'I'll tell you in the morning or something' was what you said last night. It's morning now."

I forgot I said that!!

"W-Where are you going with this?" I ask her.

She looks annoyed with me and I would laugh if I wasn't in a state of panic. (I know what you're thinking, she's not gay panicking)

"You're going to stay in this room until you tell me why you 'got mad' last night."

 She added sarcasm when saying "got mad."

I cough, "Is there any way I could get out of this?"

Jirou smirks at me and I blush a little.

Why do I have to blush at the smallest things. LiKe WhY?

"Nope. So start talking."

I cross my arms and mumble, "I hate you.."

I said it like a whining kid and she laughed a little.

"Just start talking..please?"

Jirou 's mood changed into sadness very quickly when she said that.

I look down and don't dare looking her in the eyes.

"Like I said, I got mad and yelled.."

Jirou sighs. "Yaomomo I know there's more to it. You're not the type to just get mad and yell. Something triggered that response and I need you to tell me.."

"You got me all figured out don't you..?"

"Heh..yeah I guess I do."

"Well point in not talking if you obviously know something happened... I got mad and yelled because of the voices." That sounds creepy wtf


"Yeah..two voices in my head were arguing and it got to the point where I guess I couldn't take I yelled and the arguing stopped."

"Yaomomo...what were they arguing about?"

'Whether or not I should hurt myself' HA! Like I'd just say that.


Jirou gets off the bed and walks around to me. "Look..I know you're in a bad place right now so I won't make you say it. But I will talk to you about this again."

She spreads her arms out and I get up to hug her.

I really missed this...holding Jirou in my arms.

"I'm here for you Yaomomo...I'm s-so sorry for what I've done to you..."

Jirou's voice is..breaking?

I reluctantly pull away from the hug and look at her. There's tears collecting in her eyes.

"Jirou...there's no need to be sorry-"

She cuts me off.

"But there is! I broke you Yaomomo! I was r-rude and selfish... I made you try to kill yourself. You almost d-died and it's a-all my fault..I'm so s-sorry."

The tears I saw are now running down Jirou's face and I'm taken back by what she said.

Jirou POV

I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to break.'s all hitting me now. Yaomomo could've died last night. She could've died! Gone forever! And I was a reason for that! It's my fault...I can't do it anymore, my legs give out and I'm now on my knees, sobbing in front of Yaomomo. 

She sits on the floor and holds me in her arms. "'s alright, I'm okay."

That's a lie...I know you aren't 'okay.'

I hold her tightly and cry into her shoulder while trying to speak.

"Y-You a-almost d-died...y-you can't d-die..."

Her grip around me tightens and she stays silent.

Once I finally stop crying, (which took like 10 minutes) she looks me in the eyes.

"I'm alive aren't I..? I'm right here Jirou..."

I give her a small smile and she gives one back.

Sadly, I let go of her and she stands up while holding her hand out. "Come on..I'll take you to your dorm."

I nod and take her hand. She pulls me up and continues holding my hand as we walk out of her dorm. I mentally smile to myself.

I let go of her hand and open my dorm door, but I don't go in.

"You okay..?"

"Y-Yeah, sorry."

Yaomomo's face is concerned, but she knows I'm not going to say anything else.

"I'll be going now..."

She starts to turn away, but I can't let her leave.


She turns back and looks at me.


"Please...don't go."


Omg I actually worked on this. The next part will probably take a while, considering I barely had the motivation to write this one. Hope you've enjoyed this so far! Have a good day/night/evening!
